
  • 网络Presidents of Somalia
  1. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员RamtaneLamamra称,这些进攻武装由附近的厄立特里亚支持,来自城市外围,企图占领索马里总统宫殿VillaSomalia。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra said the attacking force , backed by nearby Eritrea , came from outside the city and was trying to capture Villa Somalia , the presidential palace .

  2. 不过其中最重要的是,索马里总统阿卜杜拉希.尤素福决定接受解除摩加迪沙市长和地区负责人穆罕默德.迪瑞的职务。

    But the most important involves Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf 's decision to accept the dismissal of Mogadishu 's mayor and the regional governor , Mohamed Dheere .

  3. 非洲高级和平和安全官员欢迎索马里总统阿卜杜拉希·优素福辞职,他表示,这为采取措施防止索马里从衰退走向混乱扫清了障碍。

    Africa 's top peace and security official has welcomed the resignation of Somalia 's President Abdullahi Yusuf , saying it clears the way for actions that could prevent the country from descending into chaos as Ethiopian troops withdraw .

  4. 但是索马里Puntland总统AbdirahmanMohamedFarole呼吁国外援助以安定索马里,称这样是防止极端主义组织占领更多领土的最佳方式。

    But the President of the Puntland State of Somalia , Abdirahman Mohamed Farole , foreign ance to stable areas of the country , saying this would be the best way to prevent extremist groups from expanding areas they control :

  5. 我们再次祝贺谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德先生当选为索马里新总统,欢迎新政府组建成立。

    Once again we congratulate Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on his election as President of Somalia and we welcome the formation of a new Government .

  6. 国务卿希拉里·克林顿下星期将开始对非洲七国的访问,期间将在内罗毕会见索马里过渡总统艾哈迈德。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton begins a seven-nation Africa trip next week that will include a Nairobi meeting with the TFG President , Sheikh Sharif Ahmed .

  7. 周三3名自杀式炸弹袭击者袭击了在摩加迪沙市中心的一家酒店,当时索马里新当选的总统哈桑·谢赫·马哈茂德正在这里会见肯尼亚外交部的一位代表。

    Three suicide bombers attacked a hotel Wednesday in downtown Mogadishu where newly-elected Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was meeting with a delegation from the Kenyan foreign ministry .

  8. 在这位伊斯兰领袖参加了联合国发起的谈判后,谢里夫在一次扩大的议会选举中被推选为索马里过渡政府的总统。那次谈判为埃塞俄比亚军队上个月从索马里撤走铺平了道路。

    After the Islamist leader participated in U.N. - sponsored talks that paved the way for an Ethiopian troop withdrawal from Somalia last month , Sheik Sharif was elected president of Somalia 's interim government by an expanded parliament .

  9. 美国强烈谴责武装组织“索马里青年党”在摩加迪沙针对索马里总统府发动的袭击。

    The United States has " strongly " condemned an attack by militant group al-Shabaab against Somalia 's presidential palace in Mogadishu .