
  • 网络SONY;Sony Ericsson;SonyEricsson;soaiy
  1. 索爱将学习并跟随诺基亚步步为营的WEB服务战略。

    Sony Ericsson would follow Nokia 's tactic of slowly building up to a full-on Web services push .

  2. 索爱2001年成立合资公司的时候,它结合了索尼和爱立信亏本的手机业务,成为全球手机市场第六大参与者。

    When Sony Ericsson formed the joint venture in2001 , it combined the unprofitable handset operations from Ericsson and Sony and became sixth-biggest player in the global market .

  3. 新的竞争者类似于HTC也在销售数量上完全超越索爱。

    New competitors like HTC now outsell Sony Ericsson by widening numbers .

  4. 竞争者之一的索爱,为其用户提供了通行的、由其姊妹公司SonyBMG发布的有限的音乐资源,而且看上去发展地更快。

    Rival Sony Ericsson , currently offers a limited collection of tunes from sister recording company Sony BMG , but may soon expand .

  5. 这款手机是索爱首款基于Android的UX开放式平台系统的智能手机。

    The smartphone is promised to be the first of many devices built upon the company 's Android-based UX " Open OS " platform .

  6. 首先,我想对大家说近来所有的问题是属于索爱的。

    First , I want to say that nearly all problems belong to SE .

  7. 但索爱还面临着另外一个问题,那就是日本也是其重要的销售市场。

    It faces a further problem as the country is one of its important sales markets .

  8. 首先,索爱能够抓住一个使人非常兴奋并被吸引参与其中的诱饵&在演出时为获奖歌手颁奖的机会。

    First of all , Sony Ericsson was able to secure a major incentive to get people excited and to enter-that being the chance to announce an award winner at the show .

  9. 首先,索爱能够抓住一个使人非常兴奋并被吸引参与其中的诱饵——在演出时为获奖歌手颁奖的机会。

    First of all , Sony Ericsson was able to secure a major incentive to get people excited and to enter - that being the chance to announce an award winner at the show .

  10. 索爱表示:虽然目前状况对我们的业务的总体影响还需要更长时间才能评估,(我们)预期供应链的运行会受到干扰。

    Sony Ericsson said : Although the full impact of the current situation on our business will take additional time to assess , [ we ] anticipate disruption to [ our ] supply-chain operations .

  11. 索爱从所有的申请者中挑选了100名幸运的赢家,他们将参与到为期9天的从伦敦到利物浦的第一次“歌迷大暴走”行程中。

    Sony Ericsson picked 100 lucky winners ( based on their personal submissions ) who made the journey from London to Liverpool over a 9 day period for the first ever " Fan Walk . "

  12. 其次,该活动与索爱产品属性相契合——人们可以使用它的音乐手机来听音乐、搜索路线、拍照、拍摄视频、与朋友短信聊天等等。

    Next , there is a natural product tie-in for Sony Ericsson - having people listen to music via their Walkman phone as well as map their route via the phone , take photos , capture videos , text friends and more .

  13. 作为该奖赞助商的索爱不仅能得到门票,而且还能决定一位超级歌迷可以在成千上万的观众前宣布谁将获得“最佳影视歌星”奖。

    Sony Ericsson was a sponsor of the awards which made it possible to not only to get the tickets but to secure the opportunity for one big music fan to announce the winner of the " best video star " category while millions of people across the continent were watching .