
  • 网络Every dog has his day;Turn By Turns;every dog has its day
  1. 风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。

    We 've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style .

  2. 她自己参与了IBM公司制定高标准的过程,如今风水轮流转,当时的高标准成了她必须清除的障碍。

    And she was personally involved in setting the high bar that she must now clear .

  3. 风水轮流转,总有一天人们会觉得那样很吵闹,会勇敢地抛开随身听。

    One day people will have had enough noise . They 'll be brave .

  4. 我想风水轮流转了。

    I guess the tables have turned now .

  5. 虽说风水轮流转,但大型制药公司并未放弃斗争。

    The tables are turning , but Big Pharma has not given up the fight .

  6. 如今,风水轮流转。

    Now that luck may be changing .

  7. 我相信风水轮流转总是有原因的。

    I guess there 's always reason to hope that things can be turned around .

  8. 此所谓风水轮流转。

    History does take interesting turns .

  9. 洪灏说,中国股市总是风水轮流转。

    ' There is always a rotation going on in the China market , ' Mr. Hong said .

  10. 但是游戏行业“风水轮流转”,这次的成功并不能确保下一次也能成功。

    But gaming is a cyclical business , and success in one round does not guarantee success in the next .

  11. 在开幕词中,辩护律师长和尼斯阔利部落律师托宾说:“风水轮流转”。

    In opening statement , lead defense counsel and Nisqually Tribal AttorneyBill Tobin said this was a case about riding a historical round .

  12. 那么,这种风水轮流转的模式是否意味着你应该追随前一年业绩最差的策略呢?

    So does the ' first shall be last ' pattern mean you should instead follow the lead of the worst performer of the previous year ?

  13. 真是风水轮流转。由于中国的金融业对海外是封闭的,在按揭证券使得许多国家的银行破产的情况下,中国却几乎独善其身。

    In another reversal of fortune , China , because of its closed financial sector , has been largely shielded from the toxic mortgage-backed securities that brought down many of the world 's banks .

  14. 风水会轮流转;在政治上,它总是如此。

    The wheel of fortune will swing round again ; in politics , it always does

  15. 但风水会轮流转。当有一天我们的自动提款机无法正常工作,交通指示灯胡乱闪烁,计算机无故关机时,也许就是我们最先感知到这一点的时候。

    But one day , the tables may turn . The first we may know of it is when our cashpoints refuse to co-operate , our traffic lights go on the blink and our computers shut down .