
  • 网络Environmental philosophy
  1. 环境哲学:人与自然和谐发展的智慧之思

    Environmental Philosophy : Intelligent Meditation of Harmonious Development Between Man and Nature

  2. 环境哲学寻求从根本上解决人类自身发展的道路。

    Environmental philosophy pursued the way which thorough solved the human 's development .

  3. 论价值哲学和环境哲学视角中的环境价值

    Discussions on environmental values in philosophy of both value and environment

  4. 关于环境哲学基础的一种新构想:论深哲学、深思维和深语言

    On Deep Philosophy , Deep Thinking and Deep Language

  5. 环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(下)

    Another Form of Environmental Philosophy : Human Ecology ( the first half );

  6. 西方当代环境哲学概观

    An Overview of Contemporary Western Environmental Philosophy

  7. 环境哲学与人类新文明建设

    Environmental Philosophy Works for New Civilization

  8. 佛学环境哲学思想

    Philosophical Ideas in a Buddhism-Imbued Environment

  9. 环境哲学的五个问题

    The Five theses on Environment Philosophy

  10. 美国的环境哲学中心

    The Environmental Philosophy Center of USA

  11. 论恩格斯的环境哲学思想

    The Environmental Philosophy of Engels

  12. 从一定层面讲,马克思和恩格斯是环境哲学和生态社会学研究领域的先行者。

    To a certain extent , Marx and Engels are the pioneers in the field of ecological sociology .

  13. 发展循环经济是人们经济观念的重大变革,其中包含着环境哲学的思想:自然是有价值的。

    Development of circum-economy is great change of mankind economy thought , containing environment philosophy thought : nature possesses value .

  14. 李仪祉水土综合治理的水利思想是环境哲学研究的典型范本。

    LI Yi-Zhi comprehensive management of water and soil water study of thinking is typical of environmental philosophy and model .

  15. 从民族学/人类学的视角看文化建设环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(下)

    On Cultural Construction from the Perspective of Ethnology and Anthropology ; Another Form of Environmental Philosophy : Human Ecology ( the first half );

  16. 当代环境哲学的基础、出发点、评价标准和最终目的的核心,是人与自然的协同进化。

    The core of the basis , starting point , and ultimate end of environmental philosophy is the cooperative evolution between humans and Nature .

  17. 基于以上分析,提出了以资源哲学、环境哲学和可持续发展相结合为本文指导思想。

    Based on above all , the thesis puts forwards philosophy of resources , environmental philosophy and the view of sustainable development as guiding thinking .

  18. 生态价值论与社会生态学作为环境哲学中的两个重要流派,都为我们审视环境问题的社会维度提供了有用的视角。

    As two important schools in environmental philosophy , ecological axiology and social ecology provide some useful perspectives for examining the social dimension of environmental problems .

  19. 如果双方能够互为借鉴,取长补短,则对它们各自的发展以及环境哲学的深化都有着重要意义。

    If ecological socialism and eco-feminism can influence and complement each other , it would be important for their own development and the development of philosophy of environment .

  20. 由此我们可以得出结论:马克思恩格斯的环境哲学思想对于我们今天的环境保护工作仍然具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , we can find the conclusion : Marx and Engels ' Thoughts on environmental philosophy for our environmental protection work still has very important realistic significance .

  21. 第三章评价了恩格斯的环境哲学思想,对恩格斯与马克思的环境哲学思想进行了比较,分析了二者环境思想差异的产生根源,评价了恩格斯环境哲学思想在马克思主义中的地位。

    In the third chapter , a comparison of Engels ' and Marx ' theory of environmental philosophy is made and their difference of environmental theory is analyzed .

  22. 其次,也是更为重要的,阿伦·奈斯的极富个性的“生态智慧T”开启了进入深层生态学领域的大门,有助于我们从理论上和实践上把握西方环境哲学和环境保护运动的特征和趋势。

    Also , and more importantly , it will lead us effectively into the field of deep ecology and will acquaint us with the important trends in the philosophy of environment and the ecological movement .

  23. 深入研究经济变革中产生的环境哲学新思维,必将进一步加快循环经济理论和实践的发展,促进中国环境哲学的创建。

    The study of environment philosophy , which derives from the economic reform , will promote the development of circulation ( economy ) in theory and practice and thus advance the establishment of environmental philosophy in China .

  24. 本文从传统自然观的缺陷入手,分析了从传统自然观向环境哲学迈进的三种价值审视,并就可持续发展观作了论述。

    This article starts form the blemish of the traditional nature view , analyzing the traditional nature view and environment philosophy . Three kinds of the value examines , keep on developing the view made the treatise .

  25. 从其治黄思想来看,他的水利思想强调发展思想、系统思想、综合治理思想、人与自然和谐思想等,具有明显的环境哲学特色。

    Thinking from the Yellow River , he stressed that the development of the water thinking of thinking , systems thinking , comprehensive management of ideas , people thought in harmony with nature , environmental philosophy has obvious characteristics .

  26. 卢风教授对大学的性质、使命以及绿色大学的理念提出了自己的见解,特别强调大学的反思精神和批判意识。这种反思精神和批判意识也渗透其环境哲学思想之中。

    Professor Lufeng put forward his own understanding to the property and missions of the universities and the idea of " Green Universities ", especially emphasizing the reconsidering spirit and critique awareness , both of which also seeped in his environment-philosophy thoughts .

  27. 环境哲学以人与自然的内在统一性理念为依据,深刻反思导致环境危机的价值观念和思维模式根源,并致力于寻求人类生活的真正价值和人类社会的合理重构。

    Environmental philosophy that backed by the integration of human beings and nature is reflecting the value and thinking model that result in the environmental crisis , and trying to find out the real meaning of life and the reasonable , reconstructive society .

  28. 第一章主要阐述了本文选题的背景、目的与意义,在此基础上,介绍了当前国内外关于环境哲学以及对于马克思恩格斯环境哲学思想的研究状况,本文的主要研究思路和方法。

    The first chapter mainly introduces the background , purpose and meaning of the topic , on this foundation , introduced the current research status of domestic and foreign on environmental philosophy of Marx Engels environmental philosophical thought , and the main research ideas and methods .

  29. 生态环境哲学缘起于人类对自身当代生存状况与未来命运的忧虑和关注,人类生命中自然意识的觉醒以及人类文明范式的当代转型的科学基础与文化背景中。

    Ecological philosophy originates from human being ` s worry and attention to it ` s own living conditions and future destiny , awakening to the natural awareness in the human life and the scientific basis and cultural backgrounds during the transition of the human civilization models .

  30. 人类生存环境:哲学研究的重要课题

    Man 's living environment : a problem that philosophy must face