
  • 网络Language Alliance;Sprachbund;Sprachbunde;allying of language;language association
  1. 当然,纽约也有许多学术界的语言学家,其中有三人就已一起成立了名为濒危语言联盟的组织(简称ELA),该组织正从城市聚居在一起的移民百姓中搜寻出使用罕见语种的人。

    New York is also home , of course , to a lot of academic linguists , and three of them have got together to create an organisation called the Endangered Language Alliance ( ELA ) , which is ferreting out speakers of unusual tongues from the city 's huddled immigrant masses .

  2. 但是濒危语言联盟尝试理解的不仅仅是语言的基本要素。

    But the ELA is attempting to understand more than just the nuts and bolts of languages .

  3. 从语言学角度上看,Manono这个词是个独特的怪胎,因为它只用声调来区分肯定和否定——濒危语言联盟已经发现这个现象适用于马宏威语中所有的动词。

    Manono is a particular linguistic oddity , since it uses only tone to differentiate an affirmative from a negative - a phenomenon the ELA has since discovered applies to all verbs in Mahongwe .

  4. 他认为,东德与西德应保持一段时间的分离状态,之后成为一个以德语为官方语言的松散联盟。

    He suggested that East and West Germany remain separate for a time and then join a loose confederation of German-speaking states .

  5. 但英国还有很多正规的语言学校。根据语言中心联盟EnglishUK委托撰写的研究报告,英国有超过550所经过认证和检验的英语语言教学中心,包括私立和公立学校、继续教育学院、大学和夏令营。

    But there are plenty of decent ones . According to a report commissioned by English UK , the language centres association , there are more than 550 accredited and inspected English language teaching centres in the UK , including private and state schools , further education colleges , universities and summer camps .