
  1. 文学典型内涵的现代阐释

    A Modern Interpretation of the Typical Character in Literature

  2. 基督教与西方文学典型

    Christianity and the Trends in Western Literature

  3. 20世纪中国文学典型论局限分析

    Analysis of the Deficiency of Model Theory in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century Chinese Literature

  4. 贞德是欧洲基督教中重要的文学典型,很多作家以她的生平史迹进行文学创作。

    Jeanne d'Arc is an important literature image in European Christianity . Many writers wrote about her life story .

  5. 而格拉斯则痴迷专注地在写一个人,一个好似圣人一样的人&他的哥哥西摩,他的文学典型。

    And Glass in turn wrote obsessively , devotedly , as if of some plaster saint , about his elder brother Seymour , his Literary Ideal .

  6. 为了翻译已经成为不朽的世界文学典型并浸透着美国社会与文化影响的《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》,一代又一代的中国译者对该小说进行重译。

    In order to introduce the everlasting literature figure Huck , the typical boy bearing American social and cultural characteristics to Chinese people , Chinese translators successively retranslate this classic works .

  7. 其意义在于从文本本身,即从文学典型现象的角度为世纪中国现代化进程中的历史积淀、心理延宕和精神气质的变迁等方面提供一种具象的说明。

    In a sense , to the point of literary typical phenomenon , it provides a concrete examples for the old practices , psychological procrastination , spirit and so on in the period of China 's modernization development in the 20th century .

  8. 非裔美国作家欧内斯特·J.盖恩斯被盛誉为最具天赋的故事讲述者之一。他的经历和创作使他成为继福克纳之后美国南方文学的典型代表。

    The African American writer Ernest J. Gaines is widely acclaimed as " one of the most naturally gifted storytellers . " His experiences and writing make him the typical representative of American Southern literature after Faulkner .

  9. 现实主义:直面现世的社会批判&论茅盾作为一种现实主义文学形态典型代表的意义

    Realism : Face-to-Face " Criticism of Society " & Significance of Mao Dun as a Representative Figure of a Realistic Literary Form

  10. 此文是我国古代文学中典型的驳论性论文,值得学习和借鉴。

    This letter is a typical refuting and argument article in the history of classic literature of our country and is worth reading and using for reference .

  11. 这一章主要在观念和问题的横向把握中,以纯文学、典型形象为个案,反思有关问题,提出建设性的意见。

    Taking the pure literature and typical character as two specific cases , this chapter reflects on the problems concerned and is to put forward constructive ideas .

  12. 作为青年反叛性文学的典型,垮掉一代文学和另类文学分别提供了中美两种不同文化下青年反叛性文学的标本。

    As two typical examples of youth literature of revolt , " the Beat Generation " literature and " the New Human " literature provide the model for youth literature of revolt respectively under American and Chinese cultural background .

  13. 作品中的主角,H大的校长何季洲,是当代文学史具有典型意义的人物,他是当今国情下既得利益集团的代表。

    The protagonist in the novel , He Jizhou , president of H University , is a typical character in the history of modern Chinese literature , for he is the representative of the vested interest group under the current national conditions .

  14. 库特·冯纳格特(1922-),是美国文学史上典型的后现代派小说家。

    Kurt Vonnegut Jr. ( 1922 - ), is a typical postmodern novelist in American literature .

  15. 西湖小说蕴含着浓郁的地域色彩,在地域文学中富有典型意义。

    " Novel of the West Lake " contains strong region color , have the rich model meaning of region literature .

  16. 海外华文文学研究的典型标本&简评饶芃子教授的《世界华文文学的新视野》

    A Typical Specimen of Overseas Chinese Literature & A Critique of A New Vision of the Overseas Chinese Literature by Rao Pengzi ;

  17. 通过对语例的分析,强调了由于隐喻语言是文学作品的典型特征,保留原文隐喻是非常重要的。

    Through the analysis of the data , this thesis emphasizes the importance of retaining the metaphors since metaphorical language is a typical characteristic of the literary works .

  18. 用水文学方法找出典型年河水中地下径流成分,然后分割出壤中流和地面径流。再根据实测的水质和流量资料计算出流域非点源污染负荷。

    According to the variation of the components in the ground water of Streamflow within a year , the nonpoint pollutant load in a basin can be computed .

  19. 《白雪公主后传》充满了对传统童话故事的调侃和反叛,是后现代文学作品的典型代表,读者可以从中看到这类文学作品中普遍存在的道德嬗变问题。

    In fact the former , as a typical post-modernist literary work , ridicules and rebels against the latter , thus revealing the changing morality in post-modern literature .

  20. 而英雄人物的塑造作为大部分报告文学中的典型人物形象,在新时期报告文学文本中起到了体现时代特征,弘扬时代精神的作用。

    Heroes , as most of the reportage in the shape of the typical figure image of the text in the new era reportage of the times , played a feature role in carrying forward the spirit of the times .

  21. 第二章重点分析底层文学中的典型底层形象类型,主要从留守农民形象、城市异乡人、下岗工人与城市贫困者三个大的方面进行归纳和梳理。

    The second chapter analyzes the literature in the bottom of the bottom of the image of the typical type of image , mainly from peasants at home , urban strangers , laid-off workers and the urban poor to summarize the three major aspects and combs .

  22. 骆驼祥子是二十世纪文学画廊中的典型。

    Xiangzi is a typical character in the gallery of the 20th century literature .

  23. 词与乐的结合是中国音乐文学史上最典型的形态之一。

    The combination of verse and music is the history of Chinese music literature one of the most typical form .

  24. 这种以底层民众为描写对象,以底层经验为表述对象的文学创作正是典型的底层写作。

    This describes the underlying object to the public to experience the bottom of the literary expression object is typical of the bottom of writing .

  25. 弗莱的文学原型是指典型的反复出现的意象,既是一种艺术形式,又是一种叙述结构。

    The literary archetype of Frye 's refers to " image emerging typically and frequently ", which is not only art form but also narrative structure .

  26. 作为中国现代文学史上较为典型的学院派知识分子,京派的文学观力避偏激,追求理性稳健。

    As the classical academic intellectual in the history of Chinese modern literature , the Beijing school tend to avoid extremity and seek retain and stability .

  27. 其次从文本的角度看,战争文学通过转义和典型化之类的叙述策略,来实现抽象与整合历史的目的。

    Secondly , from the point of view of text , the war literature tries to abstract and sort out history by the narrative strategies of figurative usages and typification .

  28. 在文学批评内部,典型理论的困顿则宣告了高度理性化的文学批评思维方式的终结,原型理论对典型理论的置换实现了文学批评的突围;

    Within the circle of literature criticism , the stalemate of typical theory is an end mark of literature criticism in highly sensible mode . The replacement of typical criticism by prototype theory is a realization of breakthrough in literature criticism .

  29. 中国古代诗歌是中国最古老,成就最辉煌的文学形式,作为中国文学的典型代表,在世界文学史上占有无可取代的地位。

    Chinese ancient poetry , as the typical representative of Chinese literature , is the oldest and most brilliant literary form . It is also irreplaceable in history of world literature .

  30. 《澳门日报》副刊文学在整个澳门汉语新文学中具有典型意义和代表价值,是了解原生态澳门文学的重要窗口。

    Being a significant window of the original ecology of Macau literature , the supplement literature in Macau Daily is exemplary and of representative values to the entire Macau Chinese New Literature .