
  • 网络rational law;the law of reason;Rational method
  1. 同时,也必须通过保持民法一定程度的开放性来克服形式理性法的某些内在缺陷。

    At the same time , it is necessary to preserve a certain degree of openness in civil law to overcome some inherent defects in formal rational law .

  2. 商人阶层经过了漫长的历史孕育之后而爆发,努力地寻求政治上的认同,在制度设计上,导致了包括商事法在内的一系列形式理性法诞生,并成为西方的主导社会规范。

    The businessmen class breaks out after a long history of breeding and strives for a political recognition , which results in the birth of a series of rational law including commercial law , and becomes the western dominant social norms .

  3. 在他看来,自然法就是理性法。

    The law of nature was to him identical with the law of reason .

  4. 马克思恩格斯列宁视野中的理性法和实践法

    Law Rationality and Law Practice in the View by Marx , Engles and Lenin

  5. 作者在对马克思恩格斯列宁进行文本分析的基础上,探讨了理性法和实践法的根基,展示了他们观点的相同和差异。

    Therefore , basing on text analysis on the works of Marx , Engles and Lenin , this paper probes into the foundation of law rationality and law practice to display their sameness and differences of their viewpoints .

  6. 城市广场设计意象·行为·CAAD理性分析法

    Design in Urban Square " Image · Behavior · CAAD " Rational Analysis

  7. 以上三种理性分析法构成了本文的理论框架。

    These three kinds of rational analysis constitute the frame of the article .

  8. 亚里士多德:实践理性与法

    Aristotle : Practical Reason and Law

  9. “感知领悟法”与“理性分析法”是传统语文教学中两条相对立的不同思路。

    The method of perception and the method of reasonal analysis are the opposite trains of thought in traditional Chinese education .

  10. 理性自由法遭遇到物质利益&青年马克思为其法哲学思想寻求现实根基

    The law based on rationality and liberty encounters material interests & Young Marx searches a real foundation for his thought about legal philosophy

  11. 采用文献综述和理性分析法,根据心理训练的基本理论,结合排球比赛与训练过程中心理因素变化对排球比赛中接发球的影响规律与作用。

    By reviewing literature and based on the theory of psychological training , the paper analyzes psychological factors affecting volleyball serving and catching .

  12. 他构建的理性自然法思想,沟通了古希腊与中世纪的神学法律观,提出的自然平等观与分权制衡论则成为近代启蒙学者的宝贵财富。

    The thought of Rational Natural Law he constructed bridged the legal outlook of theology between the ancient Greece and the Middle Ages , and his theory of the fundamental equal rights and power balance became precious wealth of the Enlightenment thinkers .

  13. Reissner厚板弹性弯曲的理性有限元法

    Rational Finite Element Method for Elastic Bending of Reissner Plates

  14. 论西塞罗理性主义自然法思想

    On the Thought of Cicero on Rationalistic Natural Law

  15. 西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。

    Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law .

  16. 二是现代性的政策研究方法,主要包括理性选择分析法、方法一目的分析法、成本一收益分析法和决策过程分析法。

    The second is modern foreign policy study method , including rationally-choice method , means-end method , cost-benefit method and decision-process method .

  17. 不同点在于:(1)洛克将自然自由与理性的自然法联系起来,从理性的自然法中理解自由;

    The differences are : ( I ) Locke connects Natural Freedom with rational Natural Law , and then comprehends liberty from it ;

  18. 从这三个维度看,经济法的形式理性是经济法作为统一的、普遍的、实在的规则所赖以存在的载体。

    In these three respects , formal reason of economic law is the carrier of a set of united , general and substantial rules .

  19. 本论文中,我们提出了两种用于小肽抑制剂的设计和筛选的方法:数学模型筛选法和理性数据库筛选法。

    In this paper , we proposed two methods for peptide inhibitor design : the mathematical model for screening ( MMS ) and the rational-designed database for screening ( RDS ) .

  20. 民事举证责任制度是为弥合理性有限和法的整体性之间的非连续性而设置的一种特殊制度。

    The system of the burden of civil proof is a kind of special regulation , which is built for making up for uncontinuity between rationality limitation and the wholeness of law .

  21. 永恒的理性是自然法的本质,符合自然理性方为正义,自然法决定着人定法,构成了西塞罗法哲学体系的内在逻辑。

    The flowing three points constitute for the logic system of Cicero 's legal philosophy : Eternal nous is the essence of natural law . The law suits to natural reason is just law .

  22. 古代思想家们从自然法角度论证人类的正当理性就是自然法,且制定法应当具备自然法的所有秉性,从而确立了法律正义根源于人类自然理性的基本命题。

    Ancient thinkers demonstrated that human justice logos was natural law , and positive law should possess all qualities of natural law from the point of view of natural law , so the basic proposition about legal justice springs from natural human logos was established .

  23. 法经济学的发展经历了范式提出、接受、质疑的过程,其分析范式就是法经济学所使用的经济学分析方法。理性选择理论是法经济学的形而上学范式。

    The development of law and economics went through three stages : paradigm proposed , accepted and questioned .

  24. 基于这一原因,最高法院采用了在上述“自然资源保护委员会诉莫顿”一案中公布的“理性法则”检验法。

    For this reason , the Court adopted the " rule of reason " test promulgated in NRDC v.morton , supra .

  25. 对法律实践言说之社会结构分析引入了公共领域的分析框架,它为实践理性维度下的法概念提供了结构性支撑。

    When social structural is researched , public field is introduced to offer structural support for the phronesis model of the law concept .

  26. 理性是西方自然法思想的精神内核,而法自然是要自然无为恢复宇宙原始和谐状态。

    Thirdly , sense is the spiritual core for western " Natural Law ", while harmonious situation is the cosmic originality that " Emulating Nature " requires .

  27. 波普尔从批判理性主义和试错法出发,批评了乌托邦主义和完美主义的虚妄和危害,指出人们无法预测社会的长期发展规律,而应立足于逐步的社会改良工程。

    Starting from critical rationalism , Karl Popper pinpoints harmfulness of Utopianism and perfectionism , stresses that people cannot predict long-term law of development in a society , what they can do is piecemeal social engineering .

  28. 直接对课堂教学进行观察,观察教师、学生的课堂行为,师生的互动方式,分析因果关系,使认识上升到理性。3.分析法。

    Direct observation of classroom teaching , through lectures , observing the behavior of teachers and students , teachers and students of classroom interaction analysis , make causal relationship between the rising to rational knowledge . 3 analysis .

  29. 为了弥补过错责任和无过错责任的适用空白,在理性哲学和自然法的影响下,公平责任基于法律的公平和正义理念产生了。

    In order to make up applicable blank of faulty liability and non-faulty liability , Affected by ra ˉ tional philosophy and natural law , and based on legal ideas of impartiality and justice , fare liability came into being .

  30. 我国的经济法如要成功实现促进经济发展方式的转变,必须理性认识到经济法必须给公民提供一种符合其根本利益需要,实现其经济发展要求的行为模式。

    We must notice that economic law should provide a type of conduct to meet the needs of fundamental interests of citizens and satisfy their requirements of economic development , if we want to make the transformation of the mode of economic development successful .