
  • 网络Canton English
  1. 外省的人都说我们说的是广东英语。

    People say that we have the provinces of Guangdong , said English .

  2. 试论广东英语教学的过去、现在与未来

    On The Teaching and Learning of English in Guangdong Province ( China ) : Past , Present and Future

  3. 试论广东中学英语教师继续教育的课程设置

    A Curriculum Design for Further Education of the Middle School English Teachers

  4. 影响广东学生英语语音学习的外部因素

    The Effect of Exterior Factors on the English Pronunciation of Guangdong Students

  5. 关于广东高中英语教师教学方法观现状的调查分析

    An Analysis of the Status quo of the Senior High School English Teachers ' Sense of Teaching Methodology

  6. 当我决定参加广东省英语口语大赛的时候,没有人认为我能够成功。

    When I decided to take part in the Guangdong oral English contest , no one believed that I could win .

  7. 从广东省小学英语教育现状看外语要从小学起的问题

    Are We Ready for " an Early Start in Foreign Language Learning "? & A Survey of Primary School English Education in Guangdong Province

  8. 我来自广东海洋大学,英语系。

    I am from Guangdong Ocean University , English Department . A junior .

  9. 22岁余博雅(音译)去年从广东外语外贸大学英语专业毕业时正是选用了这种方式。

    Yu Boya , 22 , an English major who graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies last year , did just that .

  10. 这些学术大家们的回复激励我去追求自己的爱好。这位就读于广东外语外贸大学英语专业的21岁学生说道。

    The feedback from great scholars has encouraged me to follow my interests , said the 21-year-old student majoring in English at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies .

  11. 针对广东工业大学大专英语教学中存在的问题,从心理变量的角度,通过测试与分析来探讨如何进行行之有效的教学。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the English teaching problems for junior college students at Guangdong University of Technology , to discuss how to have effective teaching results from the angle of psychological variables by the experiments and analyses .