
  1. 她顺利地通过数学考试,而他却异常地吃力。

    While she sailed through her maths exams , he struggled

  2. 他认为他已准备好参加数学考试了。

    He feels that he 's ready for his math exam .

  3. 你数学考试及格了吗?

    Did you get through the maths exam ?

  4. 在最近的一次美术作业中,一个中学生描绘了一个负担过重的孩子因为在一次数学考试中得了A而不是A+而被责骂的情景。

    In a recent art assignments , a middle school student depicted an overburdened child who was being scolded for earning an A , rather than an A + , on a math exam .

  5. 我数学考试拿了一个A,我高兴极了。

    I got3 an A in the maths test and I 'm as happy as Larry .

  6. 因此,如果你在求职面试前夕感觉特别焦虑,那么就不要奇怪你的潜意识唤醒了那个数学考试的可怕旧梦。

    So , if you 're feeling extra anxious in the days leading up to a job interview , don 't be surprised if your subconscious13 revives that old math test nightmare .

  7. 埃里克不可能通过今天的数学考试。Don,tpassupyourchance.不要放弃机会。

    B : Eric doesn 't have a prayer of passing the math exam today .

  8. 在数学考试中采用网络技术,实现基于XML的数学考试,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great importance to apply network tech to modern Math examinations and establish a new system of test based on XML .

  9. 去年,她在中学高级水平(A-level)数学考试中拿到了B。

    Then last year she scored a B-grade when she sat the Math A-level exam 。

  10. 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。

    He spent a lot of time to prepare the math exam , so when he learned his got only a B , we felt a little disappointed .

  11. 她6岁就在伍尔弗汉普顿的Ounsdale学校第一次参加英国中学普通中等教育(GSCE)数学考试,得了C。

    She sat her first Math GSCE exam , a British high school qualification , at Ounsdale School in Wolverhampton at just six , where she received a C-grade .

  12. 看到儿子在数学考试中得了C,爸爸问“这是真的吗?”,然后喜极而泣。

    After seeing his son has achieved a C grade in the maths exam , the man asks : ' Is that real ! ? , ' before bursting into tears of joy .

  13. 高等数学考试试卷的统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Test and Test Papers of Advanced Mathematics

  14. 大学生数学考试成败归因研究

    On the Attribution of Examinations in College Students Majoring in Mathematics

  15. 你下午将面临一场数学考试。

    You have a math test coming up in the afternoon .

  16. 有一家工厂让她参加数学考试,她没有通过。

    One made her take a mathematics test . She failed .

  17. 他告诉我们有关数学考试作弊的事。

    He told us when he cheated on a math test .

  18. 我数学考试得A,跟玛莉约会

    I aced the math test and made a date with Mary

  19. 告诉你爸爸你数学考试得多少分。

    Tell your father what you got on that math test .

  20. 他由于粗心大意,数学考试没及格。

    He failed his maths examination because of his careless work .

  21. 我忙着准备明天的数学考试呢。

    I 'm busy preparing for the math test tomorrow .

  22. 我星期六全天都在准备数学考试。

    I studied for a math test all day Saturday .

  23. 建立高等数学考试出题系统提高高等数学教学质量

    Establishing an examination system of higher mathematics and raising its teaching quality

  24. 我承认了数学考试成绩是那么糟糕。

    I admitted how badly I had done in the math test .

  25. 通过了数学考试使他的父母很高兴。

    That he had passed maths exam made his parents very happy .

  26. 监考人员抓住他在数学考试中作弊。

    The proctor caught him cheating in the maths exam .

  27. 我很伤心,我数学考试不及格。

    I feel sad . I failed the math test .

  28. 下星期他有个数学考试。

    ' He 's got maths exams next week . '

  29. 以回归分析检验测验分数对语文、数学考试成绩的预测效度。

    Examine predicting validity by component regression analysis for terminal exam scores .

  30. 你觉得这次数学考试会怎么样?

    A : What do you think of the coming math exam ?