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  • 网络modal adverb
  1. 语气副词是副词小类里比较独特的一类。

    Modal Adverbs are relatively special in the Word Class System .

  2. 语气副词是表达言者对命题的情感态度的副词。

    Modal adverbs express the speakers ' subjective attitude towards propositions .

  3. 试论现代汉语语气副词状语的疑问功能

    On the interrogative function of mood adjunct of the Modern Chinese

  4. 现阶段对语气副词的研究并不深入。

    The study on mood adverb is far away from enough .

  5. 选择连词其与语气副词其

    The Conjunction of Choice Qi and the Adverb of Mood Qi

  6. 强调类语气副词与对外汉语教学

    The Class Emphasis Tone Adverb and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  7. 像义动词到测度类语气副词的语法化

    The Grammaticalization from Liking Verb to Tone Adverb of Measure

  8. 外国学生习得汉语语气副词调查研究

    A Study on the Acquisition of Chinese Modal Adverbs by Foreign Students

  9. 本文的主要内容包括:第一章讨论语气副词的性质和范围。

    This includes : First chapter is discussed with the nature and scope .

  10. 第二部分:强调类语气副词的本体研究。

    Part two : The noumenon research of the class emphasis tone adverb .

  11. 领悟类语气副词研究

    Studies on Chinese Modality Adverbs Denoting " Comprehend "

  12. 轻声的宏观历史发展反诘语气副词的功能考察

    On The Development of The Neutral Tone The Function of the Interrogative Adverbs

  13. 语气副词在词类系统中的归属

    The Adscription of Mood Adverb in Word Class System

  14. 本文讨论了与否定项无标记关联的语气副词。

    This thesis discusses the unmarked construe concerned with modality adverbs and negatives .

  15. 第三章是语用分析,对这两个或然语气副词的句类选择倾向进行了集中研究。

    Thirdly , the paper analyse pragmatic functions of two probably modal adverbs .

  16. 单音节语气副词的语法化机制研究

    On the Grammaticalization Mechanism of the Monosyllable Modal Adverbs

  17. 反诘类语气副词的否定功能分析

    A Study on Negative Function of Interrogative Modal Adverbs

  18. 语气副词连的语义和语用分析。

    Chapter 3 A semantic and pragmatic analysis on the tone adverb Lian .

  19. 断定类语气副词对陈述句的选择最高;

    It has the highest choice to declarative .

  20. 《论衡》四种语气副词研究

    Four Types of Mood Adverbs in Lun Heng

  21. 祁阳方言语气副词连及其相关结构的研究

    The Study on the Tone Adverb Lian and Its Related Structure in Qiyang Dialect

  22. 越南学生运用汉语语气副词中常见的逻辑联系语偏误分析

    Analysis on Common Logical Connective Errors Made by Vietnamese Students Using Chinese Mood Adverbs

  23. 第二部分讨论了和语义否定有关的语气副词和否定项的组合情况。

    Part two discusses the modality adverbs that relate to truth - conditional negation .

  24. 论现代汉语语气副词

    On the Adverb of Mood in Modern Chinese

  25. 语气副词的功能及其词类归属

    The Function of Mood Adverb and its Classification

  26. 从语气副词的句法分布透视其语用功能

    A Study of the Pragmatic Functions of Modal Adverbs according to Their Syntactic Distribution

  27. 语气副词是表达语气的语法成分,也常常跟语用因素直接关联。

    Modal adverbs are special grammatical constituents , and are always associated with pragmatic factors .

  28. 第二部分是巧合类语气副词的句法功能分析。

    In Part II , the author analyses the syntactic functions of coincidence mood adverbs .

  29. 本章的分类是基于对语气副词的深刻认识。

    This paper is based on the classification of the understanding of the modal adverbs .

  30. 现代汉语语气副词状语的疑问功能主要表现在两个方面:标记和强调。

    The interrogative function of mood adjunct of the Modern Chinese are marks and emphases .