
  1. 结果,大量的中国词汇传入到韩国。

    A result , a lot of words into Korea .

  2. 但是,在中国词汇教学中普遍存在费时低效的现象。

    Nevertheless , in China , vocabulary teaching is time-consuming but poorly-efficient .

  3. 事实上三光是一个中国词汇。

    In fact a three-lights is a Chinese word .

  4. 自从进入现代化以来,中国词汇就有许多是从英语中借来的,例如复制,酷和可乐。

    Since modern times , Chinese vocabulary has borrowed many English words , such as copy , cool and cola .

  5. 近年来,在中国词汇教学逐渐从传统方法向多样化转变,然而对词汇教学的研究明显不足,词汇教学在英语教学的课堂上还没有得到应有的重视。

    In China vocabulary teaching has gradually shifted from the traditional methods to various methods . Traditionally the teaching of vocabulary in the English teaching class is not characterized by the neglect of quantity , but by lack of the effective vocabulary teaching methodology .

  6. 中国大学生词汇学习中的词典使用情况调查及启示

    Research on the Dictionary Use in Chinese Students ' Vocabulary Learning and Its Implications

  7. 中国特色词汇是中国英语研究中相当重要的一部分。

    Chinese specific terms are very important parts of the study of China English .

  8. 重形式教学和纯形式教学对中国学生词汇学习的影响

    The Influence of Focus on Form and Focus on Forms on Chinese EFL Learners ' Vocabulary Learning

  9. 本研究还探讨了研究发现对中国外语词汇教学的启示意义。

    The implications of the findings for Chinese EFL vocabulary teaching are also discussed in the study .

  10. 目前还没有过基于语料库的中国特色词汇翻译研究。

    However , there is not yet any corpus-based study on the translation of Chinese specific terms .

  11. 而某一中国英语词汇的生成、发展和消亡,则是自然选择的结果。

    Moreover , it is viewed that some China English word 's existence , development and dis-appearance depend on the natural selection .

  12. 为此,本文认为,中国英语词汇应该在很大程度上起到保护和传播民族文化的重要作用。

    This thesis holds that China English , to a large extent , plays a vital part in protecting and spreading national culture .

  13. 自1949年中华人民共和国成立以来,联合国就在中国外交词汇中占据相当重要的位置。

    Since the PRC was founded in 1949 , the United Nations has taken an important place in the documents of the Chinese foreign policy .

  14. 前期的研究多以测试学生翻译中国文化词汇的能力为主,忽略了考察学生对中国文化知识的掌握情况。

    The early studies mainly focused on testing students ' capabilities of translating vocabularies on Chinese culture , but ignored the investigation into their grasp of Chinese cultural knowledge .

  15. 其中对归化和异化的选择、中国特有词汇的翻译手段以及文化空缺所采取的补偿措施展开了最为广泛的讨论。

    Among them , the widest arguments are the choice of " foreignization " and " domestication ", the way to translate unique Chinese local words and cultural default and supplement .

  16. 中国英语词汇不仅带有英语词汇的基因,如:英语词素、构词特征、语法、书写形式和英语文化等,还携带着中国语言和文化的基因。

    It carries not only such English genes as English morpheme , word formation , grammar , written form and English culture , but also those of Chinese language and culture .

  17. 因此,不断地更新中国特色词汇这个语言库并将它公之于众将有利于其他文化团体对中国文化的进一步了解。

    Thus , to constantly update the Chinese-specific words pool and energetically introduce them to the outside world will be favorable for other cultural communities to gain a deeper knowledge of Chinese culture .

  18. 本研究旨在揭示中国大学生词汇学习的动机与策略运用之关系,提出并回答了六个有关词汇学习动机与策略及其相关性的研究问题。

    The aim of the thesis is to detect the correlations between vocabulary learning motivation ( VLM ) and vocabulary learning strategies ( VLS ), and tries to answer the six research questions .

  19. 实际上,许多中国特色词汇在西方文化里根本不存在,若是翻译不当,中西方文化交流将举步维艰,甚至发生停滞状态。

    As a matter of fact , equivalents of many Chinese-specific words in western culture do not exist at all , if not translated well , cultural exchanges between China and the West will suffer embarrassment , impedance or even stagnation .

  20. 当中国特色词汇被规范地译为英语时,会产生一种新的英语变体中国英语。它是英语与中国特有语言文化相融合的产物,对中国特色文化的对外传播具有积极意义。

    When Chinese-specific words are normatively interpreted into English , they will produce a new variant of English , China English , which is the product of integrating English with unique Chinese language and culture and has positive significance to the external dissemination of distinctive Chinese culture .

  21. 中国学生英语词汇学习中的关键词法

    The Keyword Method in English Language Vocabulary Learning by Chinese Students

  22. 中国儿童英语词汇学习中的负迁移

    Chinese Children 's Negative Transfer on English Vocabulary Learning

  23. 中国大学生英语词汇磨蚀中的干扰词特征分析

    A Features Analysis of Interfering Words in Chinese College Students ' English Vocabulary Attrition

  24. 中国英语学生词汇知识习得模式

    A Tentative Study on the Acquisition Pattern of Chinese EFL Learners ' Word Knowledge

  25. 中国大学生英语词汇知识对其阅读理解的影响

    The Effects of Vocabulary Knowledge of EFL Chinese College Students on Their Reading Comprehension

  26. 第二语言教与学中的词汇视角&试论中国学生的词汇学习策略

    Lexical Perspective in Second Language Teaching and Learning

  27. 中国的网络词汇,含义是酷、很棒或者有劲,字面意思是给予力量。

    Chinese Internet buzzword which means cool , awesome or exciting . Literally , giving power .

  28. 网络用语成为中国的普通词汇,Duang并非首例。

    It 's not the first time that online slang has invaded the regular lexicon in China .

  29. 这在很大程度上归因于中国传统英语词汇教学方法的缺陷性。

    This is largely due to the inefficiency of the traditional approach to English vocabulary teaching in China .

  30. 在本文最后,研究者还对中国大学英语词汇和阅读教学改革提出了建议。

    In the end , suggestions are given to reform English teaching of reading and words at college level .