
  • 网络stability of law
  1. PWM控制瞬时值比较法的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis on PWM Control Instantaneous Comparison Method

  2. 此外,分析结果也表明OS法的稳定性好于中心差分法。

    The results also show that the stability of the operating-splitter method is better than that of the central difference method .

  3. 非线性规划中凝聚函数法的稳定性

    Stability Theorems for the Aggregate Function Method in Nonlinear Programming

  4. 结构瞬态响应数值积分法的稳定性

    Stability of Numerical Integration Method for Calculation of Transient Dynamic Responses of Structures

  5. 具有混合导数项的双曲型方程差分解法的稳定性与收敛性

    Stability and convergence of difference methods for the hyperbolic equations with mixed differential term

  6. 圆的多边形迫近法的稳定性分析和误差估计

    Stability Analysis and Error Estimate of Polygon Approximation

  7. 分段崩落采矿法的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of the sublevel caving method

  8. 子区间法的稳定性和精度

    Stability and Accuracy of Subinterval Method

  9. 实验表明,平均背景法的稳定性要优于帧间差分法。

    The experiment shows that the stability of average background method is stronger than frame differential method .

  10. 文中对遗传法的稳定性及对噪声的敏感性等问题的讨论说明,遗传算法还有较强的抗干扰能力。

    The analyses of its stability and its sensitivity to noise show that the genetic algorithm is quite noise resistant .

  11. 导出一种既有最速下降法的稳定性又有牛顿法的快速性的新算法;

    A improved BP neural network algorithm with the stability of the steepest descent method and the speed performance of the Newton approach method is educed .

  12. 高维抛物型方程精细积分法的稳定性与相容性精细积分法在船舶桅杆涡激共振计算中的应用

    Stability and Consistence of High Precise Integration Method for Parabolic P.D.E in Multi-dimension ; Method Used to Calculate the VIV of Barrel-Shaped Mast Based on the Precise Integration Method

  13. 它是道德规范法律化了的行为准则,也是行政伦理规范的核心内容,具有法的稳定性、强制性、明确性的特点。

    It is the legalized behavior standard and the core of administrative ethic standard . It has the basic features of law , such as stable , compelling and definitive .

  14. 通过对试验室四层框架进行实测分析,借助小波变换识别时变点,利用傅里叶变换识别频率变化,验证了该法的稳定性和可行性。

    The reliability and the feasibility are verified by detecting and analyzing a four-storey frame in laboratory . The time-variant moment is identified by wavelet , and the change of frequency is identified by Fourier . 3 .

  15. 再次,对证明责任分配依据的功能进行论述,指出证明责任分配依据不仅能够公平、合理的分配证明责任,而且在平衡法的稳定性与社会发展之间的矛盾和推动法律发展方面发挥着巨大作用。

    That proves the foundation of burden of proof is not only fair and reasonable distribution of the burden of proof , but also plays a huge role in promoting legal development and the contradiction between the stability and social development of the balance method .

  16. 相较于急速发展的社会,法律的权威性尤其是最高法的稳定性需求致使宪法存在一定的社会滞后性。因此,宪法必须随着时代变迁而不断完善自身,并通过完善来引导社会的进一步发展。

    Compared with the rapidly developing society , the authority of law , especially the requirement of stability of supreme law resulted that the Constitution fell behind . Therefore , Constitution needs to be perfect in pace with the changing times and leads the society to a further growth .

  17. 非线性比例延迟微分方程隐式Euler法的数值稳定性

    Numerical Stability of Implicit Euler Method for Nonlinear Pantograph Equation

  18. MDDEs隐式Euler法的非线性稳定性

    Nonlinear stability of implicit Euler method for MDDEs

  19. 目的:观察应用改良Kort法建立的稳定性猪节段性小肠移植模型的特点。

    AIM : To observe the characters of the models of porcine segmental small intestine transplantation established with modified Kort method .

  20. 样条虚边界元法的数值稳定性与误差估计

    Numerical Stability and Error Estimate of the Spline Fictitious Boundary Element Method

  21. 内向量不同选取下线性多步法和单支法的代数稳定性

    Algebraic Stability of Linear and One-leg Methods Under Different Choices of Inner Vectors

  22. 基于无记忆最小二乘拟牛顿法的边坡稳定性分析

    Slope stability analysis based on the memoryless least square quasi - newton method

  23. 指出末端压差控制法的水力稳定性整体上优于干管压差控制法。

    Point out that terminal pressure difference control method is more stable than main pipe pressure difference control method .

  24. 在参考大量资料的基础上,针对安庆铜矿深部大直径深孔法开采的稳定性进行研究。

    This paper researches the stability of the anqing copper mine deep mining on the base of large data .

  25. 从实际样本计算和统计试验的综合分析可知,最大熵谱分析法的计算稳定性要略好一些。

    The stability of maximum entropy spectral analysis method is better slightly according to the theoretical analysis and the results of observed data .

  26. 本文对某岸坡进行非线性有限元接触分析,计算表明,与传统刚体极限平衡法计算的稳定性系数很接近,而且有助于对滑体破坏的机制的理解。

    In this paper , some reservoir slope nonlinear contact analysis was made and the calculation results showed that it accorded well to the traditional grid limit equilibrium method .

  27. 本文对各种定值法的土坡稳定性分析模型建立了形式上统一的功能函数,并用有理多项式技术来计算功能函数的统计矩。

    In this paper , a formally unified performance function for all kinds of slope stability analysis models is presented , and a numerical technique , known as the rational polynomial technique is adopted to calculate the statistical moments of the performance function .

  28. 随机微分方程Euler法的均方稳定性和指数稳定性

    Mean Square Stability and Exponential Stability of Euler Scheme for Solving Stochastic Differential Equations

  29. 汞电极法研究络合物的稳定性Ⅰ.二价金属的EDTA络合物

    Mercury electrode in the study of complexes ⅰ . stability constants of EDTA chelates of bivalent metals

  30. 小浪底大坝GIN法灌浆浆液的稳定性和流动性分析

    Stability and liquidity analysis of the grouting liquid by the GIN method in the Xiaolangdi 's main dam