
yǔ mǎ
  • code
  1. 语码转换(CodeSwitching)是指在同一次对话或交谈中使用两种甚至更多的语言变体。

    Code switching means two or more language varieties are used in one conversation .

  2. 语码(code)是指人们用于交际的任何符号系统,可以是一种语言,也可以是一种方言、语体或语类。

    Code refers to any symbol system for communicating , which can be a language or a dialect , a style or a language variety .

  3. 语码转换(CodeSwitching)是指说话者在对话或交谈中,从使用一种语言或方言转换到使用另一种语言或方言。

    Code-switching refers to the speaker in the dialogue or conversation who switches a language or dialect into another language or dialect .

  4. 因为,除了其会话功能之外,在会话中进行语码转换还是EFL学习者在英语学习过程中的一种有益和有效形式。

    Except for its conversational functions , switched codes in dialogues are profitable and efficient forms of language learning and practicing among EFL students .

  5. Hudson认为,在两个或多个语言有接触的情况下,必然会出现双语或多语现象。在双语或多语现象中,语码转换又是不可避免的结果。

    Code-switching , as an inevitable consequence of bilingualism which is an inevitable consequence of language contact , dutifully exerts impacts on both languages involved .

  6. 从Scotton的标记模式的角度对语码混杂、语码转换等概念进行了分析。

    And based on Scotton 's Markedness Model , the author sets forth the meanings of code-mixing and code-switching .

  7. 首先,标记模式将语言形式的选择视为说话人有理性的语码选择,这一观点可追溯至Jakobson提出的手段-目的模式。

    First , the model claims that speakers are rational in their choice of linguistic forms . This view can draw its source from the means-end model , which was first proposed by Roman Jakobson .

  8. 语码转换(Code-switching)是指双语人在同一或不同话轮中,对两种语言进行交替使用的双语现象或双语言语行为。

    Code-switching is a kind of bilingual phenomenon , which refers to the alternative use of two different languages in the same or different turns . As one of the consequences of language contact , code-switching has drawn the attention of researchers both abroad and in China .

  9. 语言学家们说,有时候,语码转换甚至是在无意中发生的。

    And sometimes it 's even done unconsciously , linguists say .

  10. 语言环境和儿童语码选择、转换研究

    Research on Language Environment and Children 's Code Choice and Code-switch

  11. 语码转换是语言交际和跨文化交际中的一个普遍现象。

    Code-switching is a common phenomenon in language and cross-cultural communication .

  12. 从框架理论看词汇语码转换

    Study Lexical Code - switching from the Perspective of Frame Theory

  13. 本文中提及的网络语码转换主要是以书面体出现的语码转换。

    Code-switching involved in this study is mainly in written form .

  14. 自二十世纪五十年代开始,美国学者开始了对语码转换这一现象的研究。

    Since 1950s , American scholars began to study on CS .

  15. 语码转换在小说语篇中的形式与功能

    Form and Function of Chinese-English Code-switching in Singaporean Novel Working Girls

  16. 英语专业教师在课堂上语码转换调查

    An Investigation of Teacher Code-switching in the English Teaching Classroom

  17. 英汉语码转换在中国杂志广告中的应用

    Analysis of Chinese and English Code-Switching in Chinese Magazine Advertising

  18. 语码转换是近年来语言学界研究的热门话题。

    Code-switching has been a hot topic in the circle of linguistics .

  19. 在言语交际中语码转换现象非常普遍。

    Code switching is a common phenomenon in language communication .

  20. 从斯科顿的标记模式看语码转换研究的新进展

    Scotton 's Markedness Model and New Development in Code-switching Studies

  21. 语码转换是一种复杂的语言现象。

    Code-switching ( abbreviated as CS ) is a complicated linguistic phenomenon .

  22. 其次是语码的转换。

    Then there comes the alternation of the language codes .

  23. 第二部分余华先锋小说的主题语码。

    The second part is theme code of Yu Hua 's novel .

  24. 语码转换和语码混合是近年来社会语言学研究领域中颇受关注的热点话题。

    Code-switching and code-mixing have been arousing much attention in recent years .

  25. 蒙古人在他们交际中使用语码转换源于很多原因和目的。

    Mongolians use code-switching in their interaction for many reasons and purposes .

  26. 《第一次的亲密接触》中的语码转换

    Code - Switching Phenomena In Internet Literature Of The First Close Contact

  27. 语码超常组合的语用功能

    Illogical Collocation of Semantic Codes and the Corresponding Pragmatic Functions

  28. 语码转换研究中分析单位的确定

    Unit of Analysis in Discourse with Code - switched Utterances

  29. 所以翻译实质上是一种意义潜势的跨语码传递。

    Thus translation is virtually a cross-code transmission of the meaning potential .

  30. 人们倾向于在不同的情况下,因不同的原因来使用语码转换。

    People tend to code switch for various reasons in different situations .