
  • 网络Ode Sport;ODE AU SPORT
  1. 运用文献资料法,结合自己对《体育颂》的理解,论述体育锻炼对大学生心理健康的影响。

    Based on the Literature and understanding of " Ode Sport ", the paper discusses the affect of physical exercise on college students ' psychological health .

  2. 5《体育颂》是奥林匹克理想的升华。

    ' Ode of Sport'is the sublimation of the Olympic idea .

  3. 对于顾拜旦的《体育颂》,体育家们多从历史的角度评价其意义。

    The significance of Coubertin 's Ode to Sports is generally assessed by sports educators from a historical perspective .

  4. 《体育颂》是现代奥林匹克创始人顾拜旦所写的歌颂体育的一首不朽诗篇。

    " Eulogy on Sports " is the modern Olympics founder Coubertin wrote a song immortal poem Ode to sport .

  5. 文章的第三部分介绍了体育颂与奥林匹克理念的关系,主要包括和谐体育理念、公平竞争理念、、生命关怀理念。

    The third part introduces the relationship between Ode to Sport and the Olympic philosophy , mainly covering the philosophy of harmonious sport , fair competition and care for life .

  6. 我们从奥运理想和美学角度评析《体育颂》&作为散文诗杰作的审美价值,指出该作品的认识作用、教育作用和美悦作用。

    This paper sheds a new light upon Ode to Sports from an aesthetic viewpoint , i.e. , its aesthetic value as a prose masterpiece and discussed its cognitive function , educational function and aesthetic function as well .