- 【水产】internal tag

Remove of flag variables from the loops in evolutionary testing
Progress in research on intra-body markers of sulfur mustard injury and their detection techniques
For these participants , the levels of the inflammatory marker continued to rise for at least one hour after the speech .
Objective To examine the cause of rare serological pattern in a HBV carrier with HBsAg ( - ) / HBeAg ( + ) / HBcAb ( + ) / preS1Ag ( + ), and study the alterations of HBV serological markers and HBV-DNA level in the carriers .
Detection and Analysis of Biomarker of Pregnant Woman Subjected to Passive Smoking
Objective To investigate the correlation between atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis and the severity of coronary lesions in patients with confirmed coronary artery disease and the impact of renal artery stenosis on serum inflammation related factors .
Chinese scientists have successfully implanted 3D printed blood vessels made from stem cells into rhesus monkeys , marking an important step towards printing blood vessels and other organs for human transplants .
Methods Molecular markers of PTS were measured in 74 patients ( 32 patients with stable angina pectoris , 19 patients with unstable angina pectoris , 23 unstable angina pectoris patients with T2DM ) and 20 nomal controls , and the relationships of the items were analyzed .
In this thesis , information of biomarkers in gout , hyperuricemia and methylmalonic aciduriapatients was studied by newly developed analytical methods .
The specific applied indexs include immunological index , hormone level , internal enviroment , tumor markers , gene , protein , pathotyp and image analysis , etc.
As a enzymatic marker in vivo , β - Glucuronidase detection has its clinical significance to the diagnosis of hepatic carcinoma and the determination of malignant degree .