
fēnɡ jì
  • wind season
  1. 因攀枝花将进入风季,且没有降水,致使施工期间的扬尘尤为明显。

    Because Panzhihua is entering the wind season and there is no rainfall , the fugitive dust is particularly evident during construction period .

  2. 中午时分,女人带回了一篮子的食物。头上围了条黑色的头巾。动很奇怪,现在不是风季,她为什么要围……但他想太多。,

    Around noon , he saw the woman carrying back a basket full of food but this time around her head was in a black scarf even though it was not the wind season .

  3. 在风季发生转换期间,根据不同方向风的持续时间,对毛乌素沙地南缘长48m,高8m的横向沙丘进行了7次断面形态测量和表面沉积物采样分析。

    The transect data of morphology and grain-size samples has been obtained from a transverse dune with 8m high and 48m long in the south edge of Mu Us Sandy Land in the period of wind direction transitions .

  4. 我们又何必在意那长长的风季。

    Why do we sign during the lengthy windy season .

  5. 增加土壤含水量,是本地区风季减小风蚀的有效方法。

    Increasing of soil water moisture can efficiently decrease wind erosion in the region in erosion duration .

  6. 花季的邂逅、雨季的冲动、风季的告别,画季的回忆,都随着雨时隐时现。

    Flowering sesame , monsoon impulse , windy season farewell , painting season , as the rain memories to hers .

  7. 美国企业削减人手,非农业支薪人数报告亦是去年风季以来最疲弱者。

    Also , the latest non-farms payrolls report was the weakest since last year 's hurricanes , as US companies cut back their hiring .

  8. 对北方风季减少弓网故障,具有一定的参考意义。

    It has some certain value for reference for reducing the faults of pantograph and OCS in windy period in North part of country .

  9. 而以往的风季平均长达六个月,只有11个命名为风暴,其中6个转变成飓风,只有2个是有大范围。

    This is compared to an average six-month season of 11 named storms , six of which become hurricanes , two of them major .

  10. 上周,美国国家海洋和大气局预测今年风季将有14-23个风暴,包括8-14个飓风,其中3-7个是大范围的,风速每小时至少达到111英里。

    Last week NOAA predicted 14 to 23 named storms , including eight to 14 hurricanes - three to seven of which were likely to be " major , " with winds of at least 111mph .

  11. 置换通风与混合送风供冷季运行能耗比较

    Comparison between annual energy consumptions of displacement ventilation and mixing ventilation

  12. 南海夏季风活动与季内北太平洋副高的形态和西伸

    The South China Sea Summer Monsoon and the seasonal modality and WEST-EXTENDING of the northern hemisphere Pacific subtropical high

  13. 南亚夏季风通过西南季风气流水汽输送直接影响我国西北地区南部和东部,并且,其变化通过环流结构调整影响西风带的波动,进而影响西风带对西北地区的水汽输送。

    The South Asia summer monsoon affects the southern and the eastern parts of the Northwest China by the southwest water vapor transport stream , and the westerly fluctuation by adjusting the circulation , and the westerly water vapor transport for the Northwest China .