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qíng tài
  • modality;expression;mood;spirit;bearing;human relationship and bearing;state of affairs;charming bearing
情态 [qíng tài]
  • (1) [state of affairs]∶情状

  • 可鄙可厌的情态

  • 各具情态。--明. 魏学洢《核舟记》

  • (2) [expression;bearing]∶神态

  • 是个女儿便有个女儿情态

  • (3) [human relationship and bearing]∶人情和态度

  • 道尽世人情态

  • (4) [charming bearing]∶娇媚的神态

  • 仙子多情态

情态[qíng tài]
  1. 论数学课堂教学中的教师情态

    Teacher 's spirit in the mathematics classroom teaching

  2. 作品把她们的动作、情态、语言、心理活动、思想性格,刻画得微妙微肖,逼真传神。

    Their action , spirit , language , psychology and character are true to life .

  3. 情态动词通常用不带to的不定式。

    Modal verbs generally take the bare infinitive .

  4. 基于人工神经网络构建英语情态动词may的语义排歧模型

    A Model of Word Sense Disambiguation of English Modal Verb May by a Neural Network

  5. 汉语或然性认识情态动词语法化研究英语情态动词的汉译:Will与Would

    Grammaticalization of Probability-Epistemic Modals in Chinese ; Realizations of Modal Auxiliaries in E-C Translation-With Will & Would in Focus

  6. 试析情态动词should和ought的语用差异

    A Study on the Pragmatic Differences between should and ought to

  7. 分别建立了英语情态动词may和must语义排歧的BP神经网络模型,均达到了理想的排歧正确率。

    Two BP neural network models for the WSD of may and must are established , respectively , and both of them reach an ideal ratio of correct disambiguation .

  8. 这是由于情态动词对情态句的情感倾向性也有一定的影响,例如“shouldbenice”和“mustbenice”的情感倾向往往不同。

    This is because modal verbs affect sentiment orientations of those sentences , for example ," should be nice " and " must be nice " always express different sentiment orientations .

  9. 英语一般疑问句之所以会产生中心语移位,是因为现代英语中带有疑问语素的C为强语素,它只有加缀于助动词或情态动词这类结构位置高于动词的中心语才能核查自己的特征。

    C which has interrogatory morpheme is a strong morpheme in modern English , it 's feature can only be checked when it is affixed to auxiliary which has a higher position in sentence .

  10. 这些结果说明在大学英语教学中应给予诸如will和shall这样的情态动词更多的关注,并应激励学生优化学习词汇的方法。

    The results prove that it is highly necessary to give more notice to the modal verbs like will and shall in college English teaching and optimize college English learners ' way of learning English words .

  11. 4)基于情态动词must的语义特征、句法特征以及情态语义模糊矩阵计算出的隶属度,建立了must(strongobligation→weakobligation)的自适应神经网络模糊推理系统。

    4 ) An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for must ( strong obligation → weak obligation ) is established based on the semantic features , syntactic features and the membership degrees from the feature matrix .

  12. 透视新闻报道中的倾向性&从及物性和情态的视角分析ABC新闻TaiwanRejectsChina'sOfferofPandas

    Biases Existing in the News Report : Analysis of the ABC News " Taiwan Rejects China 's Offer of Pandas " with Transitivity and Modality

  13. 意愿(willingness)是意志情态的一种,意愿情态所表达的语义内涵作为语义范畴广泛地存在于汉语中。

    Willingness is one type of the modals of volition . As a semantic category , the semantic connotation conveyed by the modal of willingness exists widely in Chinese .

  14. 第三章的第二部分介绍了该论文CDA研究框架中的一些重要概念&意识形态,人称代词,情态和互文性。

    The second section in Chapter Three introduces some useful concepts of CDA in this framework-ideology , personal system , modality and intertextuality .

  15. 文章依据Palmer和易仲良教授对情态动词相别和级第的划分,研究情态动词的语义特征、语用含义和翻译特点;

    The present thesis studies the translation method as well as the semantic features and pragmatic implications of the English modals based on the classification of the phase and grade of the English modals by Palmer and Prof.

  16. 该研究采用中介语对比分析方法,基于语料库CLEC和LOB,对比分析了中国英语学习者和英语本族语者在情态动词使用上的差异。

    Based on corpora CLEC and LOB , by using Contrastive Inter language Analysis , this study analyses the difference of the use of modal verbs between Chinese English learners and native learners .

  17. McDowell(1987)认为这种差异是由句法因素决定的,即认知情态动词聚合在IP层面上,根情态动词聚合在VP层面上。

    McDowell ( 1987 ) claimed that the difference between epistemic and root modals is determined at the level of insertion ; epistemic modal verbs are merged somewhere within the IP level , and root modal verbs , somewhere within the VP .

  18. 该文以Halliday的情态概念为出发点,首先分析了情态的类别和情态隐喻,接着探讨了情态表达的主/客观取向,最后总结了情态的表达方式及其应用。

    Based on Halliday 's concept of modality , this paper firstly focuses on discussing the types of modality , metaphor of modality , then the subjective / objective orientation of modality . Finally , summarize the modal expressions and outline the implication .

  19. 我们进一步认为汉语并列句中有两种形式的动词短语省略:一是零宾语结构可以分析为动词短语省略,记作VP省略;另一种是由是或情态动词支持的vP省略。

    Then we further assume that Chinese has two forms of verb phrase ellipsis in coordinate sentences : one is VP ellipsis involving NOC , and the other is vP ellipsis which is supported by the linking verb shi ' be ' or a modal verb .

  20. 情态值&社会人际关系的镜子

    Value of Modality and Modulation : Mirror of Communicative Interpersonal Relations

  21. 语境作用下的零情态句式

    Expressions with Zero Modal Element and Its Determination in the Context

  22. 实现情态的主要手段是情态助动词。

    The main method of realizing modality is modal verbal operators .

  23. 情态就是这样一个用来表达说话人主观态度的范畴。

    Modal is a category that expresses speakers ' subjective attitudes .

  24. 汉语情态动词能语义演变的机制

    Mechanisms of Semantic development of Chinese Modal Auxiliary " NENG "

  25. 学术论文引言中认知型情态的功能研究

    A Functional Study of Epistemic Modality in Introductions of Research Articles

  26. 新闻英语语篇中的情态人际功能分析

    A Study on the Interpersonal Function of Modality in News Text

  27. 情态动词CAN在英语语言学文章中频繁出现。

    The modal auxiliary CAN is used frequently in linguistic articles .

  28. 英语情态语法范畴进入了动词语法范畴的总体系。

    Modality is one of the grammatical categorical system of English verbs .

  29. 《傲慢与偏见》中语气及情态系统的人际意义

    The Interpersonal Function of Mood and Modality System in Pride and Prejudice

  30. 美国刑法司法判决书的情态意义研究

    Book Bar Exploring the Modality in the Judgments of American Criminal Law