
  • 网络theoretical capacity
  1. 缺陷尖晶石型Li(1±x)Mn2O4中,随着Li成分的增加,晶胞参数逐渐增大,总能量和电池的平均电压逐渐减少,理论容量随着含锂量或Li/Mn摩尔比的增加而减少。

    In addition , the theoretical capacity decreases with an increase in lithium content or the Li / Mn molar ratio .

  2. 采用Al极片作为锂离子二次电池的负极材料在循环中表现出较好的综合性能,容量可到达400mAh/g,高于石墨理论容量。

    The conclusions were showed as following : 1 . Aluminum electrode showed relatively good property in the cycles as negative material of lithium-ion secondary batteries . Its capacity reached 400mAh / g , which is higher than the theoretical capacity of carbon .

  3. 采用变分法,对平均功率受限条件下的用户线的理论容量进行了估算,利用分别得到的白噪声和NEXT条件下的信道容量,给出了一般条件下用户信道的理论上限。

    Finally , the capacity in theory when average power is limited is estimated . Then noise and channel capacity in NEXT is gotten and the ultra-limitation of subscriber channel in theory in general condition is presented .

  4. 基于MIMO技术用于多天线系统的空时编码是可以使信息容量接近理论容量的一种实用编码。

    Space-time coding ( STC ) is a set of practical signal design techniques aimed at approaching the information theoretic capacity limit of MIMO channels , which is used for multi-antenna systems based on MIMO technology .

  5. 特别在高倍率下(1C),放电容量达到理论容量的63.6%,具有较小的极化效应,容量中点的充放电电位差△V仅为177mV。

    Specially , at high 1 C rate , the cell reaches 63.6 % of theory capacity to discharge capacity and has minor polarization effect with only 177 mV of potential difference (△ V ) of charge-discharge median capacity .

  6. 最后,本文结合CMT系统在参加信息产业部的CDMA外场测试时的路测数据,举例了理论容量和实际测试容量的不同,还列举分析了两个典型的移动台掉话现象。

    At last , this paper cites the results of the road test of CDMA communication system launched by the information industry department and analyzes the difference , two kinds of call drop are cited as well .

  7. 除了知道每个VM所提供的虚拟CPU和内存的理论容量之外,我们对VM的实际规格知之甚少(存储类型、网络、处理器速度等)。

    Except for knowing the theoretical number of virtual CPUs and memory provided with each VM , we knew very little about the actual specifications of the VMs ( storage type , network , processor speed , and so forth ) .

  8. Ti-V基BCC相合金由于其较高的理论容量,在作为燃料电池的供氢源以及高容量Ni-MH电池的负极材料方面具有良好的应用前景。

    Ti-V-based BCC phase alloys have attractive prospect for use as hydrogen storage media for fuel cell and negative active materials for Ni-MH batteries due to their higher hydrogen capacity .

  9. 锡基材料由于其较高的理论容量(994mAhg-1),而成为近年来的研究热点之一。

    Tin-based materials attracted many scholars , because of their high theoretical capacity ( 994mAhg-1 ) .

  10. LiNiO2因为低廉的价格和高的理论容量(275mAh·g~(-1))成为研究的热点。

    LiNiO_2 has been intensely investigated because of its low cost and large theoretical capacity ( 275mAh · g ~ ( - 1 )) .

  11. 目前商业化的锂离子电池广泛采用的石墨化的碳负极材料具有优异的循环性能,但其理论容量仅为372mAhg-1,一定程度上导致了锂离子电池的能量密度不能满足人们的需要。

    Graphite is the widely commercial anode material for lithium-ion batteries because of its excellent cycle performance . However , the theoretical specific capacity of graphite is only 372 mAh g-1 , so that the energy density of lithium-ion batteries cannot satisfy the needs of the people .

  12. 锂锰氧化合物的分子模型及理论容量计算

    Molecular model and Calculation for Capacity of Spinel Li_xMn_2O_4 Compound

  13. 这会把理论容量提高到每秒154个请求,瓶颈位置就会转到数据库。

    This would give a theoretical capacity of154 requests per second , pushing the bottleneck to the database .

  14. 它具有较高的理论容量,良好的循环性能,丰富的原料来源,低廉的成本,良好的安全性能以及对环境友好等特性。

    It has high theoretical capacity , good cycle performance , low cost , safety and low harm .

  15. 第3章研究了基于静止图像的信息隐藏理论容量问题,提出了水印信道的概念,建立了水印信道模型,阐述了水印信道与传统通信的区别与联系。

    The concept of watermarking channel is presented , and the difference between watermarking channel and communication channel is discussed .

  16. 钒酸盐用作锂电池正极材料,具有安全稳定性好、理论容量高、倍率性能好等优点。

    Vanadate as the cathode materials has the advantages of stability , high theoretical capacity , high-rate capability and so on .

  17. 经过较大的电流密度测试后,材料在小电流密度下仍然保持着接近理论容量的循环容量。

    After cycling at a high current density , the batteries still show the high capacity at the low current density .

  18. 将系统评估所得结果与原有理论容量评估结果进行比较,验证了评估模型的准确性和优越性;

    Comparing the results of former evaluation system and that of this one , the correctness of the proposed model was verified ;

  19. 氧化锰是理想的超级电容器电极材料,资源丰富、价格便宜、理论容量高。

    Manganese oxide is an ideal supercapacitor electrode material , which is rich in natural resources , cheap and high theoretical capacity .

  20. 锡基材料作为新型的锂离子电池负极材料,具有较高的理论容量,极具发展潜力和应用前景。

    Tin-based materials with a high specific capacity have potential development and application prospects as a new type of lithium-ion battery anode materials .

  21. 在多输入多输出信道中,空时编码是可以使信息容量接近理论容量的一种较实用的编码。

    Over multiple-input and multiple-output channels , space-time coding is one of practical coding that can make the informational capacity approaching the theoretical capacity .

  22. 但石墨理论容量低且有安全性问题,因此高理论容量、安全性好的新型负极材料得到越来越多的关注。

    Graphite has a low theoretical capacity and safety problems , so researchers are seeking new materials with higher theoretical capacity and more safety .

  23. 中国特色社会主义具有足够的理论容量,也有巨大的创新空间。

    To unify the path and the system is to scientifically orient socialism with Chinese characteristics , which has sufficient theoretical capacity and enormous innovation space .

  24. 这种非锂离子脱嵌过程的存在是造成最初几次充放电容量大于理论容量的原因之一。

    The existence of non - lithiation / delithiation of Li-ion is the main reason of the phenomenon that discharge capacity is more than the charge capacity .

  25. 铝金属燃料电池理论容量大、比能量高、资源丰富、无污染,是理想的新型动力电池。

    Aluminum air metal fuel cell is ideal for the new type power batteries because of its large theoretical capacity , high specific energy , abundant resources and pollution-free .

  26. 作为锂离子电池负极材料天然石墨具有平稳、较低的充放电平台,较高的理论容量,是一种十分理想的锂离子电池负极材料。

    It is considered to be an ideal anode material for lithium ion battery because of its high theoretical lithium intercalating capacity and flat and low charge / discharge plateau at low potential .

  27. 与特斯拉即将量产的锂聚电池相比,铝空气电池理论容量多出40倍以上。而且富士色素表示,将在今年底前实现项目商业化。

    Aluminium-air batteries have a theoretical capacity morethan 40 times greater than the lithium-ion cells Tesla will soon mass-produce , and Fuji Pigment has stated it will commercialize its innovation by the end of 2015 .

  28. 与商业化的碳极相比,合金负极材料具有理论容量高、快速充放电能力等优点,因而是一类非常有发展前景的高比能锂离子电池负极材料。

    Compared with graphite anodes , alloy anode materials have a high theoretical capacity and a fast charge / discharge rate , making alloys a class of very promising high-specific energy Li-ion battery anode materials .

  29. 为提高平行跑道运行时空中交通管制的安全和效率,通过跑道容量模型对首都机场的最大理论容量进行了分析,得出了两条平行跑道的最优运行方案。

    The runway capacity model was used to show that independent approaches are possible at the capital airport in Beijing and that the model can be used to increase the safety and efficiency of approaches to parallel runways .

  30. 结果表明50mA/g的电流密度下循环30次后,样品的可逆容量保持在787-1152mAh/g,远高于石墨的理论容量。

    It was found that carbon materials have the reversible capacities from 787 to 1158 mAh / g at a current density of 50 mA / g after 30 charge / discharge cycles , which is much higher than the theoretical capacity of graphite .