
yǔ diào
  • intonation
语调 [yǔ diào]
  • [intonation] 说话时语音高低轻重配置而形成的腔调

语调[yǔ diào]
  1. 我们学习了语音、重读和语调。

    We worked on pronunciation , stress and intonation .

  2. 她说英语,语调很自然。

    She speaks English with very natural intonation .

  3. 他的声音里流露着友好诙谐的语调。

    There was a friendly , bantering tone in his voice .

  4. 这封信是用她惯常的尖刻语调写的。

    The letter was written in her usual acerbic style .

  5. 他的语调显得冷静而坚决。

    There was a hint of steel in his voice .

  6. 人们每次提起他的名字,语调中几乎总是充满了敬意。

    His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones .

  7. 他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。

    The tone in his voice brooked no argument .

  8. 他说话的语调粗暴无礼。

    His tone was curt and unfriendly .

  9. 她轻佻的语调使他很生气。

    Her flippant tone irked him .

  10. 她念了起来,语调利落而平静。

    She began to read in a brisk , unemotional voice

  11. 他不想刻意重复那种讲话的语调。

    He is not attempting necessarily to reproduce the cadence of speech .

  12. 他是一个温文尔雅、语调轻柔、头脑聪明的人。

    He was a gentle , soft-spoken intelligent man .

  13. 她说话鼻音很重,语调单一。

    She talked in a deep nasal monotone .

  14. 他温和的态度和悦耳的语调使安德鲁消除了疑虑。

    His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew

  15. 她那咄咄逼人的尖锐语调拉开了导致她垮台的事件的序幕。

    Her sharp , aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall .

  16. 我女儿用充满爱意的温柔语调对她的玩具娃娃说话。

    My daughter spoke to her doll in tender accents of love .

  17. “我感到怀疑,”利·马洛里用浓厚的戏谑语调说。

    " I wonder ," said Leigh Mallory in a heavily jesting tone .

  18. 老师在检查发音和语调。

    The teacher checks for pronunciation and intonation .

  19. 他讲话语调庄重。

    He spoke in a solemn tone .

  20. 保持语调平和:在为人们服务时,不要使用太轻的语调,特别是当你误解了他们的文化时(如中文名字的顺序不正确)。

    Keep the tone measured : don 't handle it too lightly , as people can be offered , especially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture ( i . e . incorrect ordering of Chinese names ) .

  21. Capslockvoice指平时冷静沉默的人在对某人或某事忍无可忍的时候转而采用的一种提高了音调且颇有威慑力的说话语调,这种方式相当于在网上聊天时用全部大写的方式表达自己激烈情绪,所以,就叫“大写锁定语调”。

    Caps lock voice refers to the authoritative and raised tone used by a normally calm and quiet person when he / she has had enough of someone or something . It is the equivalent to using the caps lock key in the digital world to show your strong emotion .

  22. 她的语调和神态依旧把她禁锢在一种不可接近的状态中。

    Her tone and her look still enveloped her in a soft inaccessibility .

  23. 额外的设置,配置不好的调制解调器不能确定适当的断开的语调

    Extra settings for configuring BAD modems that cannot identify proper disconnect tone .

  24. “海狮”是那种在网络聊天中突然闯入,用一种故作礼貌的语调来介入谈话,目的是让意见相左的人吵起来。

    Sea-lion is a person who intrudes1 upon an online conversation in an attempt to engage opponents in debate , particularly by using a tone of feigned2 civility .

  25. 有时他们也和它说话,比如一个人说“今天过得好吗?”,随后另一个就故意用很奇怪的语调说“不太好!”。当然了,稻草人是不会感激他们对自己的关心的。

    Sometimes , they would talk to it , saying things like " How 's it going ? " And the other would say in a weird2 voice " Not good . " Of course , Harold wouldn 't appreciate it .

  26. 成功的外贸函电写作必须遵循六C原则:即清楚、简洁、正确、礼貌、完整和会话的语调。

    There are six " C " principles that must be followed , namely ," clearness , conciseness , correctness , courtesy , completeness and conversational tone " .

  27. PSC朗读项语调偏误判定的依据

    The Scoring Criteria of " Intonation Tolerance " in Reading Item of PSC Exam

  28. 语调偏误与PSC的定性

    On Intonation Errors and PSC Determination

  29. 这种语言特征被称为高声结尾(HRT),通常理解为澳大利亚式语调(AQI)。

    The language trait is known as a high-rising terminal ( HRT ), commonly referred to as Australian Question Intonation ( AQI ) .

  30. 王振堂(WangJen-tang)的语速非常缓慢,有足够时间考虑自己想说些什么。而且,他的语调无比温和。

    Wang Jen-tang speaks at a pace slow enough to allow him to ponder over what he wants to say and he is as soft spoken as it gets .