
  • 网络emotional theory;theory of emotion;Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion;rational-emotive theory RET
  1. 在完成再认模型的构建后,以此作应用。对WilliamJames提出的情绪理论进行了新的诠释。

    After the modeling of recognition , the author puts forward a fresh explanation of William James ' famous theory of emotion .

  2. 儿童的朴素情绪理论是其心理理论的一个重要部分,是当前具有国际前沿性的研究课题。

    Children 's naive theory of emotion is an important part of their theory of mind and one of the frontier research fields internationally .

  3. 以人工心理和基本的情绪理论为基础,在三维情绪空间中将个性和OCC模型相结合,建立了一个情绪模型。

    Breazeal's3-Dimension emotion space and OCC model , combined with particle system and active field , this dissertation builds an artificial emotion model .

  4. 本文借鉴LST(1991)和HLW(1994)投资者情绪理论,通过理论模型分析,得出了投资者情绪理论成立的四个基于一般均衡模型的推论,并逐一进行了实证检验。

    Second , this paper consults the investor sentiment theory from LST ( 1991 ) and HLW ( 1994 ), then gets four propositions base on a general equilibrium model .

  5. 基本情绪理论在人工心理建模研究中的应用

    Application of Basic Emotions Theory in Construction of Artificial Psychology Model

  6. 将情绪理论运用于思想教育之中是有积极意义的。

    It plays a positive role to apply emotional theory to ideological education .

  7. 试用投资者情绪理论解释中国封闭式基金的价格变动

    Price Change of the Chinese Close-end Funds : An Investor Emotion Theory Approach

  8. 基于行为的人工生命情绪理论模型研究

    Emotion Mode of Artificial Life Based on Behavior

  9. 行为主义情绪理论述评

    A Review of Behaviorism 's Emotional theory

  10. 初中教师关于情绪理论知识的掌握程度对其知觉学生三种不良情绪的水平有显著的预测作用。

    The level of knowledge about emotional theory had influence on and predicted teachers ' perceptual level of students ' unhealthy emotions .

  11. 投资者情绪理论认为股票价格包含了非理性因素,而公允价值中一些项目依据股价进行计量。

    Investor sentiment theory holds that stock price contains irrational factors , and some fair value accouts are measured according to stock price .

  12. 国内外学者已经开始研究如何度量噪音交易者对证券市场价格的影响程度,在行为金融学中这部分研究内容属于投资者情绪理论。

    Scholars have begun to study how to measure noise traders affecting the stock returns , which often called investor sentiment in behavioral finance .

  13. 基于中国股票市场与封闭式基金的实际情况,投资者情绪理论在中国还是适用的。

    Based on the practice situation of China stock market and the closed-end fund , the investor sentiment theory is suitable for domestic market .

  14. 经过分析,认为行为金融理论的投资者情绪理论与标准金融理论的基金业绩预期理论适合解释我国封闭式基金折价现象。

    The conclusion is that both investor sentiment theory of behavioral theory and managerial performance theory of standard financial theory adapt to explain the discounts in China .

  15. 全文分为九章:第一章为绪论,首先回顾了与认知决策有关的情绪理论,然后分析了情绪在决策研究中的处境。

    The first chapter is introduction . This chapter reviews the emotion theories related to cognition and decision making and studies the relation between emotion and decision making .

  16. 针对情绪理论的研究综述,再识了情绪的定义,并探讨了情绪的作用及调节方法。

    According to the reviews of emotion theory at hand , this paper recognizes the definition of emotion theory and makes an elementary exploitation into its significance as well as its adjustment method .

  17. 本文通过对国内外情绪理论、国内外危机干预现状等热点问题的探讨,为高校自杀危机干预提供一点有益的建议。

    This article intends to explore the hot issues in national and international emotional theories and national suicide crisis interference so as to produce some constructive advice on suicide interference in colleges and universities .

  18. 尽管国外有少数学者将公正感与情绪理论进行结合,但依然存在大量需要研究的问题,而国内在这一领域的研究非常匮乏。

    Although some researchers try to integrate the theory of justice and emotion theory , there are still so many problems unresolved . In China , this field is nearly in a state of emptiness .

  19. 从而本文从侧面支持了投资者情绪理论,而业绩预期理论用来解释今天中国的封闭式基金折价问题显然还不够恰当。

    In the end , this conclusion of the empirical study has provided strong support for the theory of investor sentiment , and at the same time showed that the theory of expectation of fund performance is so suitable for the explanation of closed-fund discount misery .

  20. 社会情绪选择理论(SocioemotionalSelectivityTheory,简称为SST)是毕生发展心理学领域中的一个较新的理论。

    Socioemotional Selectivity Theory ( SST ) is a new theory in the field of life-span developmental psychology .

  21. 情绪智力理论对运动心理学研究的启示

    Inspiration of the Theory of Emotional Intelligence to Sports Psychological Study

  22. 浅谈情绪智力理论的发展及其对我国教育的启示意义

    The Development of Emotional-intelligence Theory & Its Revelation to the Chinese Education

  23. 情绪智力理论简介

    A Brief Introduction to the Theory of Emotional Intelligence

  24. 情绪智力理论的发展综述

    The Review of the Theory Research of Emotional Intelligence

  25. 情绪智力理论的提出有利于学生评价体系的完善和发展等三个方面。

    The theory is in favor of the perfecting and development of the students ' evaluating system .

  26. 注意与记忆中的积极效应&老化悖论与社会情绪选择理论的视角

    Positivity Effect in Attention and Memory : Paradox of Aging and the Perspective from Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

  27. 素质教育、人本主义学习观、情绪心理学理论是其理论基础。

    The quality education and a humanistic view of learning and psychology of emotion are its theoretical bases .

  28. 社会情绪选择理论:未来时间知觉、年龄和社会目标的关系研究

    Socioemotional Selectivity Theory : A Research on Future Time Perspective , Age , Social Goals and Their Relationship

  29. 20世纪90年代晚期提出的情绪智力理论广受教育界和应用语言学界的关注。

    Emotional Intelligence raised and developed in late 90s of the 20th century has drawn great attention among educationists and linguists .

  30. 情绪周期理论在田径中小周期训练中的运用

    Application of Theory of Mood Periodicity in the Training of Medium or Small sized Periodical Training in Track and Field Sports