
  1. 国外学者通过实验证明话语标记语有助于EFL学习者理解口语语篇;国内学者指出话语标记语在听力理解中的重要性,并建议教师将话语标记语融入听力教学。

    The researchers abroad demonstrate that discourse markers facilitate EFL learners ' comprehension of oral texts through experiments , while the researchers at home realize the importance of discourse markers in listening comprehension and suggest that the discourse marker instruction should be added in listening classes .

  2. 恰当的称呼语有助于人们达到预期的交际目的。

    Proper terms of address will help people achieve the desired communicative effect .

  3. 研究民谣语有助于我们正确认识社会和历史。

    Researches into folk songs help us correctly understand the society and history .

  4. 正确使用身势语有助于同人们进行交际。

    Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people .

  5. 正确地使用体态语有助于人们交际,使在国外的逗留轻松而舒适。

    Use body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable .

  6. 本研究对认识小说文本中情态附加语和情态助动词的人际意义有一定启示。

    There are implications of comprehending the interpersonal meanings of modal adjuncts and finite modal operators in novel discourse in this study .

  7. 其次,找出例句中的情态附加语和情态助动词和分析它们在相应语篇中的人际意义。

    Secondly , modal adjuncts and finite modal operators in those examples are selected and their interpersonal meanings are explained in the relevant discourse .

  8. 研究校园流行语,有助于人们更好地了解校园文化、当代大学生特有的心理状态和文化价值取向。

    Studying popular language of campus is conducive to understand state of mind and outlook of cultural value of campus culture and modern college students .

  9. 往后的研究能够对所研究的小说中所有的情态附加语和情态助动词的人际意义,甚至是所有情态的人际意义进行系统地分析,将会对读者理解小说有更大的帮助。

    The further studies are recommended to investigate the interpersonal meanings of all modal adjuncts and finite modal operators and even all of modal elements systemically , which can help readers to understand the novel better .

  10. 准确使用话语标记语不仅有助于建立段落内在的逻辑框架,而且有利于更为清楚、连贯地表达思想。

    The accurate use of causal Discourse Markers ( DMs ) is not only beneficial to build the inner logic framework of paragraphs , but also contributes to expression of ideas in a clear and coherent way .

  11. 词汇语块有助于提高语言使用的流畅性、地道性和准确性,故探讨研究二语学习者如何习得、处理和使用词汇语块具有重要的意义。

    Lexical formulae can help learners improve their language fluency , idiomaticity and accuracy . Consequently , it is of great significance to probe into and research how learners acquire , deal with and use lexical formulae .

  12. 了解中英公示语的特点有助于译者的翻译工作。

    To understand the characteristics of public signs is helpful for the work of translators .

  13. 浑沌学理论用整体观来看待二语习得,有助于我们加深对二语习得的认识。

    Chaos Theory views SLA with a holistic approach and is helpful for us to have a better understanding of SLA .

  14. 作者认为语块教学有助于提高学生词汇习得的效率,而语块习得需要附带习得和刻意学习/显性学习的有机整合。

    The author suggests that the teaching and learning of formulaic sequences based on the integration of incidental learning and intentional / explicit learning will be conducive to vocabulary acquisition .

  15. 因此,语言学家对广告语篇中有助于实现说服客户消费目的的言语进行语言学研究在学术领域具有重要意义。

    Therefore , the study of linguistic function reflected in these advertising discourses which help realize the aim of persuading the customers into consuming has considerable significance in academic field for linguists .

  16. 动词的修饰语分为两种:动词前的修饰语即副词性成分和动词后的修饰语即助动词。

    The modifiers of verb are divided into two types : that is , the modifiers before the verb is adverbial component and the modifiers behind the verb is auxiliary verb .