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  1. P4502C9的底物包括甲苯磺丁脲、苯妥英、S法华令、氟西汀、洛沙坦等。

    P4502C9 substrates mainly include tolbutamide , phenytoin , S-warfarin , fluoxetine , and losartan .

  2. 法华寺也无心吞那些宝藏。

    Fahua temple doesn 't want to claim the treasures .

  3. 论《法华经》的道德思想特色

    Characteristics of moral thought in Lotus Sutra Moral Capital Theory

  4. 这法华寺一定有宝,走呀。

    Fahua temple has the treasures , let 's go .

  5. 法华律边下边仔细观察山本棋艺的特点。

    France and China Law edge below Yamamoto examine the characteristics of chess .

  6. 第四章,《法华经》的叙事空间性和中国传统。

    Chapter IV , the narrative space of Lotus Sutra and Chinese Tradition .

  7. 但是又想要法华寺的宝藏。

    Then we want the treasures of fahua temple .

  8. 法华寺的大师没有一个会武功的。

    No one knows Kung Fu in fahua temple .

  9. 我们马上去法华院吧。

    Let 's go visit the Fahua Temple now .

  10. 难道张保仔宝藏真在法华寺?

    Could the treasure be hidden in the temple ?

  11. 法华院是一座佛教寺庙。

    The Fahua Temple is a Buddhist temple .

  12. 听说他是法华寺请来的高僧。

    I heard fahua Temple sent for him .

  13. 跟法华寺的天君大师有关系。

    To master Tianjun of fahua temple .

  14. 《法华经》是大乘佛教非常重要的一部经典。

    The Lotus Sutra ( Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra ) is one of important cannons of Mahayanan Buddhism .

  15. 南师大文学院藏02号《法华经》残卷研究

    Research on No.02 Fa Hua Jing Remnants Preserved in the College of Liberal Arts , Nanjing Normal University

  16. 譬喻是《法华经》的主要表法方式,是佛学义理和文学性高度结合的体现。

    As the main method of expressing the Buddhism , Metaphor embodies the thought and literature in Lotus Sutra .

  17. “埃迪法华买了条新汽艇。他请我去看看这船怎么样。”

    " Eddie fahrway 's got a new steam launch , and he wants me to come up and see how it works . "

  18. 在《法华经》中,佛陀教导我们,每一个人都具足佛性,每一个人都是佛。

    In the Lotus Sutra it is taught by the Buddha that everyone has the buddhata , Buddha-nature within , and you are a buddha .

  19. 《玉蜻蜓》中金贵升与青年女尼志贞就是在山塘的法华庵里结识的;

    " Jade Dragonfly " Jingui up with the young nuns in Shan Tong Chi Ching of France and China to get to know the Anli ;

  20. 我也很愿意讲这个《楞严经》和《法华经》,因为这两部经,既能开智慧,又能成佛。

    I 'm very willing to lecture on the the Shurangama Sutra and the Dharma Flower Sutra , because these two Sutras can develop people 's wisdom and lead them to Buddhahood .

  21. 从这些分析中可以看到经文的叙事产生了和其理念不一样的地方,表现出的正是叙事的空间性。第三章,《法华经》叙事空间性之特征。

    From this analysis of narrative texts and their ideas we can found that the text not generated the same result what is shown by the space of narrative . Chapter ⅲ, characteristics of Narrative of spatial .

  22. 《玄中寺组画》的创作构思和绘制技法,是我们本着对敦煌艺术临摹和研究40多年的经验,主要继承中华民族遗产的风格,吸取了敦煌唐宋时代壁画法华经《化城喻品》等艺术风格形成的。

    As Li Chengxian and I had engaged in the study and copying of the Dunhuang Murals for 40-odd years , we did the set of mural paintings of the Mystery Monastery after the techniques and style of the Dunhuang art .

  23. 在《法华经》宣讲之前,佛陀的许多弟子都以为佛陀只有一个,只有世尊本人,才能成为佛陀。然后,恶魔以其心而知道佛陀的想法,向佛陀怂恿以正法统治。

    Before this teaching , many disciples of the Buddha thought that the Buddha was the only one who could be a Buddha . Then , Mara knowing what the Buddha thought by use of his own mind , approached the Buddha and urged him to exercise rulership righteously .