
zhǔ chí
  • take charge of;manage;direct;preside over;take care of;chair;uphold;abbot;officiate;host;front;anchor;introduce;moderate;be in the chair;take the chair
主持 [zhǔ chí]
  • (1) [take charge of;take care of;manage;direct]∶负责掌握或处理

  • 主持日常工作

  • (2) [preside over;chair] ∶担任会议主席

  • 主持会议

  • 他主持每周的讨论会

  • (3) [uphold]∶坚持;维系

  • 一力主持

  • (4) [abbot]∶即住持。负责掌管寺院者的职称

主持[zhǔ chí]
  1. 起初她很想主持会议,但我很快就把她轰下来了。

    At first she tried to take charge of the meeting but I soon put her in her place .

  2. 约翰将主持下一次会议。

    John will take charge of the next meeting .

  3. 委员会由所有成员轮流主持。

    The committee is chaired by all the members in rotation .

  4. 他们问我是否会主持委员会会议。

    They asked if I would preside at the committee meeting .

  5. 主持调查此案的警员已被撤下。

    The officer leading the investigation has been taken off the case .

  6. 我们需要一位富有魅力的人来主持这个项目。

    We need someone with lots of personality to head the project .

  7. 她曾在电视上主持一个园艺节目。

    She used to present a gardening programme on TV .

  8. 这场电视辩论由一位法学教授主持。

    The television debate was moderated by a law professor .

  9. 新落成的剧院由市长主持了开幕典礼。

    The new theatre was inaugurated by the mayor .

  10. 她主持了七年晚间新闻报道。

    She anchored the evening news for seven years .

  11. 尽量设想面试主持者会提出什么问题。

    Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask .

  12. 她主持我们所有的会议。

    She takes the chair in all our meetings .

  13. 主持面试时要尽量问一些讨论性的问题。

    In an interview try to ask open questions .

  14. 她给主持面试者留下了很好的印象。

    She made a good impression on the interviewer .

  15. 女王主持揭幕式,标志着医院正式启用。

    The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital .

  16. 今天谁主持?

    Who is in the chair today ?

  17. 海伦将主持这次会议。

    Helen will chair the meeting .

  18. 谁主持这次会议?

    Who 's chairing the meeting ?

  19. 观众看见他主持一个5分钟的地方新闻摘要节目。

    Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news .

  20. 她的梦想是主持一档电视时尚生活节目。

    Her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television .

  21. 首相主持了一次核心内阁会议。

    The PM presided over a meeting of his inner Cabinet

  22. 她在英国广播公司主持一个月刊节目。

    She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC .

  23. 这次礼拜仪式是由吉姆·西蒙斯牧师大人主持的。

    The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons .

  24. 她还在圣彼得堡电台主持一个节目。

    She also hosts a show on St Petersburg Radio .

  25. 史蒂芬·利神父为死者主持了临终圣礼。

    Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dead men .

  26. 我们希望他们能主持正义,不偏不倚。

    We hope that they 're going to administer justice impartially

  27. 她即将上电视主持一档新节目。

    She is going on the air as presenter of a new show

  28. 第一次担任主持的那个晚上,我吓得完全乱了阵脚。

    That first night I emceed I was absolutely terrified .

  29. 他将主持在威尼斯召开的欧盟外长会议。

    He was about to chair a meeting in Venice of EU foreign ministers

  30. 教皇保罗二世今天在波兰中部的一个城市主持了弥撒。

    Pope John Paul celebrated mass today in a city in central Poland .