
  • 网络Fried plain bun
  1. 当然是生煎馒头了。

    A fried one , of course .

  2. 刚出锅的生煎包风味最佳——完全值得你舌头上烫口的刺痛。

    They taste best just out of the pan -- totally worth the blisters on your tongue .

  3. 其中,中国的四川麻辣火锅和上海生煎包榜上有名。

    The Hot pot from Sichuan , and Shen jian bao from Shanghai have become two of those " must-haves ".

  4. 为此,他牺牲了个人幸福,呕心沥血,面壁十年,将自己的灵魂钉在道德的十字架上生生煎熬,却收效甚微。

    For this reason , he sacrificed 10 years of happiness facing a wall thinking and nailed his soul on the moral cross to suffer .

  5. 穿过拥挤的人群走到龙泉街,找到24号因为生煎包而闻名的“许记生煎包”。

    Weave your way over to Longquan Street , and look for Xu Ji Sheng Jian Bao at No.24 , a food stall famous for this kind of dumpling .

  6. 生煎猪肉,包在荷叶中,塞进鸡肚后用厚厚的黏土包裹起来,再放进烤炉中烘烤。

    It goes as : Fried pork wrapped in lotus leaves , stuffed in a chicken , covered with a thick layer of clay , before being roasted in the oven .

  7. 上海的小吃从阳春面到生煎馒头、虾肉烧卖,有很多讲究,出名的店做工精细,一点都不比做大餐省功夫。

    Typical Shanghai snacks include noodles in a clear broth with chives , fried dumplings with meat stuffing , and steamed buns filled with shrimp , all of which can become complicated to make .

  8. 不过可不只有灌汤包,还有生煎包——一种蒸熟的猪肉包——是一种很棒的小吃,而煎饼——以鸡蛋为主料做成的薄烤饼,抹上豆瓣酱或辣椒酱——也是当地非常有名的早餐。

    But don 't stop there , Shen jian bao , steamed pork bun , makes for a perfect for snack , while jian bing , egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear , is a local power breakfast 。