
  • 网络Culture Discrimination;Cultural Discrimination
  1. 蓄蛊之地:一项文化歧视符号的迁转流移

    Land of Sorcery : The Shift of a Symbol of Cultural Discrimination

  2. 然而,结构性暴力与根深蒂固的文化歧视使女性议员成为众矢之的,她们几乎被排斥在决策圈之外。

    However , the presence of structural violence and cultural discrimination got women M.P.s targeted , they were almost excluded from the decision-making circle .

  3. Grassceiling(草坪天花板)指阻止女性通过高尔夫运动来做生意的一系列社会及文化歧视性障碍。

    Grass ceiling refers to a set of social , cultural , and discriminatory barriers that prevent or discourage women from using golf to conduct business .

  4. 《圣经》对女性的评价和观点,成为西方基督教文化歧视女性的源头。

    The comments on female in the Bible are the sources of sexual bias in western Christian culture .

  5. 这即非一般意义上的名人肖像摄影,也非充满文化歧视的人类学的田野考察,而是一次切切实实对于古老文化的真情触摸。

    Neither general acknowledged portrait photography of celebrities , nor field investigation of anthropology with cultural discrimination ; it is a genuine touch on the ancient culture .

  6. 本文主要对美国的模范少数族裔理论进行研究,认为它实质上是对亚裔的一种变相的种族与文化歧视。

    This paper aims at researching the " model minority " theory in the United States , which is essentially a disguised form of racial and cultural discrimination for Asian American .

  7. 当然,除却社会制度、文化歧视等外在因素,作茧自缚的女性性格缺陷也是造成男女社会地位差异的根源中一个不可排除的诱导因素。

    Of course , aside social system , cultural discrimination and external factors , causing the root causes of gender differences in social status of women is a character flaw inducing factors can not be excluded .

  8. 马兜铃酸事件或称龙胆泻肝丸事件绝非单纯的学术之争,更深层次原因之一是文化歧视,是东西方文化在这一领域的一次较激烈冲突。

    This article points out that the " Aristolochic Acid Event " or the " Longdan Xiegan Wan Event " is absolutely not a contention of academic character and its further cause originates in a cultural discrimination and a sharp conflict between the East and West cultures in this area .

  9. 但其他几项研究还发现了一些男女整体数学水平的差异,因此研究人员还有一个观点,你可能已经猜到了:引起男女在理工类领域中差异的主要原因是环境因素,如文化歧视、刻板印象等。

    several other noted studies have shown little difference between male and female mathematical ability overall , which leads researchers to believe that - you guessed it - environmental factors such as cultural bias and stereotypes are the main culprits leading to the disparities between men and women within mathematics and science fields .

  10. 女性一直生活在父权社会的梏桎中,长期受到经济的、政治的、文化的歧视。

    Women have been living in the chain of patriarchy , and have been discriminated against politically , culturally as well as economically .

  11. 一方面,短期内,随着企业用工权的松动,来自传统文化的歧视行为越来越严重,另一方面,长期来看,市场竞争的加剧会消除性别歧视。

    On the one hand , discrimination from traditional culture will be , in short term , more and more serious with the loosening of the enterprise employment rights . On the other hand , in long term , the rapid market competition will eliminate gender discrimination gradually .

  12. 三是平等的乡村文化,与歧视性的城市亚文化的冲突。

    Third is the conflict between equal rural culture and biased urban sub - culture .

  13. 印度母亲相对较差的健康状况有诸多原因,其中之一就是她们在印度文化中受到歧视。

    The reasons for Indian mothers ' relatively poor health are many , including a culture that discriminates against them .

  14. 目前,侵害妇女的土地权益现象时有发生,主要原因是法律救济途径的缺位和农村传统文化中性别歧视。

    The invasion of land rights and interests of women happens , the main reasons resulted from lack of law relief measures and sexual discrimination in rural traditional culture .

  15. 埋藏在所有白人集体无意识里残酷的殖民文化,阶级歧视和性别歧视是玛丽在白种文明下异化的根源。

    Then the cruel colonial culture , the class and gender discrimination repressed in all the white collective unconscious is the root of her racial discrimination and her alienation .

  16. 通过对《新标准英语》教材插图数量和内容的分析,第三章指出了插图的总体情况和《新标准英语》教材插图的本土文化与性别歧视的特点。

    According to the analysis of quantities and contents of New Standard English textbook illustrations , chapter three indicates the overall situations of illustrations and source culture and sexism features of NSE textbook illustrations .

  17. 但是由于受到客观的历史原因及观念的制约,使得一些新闻媒体在理念和实践中背离了人文关怀精神,甚至出现了摆拍、非道德化、泛人文化、新闻歧视等人文关怀的误区。

    In some news media , restricted by the objective historical conditions and the perceptions , humanism is departed from in the ideas and practice , even the misunderstanding of humanism appears such as casting a mist before your eyes , non-morals , pan-humanism , news discrimination , etc.

  18. 本论文不但分析了《新标准英语》(初中版)中插图的总体情况包括插图的总量,插图的形式以及插图在英语语言技能方面的功能而且着重总结了插图的本土文化和性别歧视的特点。

    This paper not only makes an analysis of an overall situation of illustrations including the amount of illustrations , the forms of illustrations and illustration functions in English language skills but also concludes emphatically source culture and sexism features of New Standard English ( NSE ) textbook illustrations .

  19. 英汉传统文化中的性别歧视与女权运动

    Sexism in Both English and Chinese Traditional Cultures and Feminist Movement

  20. 文化中的性别歧视及其在英语语言中的反映

    Sexism in Culture and its Reflections in Language

  21. 西方语言文化中的性别歧视

    On Sex-related Bias In Western Language And Culture

  22. 要根除这些根源,就要营造平等的社会性别文化,消除性别歧视;

    Creating an equal social sex culture environment and dispelling the sexism to eliminate these origins .

  23. 语言和社会文化中的性别歧视

    Sexism in Languages and Culture

  24. 因此,从谚语中研究探索语言和文化中的性别歧视更具有广泛的代表性和极强的说服力。

    Thus proverbs are a more representative and more persuasive vehicle of researching on sex discrimination in language and culture .

  25. 去年,随着所谓的“玩家门”(GamerGate)事件,这种负面印象广为流传。对电子游戏和游戏文化中的性别歧视提出批评的人士,在“玩家门”事件中受到了攻击。

    The stigma gained currency last year with so-called GamerGate , an online campaign to discredit critics of sexism in video games and gaming culture .

  26. 性别歧视是一种很普遍的社会现象,英汉语言文化中的性别歧视表现也有相同之处。

    Sexism , the general social phenomenon , existing in similarity between the cultures of the English and Chinese , displays particularly in some ways , such as the concept of values , the appreciation for beauty , moral sentiment and customs .

  27. 同时,介绍了插图与文化,本土文化与性别歧视的相关概念与理论以及插图与文化的关系。

    Meanwhile , it introduces the theories of illustration and culture , source culture and sexism , the relationship between illustration and culture .

  28. 随着科学主义的兴起,因社会的科学文化追求而引起了人们对语文文化的歧视;

    With the emergence of the scientism , the seeking to the social science and culture .

  29. 现当代对休闲文学审美主义和意识形态的批评,实际上是高等文化人对市民意识、市民情趣的文化歧视。

    Criticism of it in aesthetics and ideology is actually a cultural discrimination of intellectuals against the consciousness and interest of townspeople .

  30. 一个多元文化社会,因为多种语言,及矛盾着的价值观和文化歧视的存在将面临着交流方面的挑战。

    A multicultural society , therefore , faces the communication challenges presented by multiple language use , contrasting values , and cultural prejudice .