
  • 网络Sport Illustrated;Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue;sichina.com
  1. 我们请来了来自体育画报SportsIllustrated的PabloTorre。

    Let 's bring in Pablo Torre from Sports Illustrated .

  2. NBA中锋杰森·柯林斯最近在《体育画报》的封面故事中宣布他是同性恋。

    NBA center Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for Sports Illustrated .

  3. 早在几年之前,SI便开始为《体育画报》的厄运寻找统计证据或者反证。

    A few years back , Si went looking forstatistical proof or disproof of the jinx .

  4. 从《纽约时报》到《体育画报》的主要刊物正在开发应用到ipad的新媒体。

    Major publications from the New York Times to sports illustrated are developing new media applications for the iPad .

  5. 格拉汉姆今早一跃成为facebook上最炙手可热的谈论话题,因为她是在这家体育画报游泳装专辑上所刊载的第一位超大尺寸模特。

    Gram is topping facebook trends this morning because she is the first plus size model to appear in this Sport illustrated swim suit issue .

  6. 他在2004年向《体育画报》(SportsIllustrated)讲述了自己的成功:“要想在商界取得成功,不论在身体上还是精神上,你都必须足够强大。”

    He spoke with Sports Illustrated about his success in 2004 : " If you 're going to accomplish something in business , you have to be tough , physically and mentally . "

  7. 摸索了几年后,cnn于2002年把网站控制权让给了《体育画报》,因为该网站当时处于亏损状态。

    After years of trial and error CNN ceded control of the venture to sports illustrated in 2002 because it was losing money .

  8. 在今年《体育画报》的泳装特刊上,你能看见56岁的NicolaGriffin身着金色泳装所拍摄的照片,这是SwimsuitsforAll运动的一部分。

    In the pages of this year 's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue , you 'll find 56-year-old Nicola Griffin posing in a metallic gold bikini as part of a Swimsuits for All campaign .

  9. 杜兰特和威斯布鲁克都在夏季接受了主要出版社的采访,以发表各自的声明——杜兰特接受了《滚石》杂志的采访,而威斯布鲁克接受了GQ杂志(理所当然啦)和体育画报的采访。

    Both Durant and Westbrook followed their respective summer announcements with interviews at major publications   -   KD at Rolling Stone and Westbrook at ( of course )   GQ   and Sports Illustrated .

  10. 在ASU,他是球队毋庸置疑的领袖,一个以体育画报封面亮相的超级巨星,但是在OKC,他不得不从板凳做起。

    Back in ASU , he was unquestionably the leader of the team , a superstar with Sports Illustrated cover appearance , but now he had to start from the bench in OKC .

  11. 并当选了《体育画报》年度运动员和美联社年度最佳男运动员。此外,他还荣获ESPY体育奖最佳男运动员奖,最佳NBA球员奖和最佳冠军表现奖。詹姆斯表示:

    He was named the Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year and the Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year , and James was the ESPY winner for Best Male Athlete , Best NBA Player and Best Championship Performance .

  12. 哈佛大学的管理人员拒绝证实或否认《体育画报》在周二的一篇报道。该报道称,该大学的篮球明星凯尔·凯西(KyleCasey)也是休学学生里的一员。目前无法联系采访到他本人。

    Harvard officials declined to confirm or deny a report on Tuesday by Sports Illustrated that one of the university 's star basketball players , Kyle Casey , was among the students withdrawing , and he could not be reached for comment .

  13. 她对她普遍称为体育画报照片拍摄。

    She is popularly known for her Sports Illustrated Photo shoots .

  14. 我们最好去做而非出现在体育画报上。

    We 'd better to do it than on sport illustrated .

  15. “体育画报”泳装版演变史

    on the evolution of this " Sports illustrated " Swimsuit edition .

  16. 琼斯打起精神来体育画报的封面女郎不是《花花公子》的

    Jones , pull it all together.Sports illustrated , not play boy .

  17. 《妇女体育画报》对他进行报道也只是因为上述那个原因吗?

    Is that why he was featured in Sports Illustrated for Women ?

  18. 这是凯特在发行体育画报泳装首次亮相。

    This is Kate 's first appearance in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue .

  19. 那一年年底我生日的时候,我家开始订阅《体育画报》。

    The subscription to Sports Illustrated followed later that year on my birthday .

  20. 所以我总是想成为体育画报的封面。

    So I always want to be on the cover of sports illustrated .

  21. 你赢得了体育画报的冠军。

    You won the Sports Illustrated Championship thing here .

  22. 不看体育画报的泳装表演日程,取而代之的是

    instead of seeing the Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar ,

  23. 证实可能来自团队中的某个权威,其地位不低于体育画报。

    The confirmation may be coming from no less an authority on teams than Sports Illustrated .

  24. 体育画报上有一篇深入的文章,名为制胜的接触,尤其能够说明问题。

    One in-depth Sports Illustrated article on this , literally entitled The Winning Touch , is especially telling .

  25. 两家主要媒体英国广播公司和体育画报将阿里命名为20世纪最佳运动员。

    Two major media outlets , the BBC and Sports Illustrated , named Ali Sportsman of the 20th Century .

  26. 身为自由球员的中锋杰森·科林斯在本星期《体育画报》杂志的封面文章上透露,自己是一个同性恋者。

    Free-agent center Jason Collins revealed he is gay in the cover article for this week 's Sports Illustrated magazine .

  27. 每个星期四我跑回家迫不及待地从信箱里抽出《体育画报》时,我要感谢她。

    I should thank her every Thursday when I race home to pluck my Sports Illustrated from the mail slot .

  28. 再帮我买一份“箴言”或“体育画报”吗

    you want to get me a copy of " Maxim , " or maybe a " Sports Illustrated " ?

  29. 《体育画报》泳装专刊模特凯特·阿普顿位于2015全球美女榜第八。

    The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model Kate Upton stands 8th on the world 's most beautiful women of 2015 list .

  30. 《体育画报》主管特里麦克多内尔协助创作了一段未来风格的视频,内容是一期假想的杂志,充满了神奇的图片和互动广告。

    Terry MCDONELL , who oversees sports illustrated , helped create a futuristic-seeming video of a hypothetical issue filled with whizzy graphics and interactive ads.