
  • 网络Emotional blunting;affective blunting;blunted affect
  1. 结果:联用帕罗西汀12周后,PANSS总分、阴性症状因子分及情感迟钝、情感退缩、情感交流障碍、被动/淡漠及社交退缩因子分均比治疗前显著降低。

    Results : After 12 weeks of treatments , the total scores of PANSS and scores of all the factors , including negative factor , emotional blunting , emotional withdrawal , emotional exchange disorder , passive / apathy , and social withdrawal factor were significantly decreased .

  2. 结果:发现影响吸烟的主要因素中,年龄、职业、城市生活年限具有统计学差异(P<0.05),尼古丁依赖程度与某些阴性症状如情感迟钝相关(P<0.05)。

    Results : There were statistical differences on age , occupation and years of living in city ( P < 0.05 ), in addition , the extent of nicotine dependence was related to some of negative symptoms such as blunted affect ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 试着找一个情商高(不像你自己那样情感迟钝)的局外人来咨询。

    Try to find an external consultant as emotionally asute as you are emotionally deaf .

  4. 结果凶杀组文化程度普遍较低,且在内感性不适,感知综合障碍,逻辑推理障碍,嫉妒妄想,情感迟钝或淡漠等方面较为突出。

    Results The homicidal group has lower degree of education and being notable in senestopathia , psychosensory disturbance , logic disturbance , delusion of jealousy and dullness or apathy .

  5. 如果我们害怕显露和感觉脆弱,那么我们会对其他所有的我们极度渴望的经历/情感迟钝,包括幸福、关系、同理心、爱和其他更多。

    If we 're afraid of appearing and feeling vulnerable , then we blunt all of the other experiences / emotions we desperately long for , including happiness , connection , empathy , love and more .

  6. 也许不再忧郁,但是他的情感会迟钝,

    probably no depression , but his affect will be dulled ,

  7. 如果我们害怕表现脆弱,或者感到脆弱,那么我们会对其他所有我们极度渴望的经历/情感表现迟钝,包括幸福、人际、仁慈、爱和其他更多。

    If we 're afraid of appearing or feeling vulnerable , then we blunt all of the other experiences / emotions we desperately long for , including happiness , connection , empathy , love and more .

  8. 情感障碍的精神症状多与精神分裂症重叠,但精神分裂症出现频率较高的情感不协调、注意力分散、关系妄想、情感迟钝、被洞悉感等症状,在情感障碍患者中始终未存在。

    Meanwhile , the symptoms of affective disorders in Children - or adolescent-onset were overlapped with schizophrenia .