
huán jìnɡ lùn
  • environmental theory
  1. 梁启超的新史学理论受到多种西方学术文化的影响,地理环境论是其中的一个重要方面。

    Liang Qichao 's theory of neo-historiography was influenced by varied Occidental academic culture , one of which is geographical environmental theory .

  2. 地理环境论与梁启超的新史学理论地理环境与人类社会&孟德斯鸠、黑格尔地理环境决定论史观比较

    Geographical Environmental Theory and Liang Qichao s Theory of Neo-historiography ; Geographical Environment and Human society : a Comparison between Montesquieu and Hegel

  3. 基于信息环境论的信息环境管理

    Information Environment Management Based on the Theory of Information Environment Management

  4. 大学生心理耗散结构的演化机制心理正名心理环境论

    The Evolvement Mechanism of Psychological Dissipative Structure of College Students

  5. 物理情境教学中的学习环境论

    On the Learning Circumstance in the Emotion-environment Teaching of Physics

  6. 教师专业发展阶段中的心理契约心理环境论

    The Psychological Contract Theory in the Phase of Teachers ' Professional Development

  7. 就我国会计环境论计量基础的选择

    On Selection of Measurement Basis by Accounting Environment of China

  8. 反思与重构&现代大学制度构建之外部法律环境论

    A Reflection and Re-construction on External Law Circumstance of Chinese Modern University System

  9. 试论体育教学的心理环境论社会环境对身心健康的影响

    The Psychological Environment in Physical Teaching Effects of Social Environment on Physical and Mental Health

  10. 麻风病人的心理心理环境论

    Conception theory . Psychology of Leprosy Patients

  11. 古希腊文化的生态环境论析&兼与中国文化比较

    On Ecological Environment of Ancient Greece Culture

  12. 思想政治教育可持续发展研究思想政治教育环境论

    The Sustainable Development of Ideological and Political Education Study on Environment of Ideological Political Education

  13. 心理环境论浅谈电子实习

    A Brief Discussion on Electronics Practice

  14. 一些环境论者还担心铁路会破坏高原环境。

    Besides the cultural concerns , environmentalists worry the railway might undermine the plateau 's ecology .

  15. 民营企业软环境论略

    On soft environment of private enterprise

  16. 科技发展环境论

    Discussion on Sci-tech Developing Environment

  17. 文中概括为3个方面:以体形环境论为核心安排教学体系;

    It is summarized as follows : Using the PHYSICAL ENVIROMENT THEORY as the core for arranging the teaching system .

  18. 核心竞争力理论的定义起源于三大学派&能力论、环境论和资源论。

    The core competence theory ' definition came of three school & competence theory , environment theory and resource theory .

  19. 近年来他们已经成为环境论者,地区性的社团组织,政府管理人员以及有特殊兴趣团体的目标。

    For years they have been the goal of environmentalists , local community groups , government regulators and many other special interest groups .

  20. 借鉴后环境论,转变立法理念,推动环境保护进入新的历史时期。

    We should draw on post environmental theory and change our legislative ideas so that we can push environmental protection into a new historical period .

  21. 对于咨询委员会中是否包括如消费者和环境论者这样的非专家在内的问题,如果已获解决,那么对“文档”的要求就具有更重要的意义。

    If the issue of whether to include nonexperts on advisory committees is resolved against including consumer or environmental representatives , the requirement of a " paper trail " takes on greater importance .

  22. 加州大学戴维斯分校心理学家史丹利·苏:他们提出的一些数据似乎卡分有力,但是如果你仔细研究其中的含意、采用的方法以及结论,我想、真正得出来的结论还是环境论,也就是后天养成。

    DR. STANLEY SUE , PSYCHOLOGIST , U. C. DAVIS : They bring up all of these statistics , which appears to be substantial , but , if you really investigate the implications , the methodology and the conclusions , I think the environmental explanation , nurture , really comes out on top .

  23. 那项裁决对环境保护论者来说如同一记闷棍。

    That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists

  24. 印度总理曼莫汉辛格(manmohansingh)召集了一些环境保护论者、科学家和决策者,组成了这个小组,帕乔里是其中一员。

    Pachauri is part of a group of environmentalists , scientists and policymakers convened by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh .

  25. 从社会环境视角论我国第三部门的发展

    On the Third Sector Development From the View of Social Environment

  26. 依法行政的环境简论

    A brief introduction to the environment of administrating by law

  27. 驳中国生态环境威胁论

    To Refute an Argument of the Threat from Ecological Environment in China

  28. 对外汉语教学与方言环境略论

    Views on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and Its Dialect Environment

  29. 以墓葬环境设计论园林纪念情感的表达

    To Discuss the Express of Landscape Commemorating Affection by Cemetery Environment Design

  30. 这种颜色已经成了环境保护论的同义词。

    The colour is used as a synonym for environmentalism .