
  • 网络Keynotes;Keynote Speech
  1. 这家硅谷巨头的首席执行长钱伯斯(JohnChambers)预计周二在消费电子展的主旨演讲中将探讨相关机会。

    The Silicon Valley giant 's chief executive , John Chambers , is expected to discuss the opportunities Tuesday in a keynote speech at CES .

  2. 《华尔街日报》:去年你在爱丁堡国际电视节(EdinburghInternationalTelevisionFestival)发表的主旨演讲,说守着电视机看电视(appointmenttelevision)的时代已经结束了。有没有料到这篇演讲会如此走红?

    WSJ : Did you ever expect that your keynote speech last year at the Edinburgh International Television Festival -- in which you said that appointment television was over -- would go so viral ?

  3. 与此同时,知情人士说,谷歌(GoogleInc.)将参加奥迪的主旨演讲。

    Google Inc. , meanwhile , will participate in an Audi keynote , people familiar with the situation have said .

  4. 英特尔首席执行长科再奇(BrianKrzanich)在国际消费电子产品展上发表主旨演讲时展示了华硕的这款可转换设备。

    Brian Krzanich , Intel 's chief executive , showed the Asustek convertible device during his CES keynote .

  5. 台北国际电脑展(Computex)周二正式开幕,将持续到周六。英特尔和微软按计划将做主旨演讲。

    Computex officially opens on Tuesday and runs through Saturday , with planned keynote speeches from Intel and Microsoft .

  6. 但如果你看看2007年Macworld大会上的主旨演讲,也就是乔布斯发布iPhone那次,你会发现,他亲口说出的话,其实和人们印象中的不完全一致。

    But if you watch the video that started it - the Macworld 2007 keynote where Jobs unveiled the iPhone - you 'll see that what he actually said isn 't what people remember him saying .

  7. 活动的主旨演讲嘉宾包括老年医学专家奥布里·德·格雷(AubreyDeGrey,这名字对研究衰老真是再合适不过,因为Grey本身就有头发花白之意)。格雷认为人类不出25年就有50%的机会可以把寿命延长30年。

    Among the keynote speakers at the events was gerontologist Aubrey De Grey . ( What an apt name for an expert on aging : " Grey " ) In his view , there is a 50-50 chance that within 25 years we 'll be able to extend people 's lifespans by 30 years .

  8. 就拿贝尼奥夫六月份发表的一次主旨演讲来说吧。

    Take this keynote Benioff delivered in June .

  9. 网络空间的自由与秩序在第五届中英互联网圆桌会议上的主旨演讲

    Liberty and Order in Cyberspace & Keynote speech at the Fifth China-UK Internet Roundtable

  10. 推动律师业为促进经济发展构建和谐社会服务&在环太平洋律师协会第十七届年会上的主旨演讲

    Promoting the Legal Service Sector to Serve the Economic Development and the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society

  11. 史蒂夫•乔布斯是一个重视细节的人,从广告到主旨演讲的措辞等所有事情,都必须获得他的最后批准。

    Steve Jobs was a stickler for detail , requiring final approval on everything from ads to wording on his keynote presentations .

  12. 津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加古瓦在庆祝活动上发表主旨演讲,重申了他所领导的政府对于重振国家经济的承诺。

    In his keynote speech at the event , Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa reiterated his administration 's commitment to reviving the country 's economy .

  13. 姆南加古瓦在独立日庆典活动上发表主旨演讲中,他表示,独立38年之后,津巴布韦开始了国家建设的新征程。

    In his keynote speech delivered at the event , Mnangagwa said 38 years after Independence , Zimbabweans are a new journey of nation building .

  14. 5月22日,微软亚洲研究院常务副院长周明在于北京举行的2017全球人工智能技术大会上发表的主旨演讲中这样说道。

    Zhou Ming , standing deputy dean of Microsoft Research Asia , made the statement in his keynote speech at the 2017 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference , held in Beijing on May 22 .