
  • 网络eco-criticism;Eco criticism;ecocriticism;ecocritism
  1. 生态批评在人类面临环境恶化和生态危机的语境中应运而生。

    Ecocriticism emerges as a new literary trend in the context of ecological crisis and environmental deterioration .

  2. 从生态批评的角度分析薇拉·凯瑟的小说《噢!拓荒者》和《我的安东尼娅》

    The Analysis of Willa Cather s O Pioneers ! and My Antonia from the Perspective of Ecocriticism ;

  3. 生态批评在当前全球性的生态变迁中兴起。

    Ecological criticism arises in the current global ecological changes .

  4. 生态批评仅仅是文学批评的一个分支,一个维度。

    It is only a branch and a dimension of literary criticism .

  5. 生态批评是探讨文学与自然环境之关系的批评。

    Eco-criticism is to explore the relationship between literature and natural environment .

  6. 从生态批评的角度解读海明威的短篇小说《大双心河》。

    This paper takes an eco-critical approach to Hemingway 's Big Two-Hearted River .

  7. 生态批评的时代责任与话语资源

    The Responsibility of Eco - criticism and Discourse Resources

  8. 回归童年回归自然&生态批评视野中的《麦田里的守望者》

    Returning to Youth and Nature : The Catcher in the Rye in Ecocriticism ;

  9. 《老古玩店》的生态批评解读

    The Eco-Critical Interpretation on The Old Curiosity Shop

  10. 生态批评兴起于20世纪中后期的欧美,是对日益突出的环境问题的直接回应。

    It is a direct response to the more and more serious environmental issues .

  11. 生态批评在中国:17年发展综述

    Development of Eco - criticism in China

  12. 关于生态批评的范畴与方法的研究是当前生态批评理论研究的薄弱环节。

    The category and methodology of eco-criticism are weak links in its present theoretical study .

  13. 生态批评虽然是一种新的批评潮流,但它赖以存在的生态思想资源却非常丰富。

    Although it is a brand-new literature criticism , it is rich in ideological resources .

  14. 生态批评与中国生态戏剧&对三个戏剧文本的生态主义批评

    An Eco-critical Reading of Three Chinese Plays

  15. 生态批评理论是西方最新出现的一种文学批评潮流。

    Ecological criticism theory is one of the latest literary criticism trends in the west .

  16. 阅读海洋:生态批评的新主题

    A New Theme for Ecology Criticism READING

  17. 美国少数族裔生态批评:历史与现状

    Ethnic American Ecocriticism : Past and Present

  18. 反思文明重审人类&从生态批评视阈解读《热爱生命》

    Reflection on Civilization Rethinking on Humankind An Eco-critical " Reading of Love of Life ";

  19. 生态批评关注文学、文化及自然环境之间的关系。

    Eco-criticism focuses on the relationship between literature , culture , and the physical environment .

  20. 美国当代生态批评述评

    A Review of Eco-Criticism in Contemporary USA

  21. 开拓绿色批评的视野&当代中国生态批评研究综述

    Widen the Vision of Green Critics

  22. 文本内外的自然之辩&生态批评与后结构主义文论的合与分

    On Nature in and out of text : the affinity and divergence between eco-criticism and post-structuralism

  23. 生态批评作为一种文学理论,建立在现代文学理论发展的基础上。

    As a literary theory , ecological criticism is based on the modern development of literature .

  24. 生态批评主要就是研究人类和自然之间的关系,强调人类和自然要和谐的相处。

    Eco-criticism studies the relationship of human and nature , emphasizing the harmonious relationship between them .

  25. 从生态批评的角度来解读文学作品,可以为解读《罗摩衍那》提供一个全新的视角。

    From the eco-criticism to interpret literary works , can supply a new perspective of Ramayana .

  26. 近年来的生态批评将后结构主义文论话语重新纳入理论视野。

    Post-structuralist theoretical discourse is coming back to the eco-critics field of vision in recent years .

  27. 物质过程名词化现象的生态批评沉积高技术材料的先进工艺

    Advanced Processes Deposit High-tech Material

  28. 本文探讨《老人与海》的生态批评思想的目的有两个。

    The paper has two motivations to examine the ecological thoughts in The Old Man and the Sea .

  29. 在生态批评理论中,地方、女性与人心具有某种天然的同一性。

    In the theory of eco-criticism , the locality , woman and human heart have certain naturally identity .

  30. 生态批评主要关注自然生态、社会生态及精神生态三个方面。

    While eco-criticism mainly pays attention to three aspects : natural ecology , social ecology and spiritual ecology .