
  • 网络Circulation pattern;HQ HQ
  1. 分析结果表明:辐散型流场下广州市地面O3浓度最低,热岛环流型广州市地面O3浓度最高。

    The conclusions are that surface ozone concentration is the lowest under the divergent condition and the highest under the heat island circulation .

  2. 平均经圈环流型的转变与长期天气过程

    On the variation of mean meridional circulation related with long-range weather process

  3. 误差的快速增长依赖于湿对流活动,并与大气环流型结构密切相关。

    This rapid error growth was flow-dependent and highly related to moist convection .

  4. 环流型光生物反应器光合产氢运行条件的研究

    Operation Parameters of Photosynthetic Hydrogen Production by Loop Photo-bioreactor

  5. 关于大气环流型季节特征形成的物理因子的数值试验

    A numerical experiments for the physical factors of the seasonal characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation

  6. 中国东部旱涝与东亚纬向驻波环流型相关关系的数值试验

    Numerical experiments of the correlation between drought-flood in East China and East Asian zonal stationary waves

  7. 地球自转速率变化对东亚夏季环流型的可能影响

    Possible influence of variation in earth ′ s rotation rate on East Asian circulation patterns in summer

  8. 河北气候与区域环流型变化有很好的对应关系。

    Hebei province climate changes have a good relationship with those in North China regional circulation pattern .

  9. 对于夏季欧亚中高纬的不同持续环流型,其背景加热场存在着差异。

    For different summer persistent circulation patterns over Eurasia mid-high latitude , their background heat field have difference .

  10. 两类大气热机对大气环流型影响的数值试验

    A numerical experiment for the effects of the two kinds of the heat engine on general atmospheric circulation

  11. 北半球夏季西北太平洋热带地区西南季风强弱变化与南半球环流型的关系

    The relationship between the intensity of summer southwest monsoon over Northwest Pacific and the circulation patterns of the southern hemisphere

  12. 文中采用实际观测资料研究了西风廓线特征与大气环流型季节特征之间的联系。

    The connection between profile characteristics of the westerlies and seasonal characters of atmospheric circulation pattern are studied used observation data .

  13. 梅雨型是最主要的环流型,发生次数最多,持续时间最长,形成洪涝灾害的影响也最大。

    Meiyu type is the most important circulation pattern and has greatest influence on flood since its frequent occurrences and lasting the longest days .

  14. A类与西北地区东部干旱环流型相对应;

    The A regime is associated with the drought circulation pattern for the east of northwest China , and the B regime with the comparatively wet pattern .

  15. 降雪的环流型主要有低槽(涡)型和中亚低槽东亚高后型两类;

    Furthermore , there are two kinds of circulation patterns : trough ( vortex ) pattern , and trough of mid Siberia and ridge back of east Siberia pattern .

  16. 新模式模拟的准稳态环流型同现有模式是一致的,不过达到这种准稳态环流型的时间演变过程则很不一样。

    The quasi-steady circulation patterns generated by the new model compare well with existing models , but the time evolution of the new model seems different from some existing models .

  17. 本文应用奇异值分解等统计方法,探讨冬季北太平洋海冰浓度、海温与大尺度大气环流型间的联系。

    In this paper , the relationship among large scale patterns of the atmospheric variability , sea ice concentration and SST over the north Pacific in winter is investigated using Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD ) of the temporal covariance matrix .

  18. 本方案是以统计学方法划分自然天气季节和对每个自然天气季节内的候平均环流型进行分类为基础的,着重点在于强调以认识大气中的物理过程为基础来选择预报因子。

    The scheme is based on the division of Natural Synoptic Season and classification of the circulation patterns for each NSS by statistical methods . The emphasis for this scheme is laid on the selection of predictor variables on the basis of understanding the physical processes in the atmosphere .

  19. 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料合成分析表明,在不同的年代际背景下ENSO引起的东亚中高纬度大气环流异常型发生了明显改变是ENSO和降水气温关系发生年代际变化的原因。

    Based on the composite analysis of the NCAR / NCEP reanalyze datasets , significant differences existing in ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly in East Asia during pre-and post-shift periods may be responsible for the interdecadal variation of relationships between ENSO and surface air temperature and precipitation in China .

  20. 引起华北地区夏季出现持续干旱的环流异常型

    Circulation Anomalies Pattern Causing the Persistent Drought in North China

  21. 稳定风生流场可以划分为逆时针环流主导型、顺时针环流主导型和过渡型3种类型;

    The stable wind-driven current fields can be divided into three types , i.e. the clockwise circumfluence , the counterclockwise circumfluence , and the transient circumfluence .

  22. 在中期环流分型预报的基础上,对宁夏1971~2000年30年第一场透雨过程的环流形势及主要影响系统特征进行了深入分析。

    Based on the medium range classified circulation pattern , the atmospheric circulation pattern and main weather system which affected on the first soaking rain in Ningxia during 1971 & 2000 are carefully analyzed .

  23. 应用K均值聚类法对东亚各自然天气季节500毫巴候平均环流的分型试验

    A pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 MB level over East Asia for each NSS by the method of k-mean cluster analysis

  24. ELNino演变不同阶段东亚大气环流年际异常型的数值模拟

    Numerical modeling of interannual anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns over East Asia during different stages of an El Nino event

  25. 我国冬季气温异常与北半球500hPa大气环流遥相关型的关系

    Relationships between winter temperature anomalies in China and 500 & hpa teleconnection patterns of the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere

  26. 聚类分析在暴雨预报和环流形势分型中的应用

    The Applications of Cluster Analysis in Forecasting Heavy Rain Area and Grouping of Circulation Model

  27. 亚洲夏季风活动激发的北半球大气环流遥相关型

    Atmospheric Teleconnection Pattern over the Northern Hemisphere Connected with the Activity of the Asian Summer Monsoon

  28. 陕西汛期降水与前期大气环流遥相关型的联系

    Relationship between the flood season rainfall in Shanxi and the teleconnection pattern of the general circulation at the earlier stage

  29. 低频球面正压大气行星波的频散特征及大气环流遥相关型形成的物理机制

    The dispersion feature of the spherical low-frequency PLANETARY WAVES IN BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE and the physical mechanism of the teleconnection paterns in general circulation

  30. 冬季极涡异常变化对应于对流层中高纬度环流异常的型为北极涛动和副热带涛动。

    The anomalous variation of polar vortex in winter corresponds to the situation that the pattern of mid-high latitude circulation anomaly in troposphere is AO and STO .