
fǎ lǜ ɡǎi ɡé
  • law reform;legal reform
  1. 我们正在宣传呼吁进行法律改革。

    We are campaigning for law reform

  2. 法律改革委员会售楼说明小组委员会

    Law Reform Commission Sub-committee on Description of Flats on Sale

  3. 该章详细论述了亨利二世法律改革与令状的司法化。

    This chapter fully explains the legal reforms of Henry II .

  4. 联合国刑事司法准则与我国刑事法律改革若干问题

    On the United Nations Criminal Justice Standards and Our Criminal Justice Reform

  5. 浅析英印殖民时期印度法律改革的社会背景

    Social Background of the Legal Reforms in Colonial India

  6. 在报告所涉期间,进行了重大的知识产权法律改革。

    Vital legal reforms in IP had been achieved during the reporting period .

  7. 民事诉讼证据法小组委员会〔法律改革委员会〕

    Sub-committee on Civil Evidence [ Law Reform Commission ]

  8. 中国法律改革的经验已对主流法律经济学的观点构成强有力的挑战。

    The Chinese experience in legal reform poses a serious challenge to mainstream economics .

  9. 小议澳大利亚公司收购法律改革

    The Corporate law Economic Reform program in Australia

  10. 他说自己支持改革,无论法律改革还是宪法改革。

    He says that he supports political reforms , legal reforms and constitutional reforms .

  11. 私有财产权与法律改革19782003中国法律改革史考察

    Private Property Right and Legal Reform Review of China 's legal reform 1978 2003

  12. 法律改革机构援助方案

    Programme of Institutional Assistance for Legal Reform

  13. 发起运动;开展活动我们正在宣传呼吁进行法律改革。

    We are campaigning for law reform .

  14. 矿产资源法律改革初步研究

    On Reform of the Mineral Resources Law

  15. 阿根廷采取了一系列财政和法律改革措施来重新赢得投资者的信心。

    Argentina struggled to regain investor confidence by initiating a series of fiscal and legal reforms .

  16. 一些实例有:关于婚姻和性同意最低年龄方面的社会和法律改革;

    Examples include : social and legal reforms regarding the minimum age of marriage and sexual consent ;

  17. 她极力说明有必要进行法律改革,并引证了最近出现的几起非常不公平的判例。

    She argued the need for legal reform and instanced several recent cases with grossly unfair verdicts .

  18. 在许多国家,防止家庭暴力的法律改革已经展开。

    In some countries , reform of present law to prevent family violence has been put into practice .

  19. 对这一机构的介绍与评价,对我国法律改革有着现实的借鉴作用。

    Introduction and evaluation of this organization will be a reference for the reformation of law in China .

  20. 这些富有启蒙意义的思想,使他们成为晚清法律改革的启蒙者。

    These ideas with didacticism make them to be the torchbearers of legal reform in the late Qing Dynasty .

  21. 《大清新刑律》是清末法律改革的产物,从体系到内容都移植了西方刑法。

    New Criminal Code of Qing Dynasty is the product of legal reform at the end of Qing dynasty .

  22. 清末监狱改良是新政法律改革的重要组成部分,也是我国监狱近代转型的起点。

    But the study on Zhang s activities in the prison reform at the end of Qing Dynasty is few .

  23. 在马来西亚,按照1976年(结婚与离婚)法律改革法案规定,结婚年龄是18岁。

    In Malaysia , the legal marriage age is18 according to the Law Reform ( Marriage and Divorce ) Act1976 .

  24. 我将继续加紧法律改革,保护小型经济、医生和医院不受垃圾诉讼影响。

    I 'll continue to press for legal reform to protect small businesses , doctors and hospitals from junk lawsuits .

  25. 随着现代社会的日新月异,法律改革也成为了许多国家的重要任务。

    With the change of the society day by day , reforming laws has become the important task of many counties .

  26. 这一法律改革的最高境界就是福柯所反复论述过的:任何形式的性行为都不应当受到任何法律的惩罚。

    The ideal of this reform is what Foucault reiterates that any form of sex behaviors should not be under legal penalty .

  27. 其他的规划包括促进更多的技术园、创新创业、风险资本和支持创新的法律改革。

    Other plans involve a push for more technology parks , innovation entrepreneurship , venture capital and legal reforms to support innovation .

  28. 因此,预示法律改革方向的相关法律组织起草的示范法也与美国婚姻法的渊源相联系。

    Therefore , model laws drafted by legal organizations indicating the direction of reform link to sources of the American marriage laws .

  29. 土地的分配效率低下或不公平,穷人被推向了生产力低下的土地&而这需要法律改革以及之后的实施。

    Land is distributed inefficiently or unfairly with the poor pushed onto unproductive land & and this requires legal reform followed by implementation .

  30. 印度的法律改革以英国的殖民统治为肇因,同时也有着深刻而复杂的社会历史背景。

    India 's legal reforms were not only due to the British colonial rule but also to the complicated social and historical backgrounds .