
  1. 结果是特点所有学生的卫生状况在中国校园,为了所有可利用的数据表示,大学生的健康成为了一个严重的问题。

    The results are typical of the health conditions of all the students on the Chinese campus , for all the available data show that college students'health has become a serious issue .

  2. 论文在探讨校园文化内涵、特征、功能等相关理论的基础上,将中西校园文化进行对比分析,并对中国校园文化的发展趋势加以研究;

    From the above , through the recognition of the school culture with its characters and function , the thesis develop to recognize the school-construction theories through the analysis between universities in nation .

  3. 两次全球化高潮比较研究从“世界联成一起”到“地球村两个高潮期的中国校园文学20世纪80年代上半期和21世纪初期中国校园文学现象考察

    The Two Climax Periods of the Campus Literature in China & Compare and Study of The Campus Literature Between the half part of the 1980 's And the early part of the twenty first Century

  4. 从2000年春北京大学电影学院成立实践社起,DV进入中国大学校园已有十年。

    The DV has entered Chinese universities for ten years since the Practice Community of Peking University Film School founded .

  5. 他提到斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)最近在北京大学成立了一所研究中心,成为第一所在中国大学校园里建楼的美国大学。

    He points out that Stanford has just become the first US university to construct a building on a main Chinese University campus , after it recently launched a research centre at Peking University .

  6. 当代中国高校校园建筑开放空间研究

    The Research on Open Space of Campus Buildings in Contemporary China

  7. 中国高校校园规划新特征

    Some new approach in the contemporary campus planning in China

  8. 中国大学校园汉英语码转换动机研究(英文)

    The Motivation of C-E Switching On Chinese University Campus ;

  9. 你们可以给我介绍一下中国的校园生活吗?

    Could you introduce your school life for me ?

  10. 中国大学校园研究现状述评

    On the Research of China University Campuses

  11. 主流与潮流交织下的文化自觉&跨文化视野下的当代中国高校校园文化

    " Cultural Consciousness " in the Mix of Mainstream and Trend : Realistic Choice of the Contemporary Chinese University Campus Culture from a Cross-Culture Perspective

  12. 由于网购已经成为许多大学生生活中不可分割的一部分,这一幕在中国大学校园中十分常见。

    This scene is not uncommon on China 's campuses , as shopping online has become an important part of their lifestyle for many university students .

  13. 我原本以为在中国大学校园里能够找到一些志同道合的人,但是当我到这里后,我发现只有少数学生知道它。

    I thought I could find someone to play with on campus in China , but when I arrived I found that only a few students knew about it .

  14. 《中国青少年校园足球发展计划》是由中国关心下一代工作委员会、国家教育部和国家体育总局于03年在北京全力推出的。

    Chinese youth football development program on campus is launched by the National Committee for the wellbeing of the Youth , the State Ministry of Education and the State Sport General Administration in 2003 in Beijing .

  15. 新的社会发展形式对大学校园规划设计提出了许多新要求,近年来中国大学校园的规划活动较之以前发生了较大的变化。

    The new social development form has not only made new demands to the planning and design of university campus in China , but also changed the planning activity of the campus enormously in the pass recent years .

  16. 针对目前中国大学校园景观存在的问题,通过对扬州大学荷花池校区即中心校区校园的景观现状进行解剖和分析研究,运用景观园林的基本理论框架,站在园林的视角上分析研究大学校园景观。

    In order to study and solve the practical issues about university campus landscape in China , this paper uses basic gardening theories and analyzes the present scenes of Lotus pond campus , the central campus in Yangzhou University , as an example .

  17. 在简要梳理中国大学校园电视发展历史和趋势的基础上,对当前校园电视所处的环境从不同层次上进行了系统分析,并归纳得出校园电视正在迎来空前发展的历史机遇这一结论。

    Based on a brief review of the developing history and trend of campus TV in China , this article analyzes current conditions of campus TV from different levels systematically , then comes to the conclusion that campus TV is facing an unparalleled developing opportunity .

  18. 回顾中国大学校园设计的发展历史,阐述了现代大学校园绿化景观发展趋势,并从校园历史、自然环境、交流空间等多方面分析了大学校园人文景观营造的途径。

    Through the review university campus design development history , elaborated the modem university campus afforestation landscape development tendency , and from the campus history , the natural environment , the exchange space and so on the multi-analysis the way which university campus humanities landscape built .

  19. 中国近代大学校园中心区沿革概要

    Outline of the Evolution of Neoteric Campus Center in China

  20. 试论有中国特色社会主义校园文化建设

    University Cultural The Construction of Campus Culture of with Socialism with Chinese Charateristics

  21. 1980年代以来中国新建大学校园建筑组群形态研究

    A Study of Morpha of Building Cluster in New University Campuses in China Since 1980 's

  22. 在中国的大学校园里,年轻人们见面都这样打招呼:你好areyou?

    On university campuses around China , young people greet each other with Ni hao are you ?

  23. 近年大学生流行语与校园文化风尚&以中国人民大学校园流行语为例

    Prevalent Phrases of University Students and Cultural Vogues of Campus & An Example of Prevalent Phrases in Renmin University

  24. 在中国的大学校园里,年轻人们见面都这样打招呼:“你好areyou?”

    On university campuses around China , young people greet each other with " Ni hao are you ? "

  25. 第三章回顾1980年代以来中国新建大学校园建筑组群形态的发展与变化。

    The 3rd chapter reviews the development and transformation of building clusterin new university campuses in China since 1980 ' s.

  26. 高校校园文化建设必须坚持代表先进文化的前进方向,建设有中国特色的校园文化;必须以创新为动力,继承中国优秀文化传统。

    The construction should represent the current of the advanced culture , promote innovation and inherit the excellent cultural of China .

  27. 中国高等教育校园规划建设也是伴随着高等教育现代化的历史进程而发展变化的。

    Campus planning and construction of higher education in China is accompanied by the historical process of modernization of higher education development and change .

  28. 让学生了解外国电影;鼓励学生设计、介绍自己的电影,并展示自己的作品,让更多的人了解中国青少年的校园生活。

    Help students have a knowledge of foreign movies ; Encourage students to plan their own films which show school lives of Chinese teenagers .

  29. 大学恋爱关系现在已经在中国各大校园里进行公开讨论,这使得很多学校开始开设一些课程来帮助学生们跨过所谓的“雷区”。

    College relationships have been openly discussed across Chinese campuses , resulting in several programs to help students make their way through what could be a minefield .

  30. 中国联通在校园市场中起步较晚,目前仍缺乏明确的战略定位和整体策略安排,全面落后于竞争对手。

    China Unicom starts later in campus market , so it now still lacks clear strategic positioning and overall strategy arrangement , leading to its comprehensive behind rivals .