
  • 网络presidential statement;Chairman's Statement
  1. 议案的影响力,则明显强于主席声明所产生的影响。

    A resolution is stronger than the presidential statement it approved .

  2. 会议主席声明尽管出席会议的人在某些方面有意见分歧,但是在保护环境方面的想法是一致的。

    The chairman of the conference stated that although the people at present are in disagreement on some issues , they are in agreement with each other on environmental protection .

  3. 凯西没有具体说明布什政府希望国际社会采取什么步骤,但是初步期望是要联合国安理会发表所谓的“主席声明”,谴责哈拉雷政府。

    Casey did not specify what steps the Bush administration wants the world community to take , but that its initial expectation is for a so-called president 's statement from the U.N. Security Council condemning the Harare government .

  4. 尤文图斯俱乐部主席吉利声明绝对不会将布冯卖给米兰或者国米。

    Juventus chief Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has declared that Gianluigi Buffon will never be sold to inter or milan .

  5. 总统顾问委员会主席发表声明指出,这是自1999年末以来,新增就业人数首次连续五个月超过20万。

    The chairman of the president counselor of economic adviser issued a statement pointing out that it is the first time since late 1999 that there has been a total job growth over 200000 a month for 5 straight months .

  6. 主席念完声明之后,许多观众发表了一系列的反对意见。

    After the chairman had read the statement , various members of the audience gave tongue to a whole series of objections .

  7. “这张照片体现了一个男人的疲惫和一个国家的疲惫,”评审团主席加里·奈特在声明中说。

    " This image shows the exhaustion of a man and the exhaustion of a nation ," Gary Knight , the jury chairman , said in a statement .

  8. 内文是位出色的年轻选手,爱尔兰橄榄球联盟主席BillyGlynn在声明中说道。

    Nevin was an outstanding young player , Irish Rugby Football Union President Billy Glynn said in a statement .

  9. 杨家诚周三被捕之后,伯明翰足球俱乐部代理主席peterpannu发表声明称,他认为该案的调查与伯明翰环球控股或其子公司无关。

    His arrest on Wednesday prompted Peter Pannu , the acting chairman of Birmingham City , to issue a statement saying he did not believe the investigation was in relation to Birmingham International Holdings or its subsidiaries .

  10. 同时,皇马主席卡尔德隆再一次声明他们将在接下来的夏天对米兰的卡卡动手。

    In the meantime , Real chief Ramon Calderon has renewed his threat of netting Milan star Kaka next summer .

  11. 阿巴斯主席办公室发表的声明证实巴勒斯坦人将重返和谈,声明说这个决定是一个战略选择。

    A statement issued by President Abbas 's office confirmed that Palestinians will be returning to the negotiations , calling the decision a strategic choice .