
  1. 他因《人鬼情未了》和《辣身舞》等影片走红。

    He hit the big time with films such as Ghost and Dirty Dancing .

  2. DemiMoore,因主演《人鬼情未了》而一举成名,她登上了《W》杂志12月刊的封面,照片中她那比大腿还要纤细几英寸的臀部,看上去小得很不自然。

    Demi Moore , the Ghost star , appears on the December cover of W magazine with her hip looking abnormally small , just a few inches smaller than her thigh .

  3. 爸爸和妈妈一起走着去电影院看《人鬼情未了》。

    Dad and Mom walk to the cinema to see Ghost .

  4. 看《人鬼情未了》行吗?这部电影应该是引人入胜的。

    How about @ ghost @ ? That should be entertaining .

  5. 下班后,我将和汤姆一起看电影《人鬼情未了》。

    Tom and I will go to see the film Ghost after work .

  6. 是因为你昨晚看了“人鬼情未了”的缘故吗?

    B : Is it because you saw " Ghost " last night ?

  7. 昨天我什么事也没做,只看了部电影《人鬼情未了》。

    Yesterday I did nothing , but see the film of People Clever Sentiment Not .

  8. 论东西方华文作家文化身份之异同人鬼情未了&对《宠儿》中宠儿多重身份的解读

    On the Differences & Similarities of Cultural Identities of Writers in Chinese with Oriental and Western Background

  9. 《人鬼情未了》:爱可以穿越时空隧道而与日月争辉。

    Ghost : love will travel through the time tunnel to shine like the sun and moon .

  10. 说实话,看了《人鬼情未了》中他和黛米·摩尔的经典片段之后,会让人有想去陶瓷班学习一下的冲动诶。

    Be honest , you totally wanted to take a pottery class after seeing him and Demi Moore in action .

  11. 她在1990年摄制的影片《人鬼情未了》中所扮演的那个骗人的算命婆为她赢得了一项金球奖和一项奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。

    Her performance as a deceitful fortune-teller in the1990 film Ghost won her both a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress .

  12. 还有,别忘了《人鬼情未了》中制作陶器的片段,那可是有史以来最令人动心的画面。

    And let 's not forget the famous scene in Ghost where making pottery turns into one of the most sensual movie scenes ever made .

  13. 河南漯河市召陵镇近日上演了一出“人牛情未了”,为奶牛开追悼会、做法事。

    Luohe Shaoling Town of Henan recently staged a " people cows love unfulfilled ," hold a memorial ceremony for the cows , approach things .

  14. 《泰坦尼克号》中的接吻镜头击败了《小姐与流浪汉》中意大利面前的狗狗之吻以及《人鬼情未了》中的山姆茉莉之吻。

    The scene from the Oscar-winning blockbuster fought off competition from Lady and the Tramp 's canine canoodle over spaghetti and the kiss between Sam and Molly in Ghost .

  15. 在与胰脏癌抗争接近两年之后,他于昨天去世享年57岁。斯威兹因在《热舞十七》和《人鬼情未了》中扮演的角色而广为人知。

    He died yesterday after nearly a 2-year battle with pancreatic cancer . Swayze was 57 , publicly best known for his starring roles in Dirty Dancing and Ghost .