
qínɡ shǐ
  • love story
  1. 最后一章总结了《情史》一书作为古代爱情婚恋之百科全书的地位及对此后文学创作的影响。

    The final chapter sums up the " Love Story " as the ancient love of the Encyclopedia of Marriage and the status of literature after this impact .

  2. 海上女儿国抢婚文化背景与《情史》岛女繁殖叙事

    The Cultural Context of Marriage by Capture in the Sea Kingdoms of Girls and the Narration of Female Islanders ' Reproduction in Love Story

  3. 看看Leonard的情史,和JoyceKim共度了27天。

    Howard : Look at Leonard 's record . 27 days with Joyce Kim .

  4. 看看Leonard的情史吧,他和JoyceKim交往了27天。-

    Howard : Look at Leonard 's record . 27 days with Joyce Kim . :

  5. 领头人凯里·福永(执导《无名》)坐镇导演一职,朱迪·丹奇(出演《窗外有蓝天》、《莎翁情史》)饰演费尔法克斯太太,迈克尔·法斯宾德(出演《无耻混蛋》和即将上映的《X战警:初级》)则饰演暗藏秘密的爱德华·罗切斯特先生。

    At the helm Cary Fukunaga ( Sin Nombre ) sits in the director 's chair , Judi Dench ( A Room with a View , Shakespeare in Love ) as Mrs. Fairfax , and Michael Fassbender ( Inglorious Bastards and the upcoming X-Men : First Class ) as the Lord Edward Rochester .

  6. 这位歌手还公开了他和演员兼流行歌手SelenaGomez的关系,那一段自从他们第一次被传约会的绯闻就受到了巨大关注的浪漫情史。

    The singer also opens up about his relationship with actress and pop star Selena Gomez , a romance which has been under a microscope ever since the two were first rumored to be dating .

  7. 我每想到自己的情史,简直要痛哭起来。

    I am like to cry whenever I think of my love .

  8. 解读《莎翁情史》中的后现代文本策略

    Interpreting the Post-modernist Text Strategies in Shakespeare in Love

  9. 他的情史数不胜数,且常常让人觉得可耻。

    His love affairs were countless and frequently scandalous .

  10. 我需要向我得女朋友/妻子坦白我过去的情史吗?

    Should I come clean to my girlfriend / wife about my past relationship ?

  11. 一位目击者说道:“他们看上去好像已经完全对他们的过往情史释然了。”

    An onlooker said : ' They looked totally fine considering all their history . '

  12. 贞芪扶正胶囊配合化疗治疗中晚期恶性肿瘤临床观察从《情史·情贞》管窥冯梦龙的情贞观

    Efficacy of Zhenqi Fuzheng Capsules in Combination with Chemotherapy for Advanced Malignant Tumor : A Clinical Observation

  13. 轮到你了有什么伤心情史吗坠入爱河早早完婚妻子去世

    Your turn . Any sad relationship stories ? Fell in love , married young , wife died .

  14. 姑娘们尽情痛哭了一顿。我每想到自己的情史,简直要痛哭起来。

    The girls indulged unrestrained in their grief . I am like to cry whenever I think of my love .

  15. 托马斯-肯特(格温妮丝-帕特洛)在惊艳了《莎翁情史》中的莎士比亚后得到了出演罗密欧的机会。

    Gwyneth Paltrow Thomas Kent ( Gwyneth Paltrow ) is cast as Romeo after impressing Shakespeare , in Shakespeare in Love .

  16. 如果你目前对她一连串的前任还不太了解,这里就简要梳理下斯威夫特的情史:

    If you 're not aware of her trail of exes so far , here 's a swift ( sorry ) recap :

  17. 即使她向你讲述自己不幸的情史,假装自己感兴趣,并且偶尔插入一个问题或一句评论。

    Even if she 's telling you about her string of doomed relationships , pretend to show an interest , and interject with an occasional question or comment .

  18. 冯波斯特在1997年出版的《爱你,杰克》一书中回忆了与肯尼迪的情史,其中还提及了肯尼迪前往瑞典看望她一事。

    Von Post wrote of their love affair , which included a visit from him to Sweden , in a book called " Love , Jack " in 1997 .

  19. 古装片《爱玛姑娘要出嫁》和《莎翁情史》为她赢得了至今为止最高的赞誉,后者还使她赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。

    Her greatest acclaim so far has come from the period pieces " Emma " and " Shakespeare in Love , " the latter which earned her a Best Actress Oscar .

  20. 原来克丽奥佩特拉(1963年被伊丽莎白Ÿ泰勒形象地演绎过)除凯撒和安东尼之外还另有情史:西弗断言她和自己的两个哥哥结过婚,后来又残杀了他们。

    Turns out Cleopatra played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony : Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers , then slaughtered both .

  21. “情教观”是晚明作家冯梦龙在其辑评的文言短篇小说集《情史》序言中提出的观点。

    The view on education based on emotion was proposed by Feng Menglong , a writer in the late Ming Dynasty , in his preface of a collection of short stories ?" History of Love Stories " .

  22. 澳大利亚国立大学研究人员的最新研究表明,伴侣的年龄、情史,甚至是否吸烟都会影响婚姻能否长久。

    A couple 's age , previous relationships and even whether they smoke or not are factors that influence whether their marriage is going to last , according to a study by researchers from the Australian National University .

  23. 原来克丽奥佩特拉(1963年被伊丽莎白·泰勒形象地演绎过)除凯撒和安东尼之外还另有情史:西弗断言她和自己的两个哥哥结过婚,后来又残杀了他们。

    Turns out Cleopatra - played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 - had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony : Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers , then slaughtered both .