
tǐ yù xié huì
  • sports association;athletic association;conference
  1. 蒙特利尔市业余体育协会以3-1击败首都渥太华。

    That city 's Amateur Athletic Association beat the Ottawa Capitals 3-1 .

  2. 波士顿体育协会预计今年马拉松赛的现场观众人数将达到一百万人。

    The Boston Athletic Association is predicting a million spectators will show up this year .

  3. 这就是全美大学生体育协会及其成员校因在雇佣中存在种族差异得分为B的原因。

    That 's why the report card gives the NCAA and its member schools a B for racial hiring practices .

  4. 允许女性参与角逐的赛事数量,由国际奥林匹克委员会(InternationalOlympicCommittee)和各种各样的体育协会控制。

    The number of events that women are allowed to compete in is controlled by the International Olympic Committee and various sport federations .

  5. 公园旁边还有个旅游胜地,即占地94000平方英尺的大学足球名人堂(CollegeFootballHallofFame),等到秋天,全美大学体育协会(NCAA)赛季开始时同期开馆。—

    Another parkside attraction , the 94000-square-foot College Football Hall of Fame , is expected to open in time for fall kickoff of the N.C.A.A. season . -

  6. 此外,腾讯还将获得ESPN的独家许可,在中国内地拥有全美大学体育协会男子篮球锦标赛和极限赛事XGames的实况数字版权。

    Tencent will also license from ESPN the exclusive , live digital rights in the Chinese mainland to the NCAA Men 's Basketball Championship Tournament and the X Games .

  7. 杰西•威廉姆斯(JesseWilliams)是2006年全美大学生体育协会(NCAA)的跳高冠军,但是他在2008年北京奥运会上未进入决赛。

    Jesse Williams , the NCAA high-jump champion in 2006 , failed to make the final at the 2008 Olympics .

  8. 妈妈和爸爸以为参加球队可能会有好处,因此他们到梅欧帕克体育协会(MahopacSportsAssociation)给他报了名,希望新鲜的空气、青青的绿茵以及奔跑、踢球、欢笑会给他注入信心和快乐。

    Mom and Dad thought joining a team might prove beneficial . So they enlisted him in the Mahopac Sports Association with hopes that the fresh air and the green grass and running and kicking and laughing would instill confidence and happiness .

  9. 据NPR新闻的凯泽尔·莱文报道,全美大学生体育协会及其成员校因在招聘过程中存在种族差异而得到了较低分数。

    NPR 's Ketzel Levine reports the NCWA and its member schools also receive low marks for racial diversity in hiring .

  10. 过去两个赛季,曾是NBA大前锋的克里斯特科维亚克带领犹特人队冲进美国全国大学生体育协会(NCAA)联赛。他似乎认可孙峰棱的理解。

    Krystkowiak , a onetime N.B.A. power forward who has led the Utes to the N.C.A.A. tournament the past two seasons , seemed to endorse Sun 's takeaway .

  11. 北卡罗来纳大学以89比72战胜密歇根州立大学,夺得的今年美国大学体育协会(NCAA)男篮锦标赛冠军。

    And they trudged home in the biting cold of night . The University of North Carolina grabbed this year 's NCAA title winning 89-72 .

  12. 在那篇幕后故事中,我们对国际读者解释了NCAA(国家大学体育协会)篮球联赛的历史,该联赛在1980年代获得了“疯狂三月”的称号。

    In it , we explained to our international audience the history of the N.C.A.A. basketball tournament , which acquired the nickname " March Madness " in the 1980s .

  13. 在经历了杰瑞·桑达斯基的性骚扰丑闻后,宾夕法尼亚州政府计划对全国大学生体育协会NCAA提起诉讼。

    Pennsylvania 's governor plans to file a lawsuit against the NCAA over the sanctions imposed against Penn State in the aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky sexual molestation trial .

  14. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛PHILLIPS:现在康奈尔大学正是春假期间,你肯定觉得学生们一定在庆祝。他们的篮球队成为黑马,闯入NCAA(全国大学生体育协会)甜蜜16强。

    PHILLIPS : Well , it 's spring break at Cornell University and you 'd think that students would be celebrating their basketball team 's unlikely birth in the NCAA 's Sweet 16 tournament .

  15. 中国大学生男子篮球超级联赛(简称为大超联赛)和CUBA同属于中国大学生体育协会,但它们是不同水平层次的两大大学生篮球联赛,两者的最大区别在于办赛目的和运动员的参赛资格不同。

    China University Basketball Super League ( shart for : University Super League ) and CUBA are two tipical games on different level of China University Physical Education and Sports association . The big difference between them lies to their purposes of holding games .

  16. 该项目由中国国家留学基金管理委员会出资,中国大学生体育协会组织。后者类似于中国的NCAA,由政府资助。该机构认为这些教练的美国之旅远远不只是轻松的公费旅游。

    The program is financed by the Chinese Scholarship Council and organized by Federation University Sports China - a sort of state-sponsored Chinese N.C.A.A. that saw the coaches " trips as much more than relaxed junkets .

  17. 中国大学生体育协会发展研究

    Research on the Development of Federation of University Sports of China

  18. 高师学生体育协会发展思考与实践

    The Reflection and Practice on the Development of the Turnverein in Teachers College

  19. 单项体育协会有关问题的法学分析

    Law Analysis on Some Issues of Single Sport Association

  20. 仅存不多的体育协会,发展势头不好;

    There are only a few sports associations with a bad development tendency .

  21. 政府在体育协会的配合下发行的小册子。

    A pamphlet produced by the government in co-ordination with the sports council .

  22. 中国香港业余体育协会暨奥林匹克委员会

    " Amateur Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong , China "

  23. 体育协会接受了精英俱乐部将脱离协会这一不可避免的事实。

    The Sports Association accepted the inevitability of a breakaway by the elite clubs .

  24. 香港伤残人士体育协会

    Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Disabled

  25. 中国智残人、聋人体育协会也于1985年成立。

    In 1985 , the Chinese Mentally Impaired and Blind Sports Associations were also established .

  26. 独立学校联盟是美国最古老的独立学校体育协会。

    The Independent School League is the oldest Independent School athletic association in the United States .

  27. 她是学校体育协会的负责人,还会打篮球和羽毛球。

    She was head of her school 's athletic association and also plays basketball and badminton .

  28. 中国残疾人体育协会

    China Disabled Persons Sports Association

  29. 大学间中央体育协会国家中央职业训练学校

    National Central Vocational Training Institute

  30. 实力强国的运动员从其国家体育协会获得津贴或训练补助金。

    Athletes from bigger , more competitive countries receive stipends or training grants from their national sports associations .