
  • 网络The Concept of Law
  1. 原则、法律的概念与概念分析

    Principles , the Concept of Law and Conceptual Analysis

  2. 哈特以社会规则理论为核心阐释法律的概念,使规则区别于习惯,并将法律视为初级规则与次级规则的结合。

    Hart interpret the concept of law by the theory of social rules , thus rules are different from customs ; and law is the combination of primary rules and secondary rules .

  3. 存在法律的概念吗?

    Is there a concept of law ?

  4. 尽管出现过各种关于法律的概念,但在当代中国的语境下,法律的核心是规则。

    Although there are various kinds of legal concepts , in Chinese context the core of law is rule .

  5. 他的代表作&《法律的概念》被誉为二十世纪经典法哲学著作。

    His outstanding book entitled Conceptions of Law , which is classified as a classical legal work of the twentieth century .

  6. 寻找的方式,或以法律的概念形式,或以法律的核心要素的形式来建立。

    The way of finding the master rule is established in the form of either the concept of law or the central factors of law .

  7. 但之所以应当审视中国金融法律的概念,还存在第二个理由:中国国内债务资本市场的发展更为广泛,它涉及的是中国国内交易对手之间进行的交易。

    But there is a second reason to watch China 's concept of financial law : the broader development of its domestic debt capital markets , involving deals between Chinese players .

  8. 凯尔森和哈特对法律的概念有不同理解,凯尔森将规范作为法律的上位概念,而哈特则将规则作为法律的上位概念,法律规范和法律规则分别是他们认识法律的基本概念。

    Kelsen and Hart each have their different viewpoints on legal concept , i.e.legal norm and legal rule , two legal super-ordinate concepts , respectively held as their fundamental concepts to interpret law .

  9. 而法律的概念性,则是从法律的内容和价值取向上来考察法律,属于实质正义的内容,或称为实质理性,认为法律须达到某种正义标准或者符合某种意识形态。

    Legal conceptual content and value orientation from the law up inspection laws , the substance of justice or substantive rationality thought that the law is required to achieve certain standards of justice or to meet certain ideology .

  10. 凭借这种视角上的创新,埃利希将法律的概念进行了扩充,他反对实用主义法律观,认为法律是行为规范而非裁判规范。

    In light of this creation on the perspective , he makes an expansion for law while he opposes over the view of legal pragmatism that he consider the law as the active rules but not the judicial rules .

  11. 第一章为法律漏洞的概念与基本学说。

    The first chapter is about the Concepts and basic theory .

  12. 首先对法律责任的概念、分类以及功能予以明确。

    The conception , classification and functions are defined firstly .

  13. 产品缺陷与质量不合格是两个具有不同法律意蕴的概念。

    Product defect and unqualified product are two different concepts in law .

  14. 首先,阐述了存款保险法律制度的概念和属性。

    Firstly , the writer describes the concept and property of deposit insurance .

  15. 第一章论述法律援助的概念及相关理论。

    Chapter one discuses the conception of legal aid and the relating theories .

  16. 承认狭义的法律解释的概念,既无必要又有害处。

    Acknowledgement of the concept of narrowly-defined legal interpretation is unnecessary and harmful .

  17. 第一部分主要阐述了信仰和法律信仰的概念。

    The first part mainly demonstrate the concept of belief and legal belief .

  18. 论法律关系的概念及意义

    On the Conception and Significance of the Legal Relationship

  19. 论人才流动法律体系的概念与构成要素

    The Legal System of Equitable Mobility of Talents

  20. 法律文化的概念:成果观与规则观辨

    Definition of Legal Culture : Discrimination between Concept of Achievements and that of Rule

  21. 略论法律责任的概念

    On the Concept of the General Legal Liability

  22. 该部分首先界定了民生法律保障的概念。

    In this part , the paper defines the concept of civil legal protection .

  23. 信息法律关系的概念与要素

    The Concept and Elements of Information legal Relationship

  24. 反思法律文化的概念问题

    Introspection of the Legal Culture 's Concept

  25. 关于法律解释的概念问题

    On the Concept Issues of Legal Interpretation

  26. 法律传统的概念辨析

    Discrimination on the Traditional Concepts of law

  27. 接着界定了法律移植的概念,后从实践、法理角度讨论了破产法律制度的可能性。

    The article talks Suli s viewpoint at first , gives the definition of legal transplant .

  28. 论民事法律责任的概念

    On Concept on Civil Legal Liability

  29. 法律援助的概念有广、狭二义之分;

    The notion of legal aid can be used both in a broad and a narrow sense .

  30. 法律事实的概念

    The Concept of Legal Fact