
huán jìnɡ ɡuānɡ
  • ambient light;environment lighting;surround lighting
  1. 为了减少在强环境光下显示器的反射,利用等离子体增强CVD技术,沉积了光学成像设备公司(OIS)专有的多层无机黑矩阵(blackmatrix,BM),测得最终显示器的镜面反射率低于0.6%。

    In order to reduce display reflection under high ambient light , OIS proprietary multilayer in organic black matrix is deposited using Plasma_enhaced CVD technique and the specular reflection of final display is measured to be less than 0.6 % .

  2. 介绍了提高ACTFELD对比度的一种新方法,该方法利用在显示面板前添加圆偏振片来减小环境光对对比度的影响。

    The new method of enhancing the contrast of ACTFELD is introduced . The influence of ambient light on contrast characteristics is degraded by placing an optical circular polarizer in front of the display .

  3. 环境光对CCD检测的影响及其解决办法

    How natural light beams influencing CCD detection and it 's solving methods

  4. 讨论了生产线上环境光对CCD检测的影响及其解决办法。

    The treatise discusses how natural light beams influencing the CCD detection and it 's solving mothods on production line .

  5. 考察了环境光对用514nm绿色激光激发时的PE透明塑料薄膜拉曼光谱的影响。

    The 514 nm green Laser Raman spectra influenced by environmental light has been studied in determination for transparent plastic thin film .

  6. 环境光和自身因素对彩色CRT显示器色度预测的影响

    The Effect of Internal Factors and Ambient Light on Chromaticity Prediction of Color CRT Monitors

  7. 文中算法采用HSV颜色空间,通过对背景统计模型中各颜色分量的有效分析和区别使用,能够很好地适应不同的环境光照条件。

    HSV color model is also used and its color components are analyzed and treated separately so that the proposed algorithm can adapt to different environmental illumination conditions .

  8. 因其具有良好的光、热稳定性和无毒等优点,纳米TiO2是能源光催化和环境光催化领域最常用的光催化材料之一。

    Due to its well optical and thermal stability and innoxious property , titania ( TiO2 ) nano-materials is the most common photocatalyst used in the field of photocatalytic hydrogen production and environmental photocatalysis .

  9. 在野外运用相位测量剖面术(PMP)测量物体三维面型时,环境光场经常发生变化,从而严重影响测量精度。

    The accuracy of phase - measuring profilometry ( PMP ) is greatly influenced by the environmental light , especially in the outside of the room .

  10. EPLD控制系统以光照传感器TSL2550检测环境光照度,经过视函数和对比度矫正,对LCD显示器的亮度做出自动调整。

    According to the measurement result of optoelectric sensor on the background luminance , the EPLD control system automatically adjusted the luminance of LCD on the visual acuity function and the brightness contrast .

  11. 如上所述,在使用普通TTL模式时,闪光测量系统在决定闪光输出功率时不会考虑环境光。

    As described above , when you are using the flash in plain TTL mode , the flash metering system does not take the ambient into account when determining how much light to put out .

  12. 波文博士认为,改造现在的LED使之适应智能手机及类似设备上已有的感应器及光源,如摄像头、环境光感应器、屏幕、闪光灯泡、手电筒等,是将Li-Fi推向市场最快的方法。

    Dr Povey believes that adapting existing LEDs to work with the sensors and light sources-cameras , ambient-light detectors , screens , flashbulbs , torches and so on-already found in smartphones and similar devices will be the fastest way to bring Li-Fi to market .

  13. 机载液晶显示器昼模式环境光动态照明模型的研究

    Research on Dynamic Illuminative Model of Cockpit Display under Day Mode

  14. 这一幕,只是点燃了白色的环境光。

    This scene is only lighted with a white environment light .

  15. 光敏色素是植物最重要感知环境光信号的受体。

    Phytochromes are the most important photoreceptors that plants perceive light signaling .

  16. 非恒定环境光条件下的相位测量剖面术

    Phase - Measuring Profilometry in Non - Constant Environmental Light

  17. 复杂环境光照下的半透明材质恢复算法

    Material Recovery Algorithm of Translucent Object under Complex Environment Illumination

  18. 减背景法是常用的方法之一,但其受环境光照影响;

    One of the common methods is based on the background subtraction .

  19. 目标与环境光散射辐射特性与应用研究

    Light Scattering and Radiation Characteristic of Target and Environment and Its Application

  20. 家禽孵化环境光照度模糊控制器的设计

    Design of a Light Intensity Fuzzy Controller on the Environment of Hatching Fowl

  21. 环境光照变化、光照分布不均匀会影响彩色图像中人脸的正确检测。

    The uneven illumination distribution would affect face detection in color images correctly .

  22. 一种解决线型光束感烟火灾探测器环境光干扰问题的方法

    Method of Improving Line-type Infra-red Beam Smoke Fire Detector Ability in Resisting Environment Beam

  23. 表面粗糙度视觉检测中环境光补偿新方法

    New compensation method for surface roughness inspection by machine vision in different ambient light

  24. 粗糙度-控制漫射与环境光之间过度的锐度。

    Roughness - controls how quickly the diffuse component blends into the ambient component .

  25. 为了减少环境光带来的影响,引入了主动近红外光的光照系统和专用的摄像头模组。

    To reduce the light condition affect , active Near-Infrared light system and camera are used .

  26. 对环境光照鲁棒的全景图拼接

    Ambient Light Independent Panorama Mosaics

  27. 以及对室内屏显示模块表面,针对防止环境光发生镜面反射而设计的纹理槽的有效性进行验证。

    Testing the validity of texture design to prevent mirror reflection on indoor LED panels ' surface .

  28. 另一个例子是黄色和紫色,黄色光和紫色的环境光搭配的非常漂亮。

    Another example that is yellow and purple , yellow light goes well with purple ambient light .

  29. 各种环境光都会被遮挡

    it blocks all ambient light

  30. 在环境光照下渲染复杂三维植被模型时,其自身阴影的计算极为耗时;

    The calculation of self-shadow is very time-consuming while rendering a complicated 3-D plant model with environmental lighting .