
  • 网络Digital Identity
  1. 它为最终用户提供一个可以跨Web使用的数字身份。

    It provides end users with a single digital identity that they can use across the Web .

  2. 数字身份认证(CA认证)是防范电子商务风险的重要方法。

    Digital identity certification ( CA certification ) is important to prevent E-commercial risk .

  3. 联合国(UN)和世界银行(WorldBank)致力于到2030年为地球上所有人提供数字身份(ID)。

    The United Nations and the World Bank are committed to providing digital IDs to every person on the planet by 2030 .

  4. 它使其它企业可以获得我们的数字身份,而当我们与那些企业打交道时,Facebook本身也会掌握更多情况。

    It makes our digital identity available to other businesses and , when we interact with those businesses , Facebook itself learns even more .

  5. 对于极客,的OpenID是一个开放的,分散的,无框架,以用户为中心的数字身份。

    For geeks , OpenID is an open , decentralized , free framework for user-centric digital identity .

  6. 因此,公钥基础设施(PKI)为特定的人或实体建立可信任的数字身份的安全基础标准就成为电子安全的基石,被广泛的应用。

    Digital anti-counterfeit technology can give every product that enterprises make a only digital ID . Therefore the Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ), which is a basic security standard for setting dependable digital ID to given people or entity , is abroad applied .

  7. 当然,个人电脑并不总是与数字身份盗窃有关。

    However , PCs aren 't always involved in digital identity theft .

  8. 社会交往仍然关系重大即便是在虚无缥缈的数字身份时代。

    Social interaction still matters a lot even in an era of disembodied digital identities .

  9. 第二代数字身份证商业应用探讨

    Second-generation numeral ID card commercial use discussion

  10. 证书是和特定用户或者服务器联系的数字身份的一部分。

    Certificates are part of digital identities that are linked to a specific user or server .

  11. 随着使用数字身份的出现,身份被盗的潜在危险就增加了。

    With the rise in use of digital identities , the potential for identity theft grows .

  12. 欧盟近日公布了一项数字身份钱包计划,该计划可用于访问整个欧盟的各项服务。

    The European Union has unveiled plans for a digital ID wallet that can be used to access services across the bloc .

  13. 但身份管理还需要解决提高单点登录安全性,实施多方可靠数字身份以及本身复杂性等问题。

    There are still some problems of ID management to be improved , such as security of single-sign-on , reliable digital identity etc.

  14. 此前由网络安全公司赛门铁克发布的一份报告显示,去年全球有超过5亿人的数字身份信息被盗或被泄露。

    More than 500 million digital identities were stolen or exposed last year , an earlier report by security company Symantec suggests .

  15. 伴随第二代数字身份证的全国发行,数字身份证在其它商用终端上的应用逐渐受到人们的关注。

    Number of second-generation ID cards with the country . Digital ID card terminals in other business applications is gaining people 's attention .

  16. 该数字身份证具有物理身份证相同的功能,但在传递的过程中可有效抵御复制攻击。

    The blind digital ID card has the same function with a physical ID card , but it can efficiently prevent the coping-attack .

  17. 公钥的作用是产生可以公布和分发的数字身份证书,而私钥是保密的。

    The public key is to have a role that can be released and distributed as a digital certificate and the private key is kept secret .

  18. 人脸识别作为一种主要的身份识别手段,在公共安全、视觉监控、数字身份认证、电子商务、多媒体和数字娱乐等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    As one of the most successful branches of personal identification , face recognition has great potential applications in public safely , visual surveillance , digital identity certification , e-commerce , multimedia and digital entertainment and other fields .

  19. 接入后所有政务大厅、政府办公地的信息终端都必须插入数字身份证书,输入相应的密码进行身份认证后才能访问政务内网,保证了政务内网的安全。

    After accesss , to ensure the safety of government Intranet any information terminal of the government hall and government office must be inserted digital identity certificate , enter the appropriate password for authentication before access to government Intranet .

  20. 对学校的每个成员都设定一个唯一的数字身份,凭借它来访问数字校园中有权访问的所有网络资源,对于建立一套有效的身份认证管理系统就显得非常重要。

    For every member of the school to set a unique identity number , by virtue of its access to digital campus have access to all network resources , the establishment of an effective identity management system becomes very important .

  21. 基于RSA的数字签名身份认证技术及其JAVA实现

    The JAVA Implementation of ID Authentication with Digital Signature Based on RSA

  22. 基于PKI技术的数字签名身份认证系统

    The System of Digital Signature Authentication Based on PKI

  23. 在理想情况下,为了安全,应该通过SSL使用数字摘要身份验证。

    Ideally , for security , you would want to use digest authentication over SSL .

  24. 基于USB-Key的数字图书馆身份认证技术

    The Identification Technique of Digital Library Based on An USB-Key

  25. 本文分析了单一认证的弱安全性,结合PKCS11标准和J2EE平台的EJB组件技术,设计并实现了基于用户口令(PIN)认证和硬件USBKey数字证书身份认证的双重因素认证系统。

    In this paper , the insecurity of single PIN was analyzed . Then , a dual factor authentication system was designed . It combined Public Key Cryptography Standards 11 ( PKCS 11 ) with EJB component technology on the basis of PIN and UsbKey digital certificate .

  26. 基于指纹和用户信息的数字水印身份认证系统的设计

    The Designing of an Identity-Authentication System Using the Fingerprint and User 's Information as the Watermark

  27. 至少应该真正地实现数字摘要身份验证,停止使用基本身份验证(或者向用户发出警告)。

    At least , they really should all implement digest authentication , and stop using ( or warn users about ) basic authentication .

  28. 在签名和认证方面,IDEA算法从原理上不可能实现数字签名和身份认证,而RSA算法能够容易地进行数字签名和身份认证。

    IDEA can not implement digital signature and authentication but RSA can in theory .

  29. J2EE环境下运用数字签名进行身份认证的研究

    The research of identity authentication by digital signature under J2EE

  30. 主要研究内容如下:(1)研究适于USB安全钥上实现数据加密、数字签名和身份认证功能的密码体制。

    To study the cryptosystem suitable to encrypt data , to implement digital signature and identify authentication on the USB Security key .