
  • 网络Life Stream;lifestream;lifestreaming;stream of life
  1. 生活流与意识流&对新时期小说文体特征的研究

    Life stream and consciousness stream on the characteristics of the writing type of the novel in the new period

  2. 基于生活流之上的电影画面从此不再是对客观世界的被动摹仿,而成为一种电影之眼对于现实生活之流的意象性观照。

    Based on the " life stream " on the movie screen is no longer a passive imitation of the objective world , and became " Eye of the film " For real-life images of contemplation .

  3. 在2008年的记者招待会是生活流的Qik和Mogulus允许任何人把问题的发言。

    In2008 press conferences are live streamed on Qik and Mogulus allowing anyone to put questions to the speakers .

  4. 试论契诃夫的情境小说和生活流小说

    On Chekhov 's Contextual Novels and Stream - of - Life Novels

  5. 本文通过分析契诃夫的一些作品,探讨了契诃夫叙述手法的若干特点,主要归结为两种独特的叙述模式:情境小说和生活流小说。

    Chekhov 's novels take two different approaches : the contextual approach and the stream-of-life approach .

  6. 我国新时期小说创作呈现出两种新的独立的文学叙述方式与结构方式,一种是意识流,一种是生活流。

    Compared with the traditional plot structure , there are two kinds of new independent literature narrative way and structure way of the novel existed of our country in the new period , one is stream of consciousness , one is the life stream .

  7. 贾樟柯的电影由众多的日常生活流构成,但艺术毕竟不能等同于生活,由日常生活流构成的电影因而更成为一种选择的艺术,如何截取日常片段因而成为艺术高于生活的关键。

    However , is not synonymous to life , such that the composition of films from streams of life is all the more an art of choice , and the key to elevating the art above life lies in slicing off the right moments from the daily life streams .

  8. 克里斯Pirillo经常使用,并谈到他的生活Twitter的流。

    Chris Pirillo frequently uses and talks about Twitter on his live stream .

  9. 城市居民生活消费物质流计算的尝试&以成都为例

    Citizens ' Consumption Material Flow Analysis & A Case Study of Chengdu

  10. 城市生活垃圾并流竖炉焚烧模拟实验研究

    Experimental study on MSW incineration with co-current shaft furnace

  11. 城市生活垃圾在并流竖炉中的热态模拟实验研究

    The Experiment Study on MSW in the Shaft Furnace under the Co-current Condition

  12. 但在现实生活中,数据流中的数据大多是未标注的,这使得传统的流分类技术缺乏实用性。

    However , in real life , the data streams are basically unlabeled , which makes the traditional data stream methods impractical .

  13. 论述了大庆石油化总厂炼油厂新建生活水厂的侧向流折板浮沉池在北方地区应用的优越性。

    Advantages of using lateral flow flap floating and settling pool in newly built living water plant of refinery which is located in northern part of China are described .

  14. 有关日常生活的内容表达需求,带来了东北农村题材影视剧由生活典型化叙事向生活流叙事的融合转变。

    The need to express the contents related to daily life has brought about the change of the films and TV plays about the rural areas of northeast China from life typification narratives to the fusion of life stream narratives .