
  1. 但是华盛顿EnoughProject的政策顾问ColinThomas-Jensen称,将大笔款项拨给非洲联盟的决定可能会给索马里过渡联邦政府造成额外的问题。

    But Policy Advisor Colin Thomas-Jensen of the Enough Project in Washington says the decision to allocate much of the money to the African Union is likely to cause additional problems for Somalia 's transitional federal government .

  2. 索马里过渡联邦政府外交事务部长MohamedIbrahim强调了形势的迫切性。

    The urgency of the Somali situation was stressed by Mohamed Ibrahim , Minister of Foreign Affairs for Somalia 's Transitional Federal Government .

  3. 参加会议的有来自半自治的邦特兰和Glamudug的代表,以及与索马里过渡联邦政府联盟的武装组织“先知的信徒”(AhluSunnahWalJama'a)。

    In for the meeting are representatives of semi-autonomous states such as Puntland and Glamudug , as well as Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa , an armed group allied to Somalia 's Transitional Federal Government .

  4. 六方签署了路线路,包括索马里过渡联邦政府和地区政府。

    Six parties have signed the roadmap , including the leaders of Somalia 's Transitional Federal Government and regional governments .

  5. 几个月来,埃塞俄比亚官员对索马里过渡联邦政府无力行使政府职能表示失望。

    For months , Ethiopian officials have expressed frustration at the transitional federal government 's inability to function as a governing body .

  6. 他说,那是联合国的任务。他们赋予索马里过渡联邦政府以合法性;

    That , he said , is the job of the United Nations , which gave legitimacy to Somalia 's Transitional Federal Government ;

  7. 安理会第1851号决议把目前的反海盗措施向前推进了一步,授权得到索马里过渡联邦政府允许的国家“在索马里采取所有必要的手段”,抓捕海盗或武装强盗。

    Resolution 1851 takes current anti-piracy measures a step further , authorizing states with permission from Somalia 's transitional federal government , to " undertake all necessary measures in Somalia " to pursue and capture pirates or armed robbers .

  8. 索马里过渡联邦政府官员对该政府的未来深表担忧,因为索马里政府的主要军事后盾和政治盟友埃塞俄比亚宣布准备在年底之前从索马里撤军。

    Somalia 's Transitional Government Fears Withdrawal of Ethiopian Troops Officials in Somalia 's transitional federal government are expressing deep concern about the future of the government after its chief military backer and political ally , Ethiopia , announced its intention to withdraw its forces from Somalia by the end of the year .

  9. 索马里的过渡联邦政府宣布,青年党武装份子已经撤出摩加迪沙,非洲联盟支持的政府控制了首都。

    Somali officials said successful military operations this week by government and African Union forces drove the al-Qaida-linked militant group out of the capital city .

  10. 鉴于此,西方国家和非洲各国一道协助索马里建立了过渡联邦政府,他们希望该政府能够承担起这个国家的各项事务。

    With this in mind , Western and African governments have over the past few years propped up a transitional federal government , which they hope can eventually take charge .