
  • 网络Experience China
  1. 卡舍尔(JimCashel)和他的妻子AnneChing在2009年带着两个女儿从加州索诺玛(Sonoma)搬到中国成都。他们的目标是学习中文、体验中国。AnneChing是第四代华裔美国人,在成长过程中从未学习过中文。

    Jim Cashel and his wife , Anne Ching , a fourth-generation Chinese-American who never learned Mandarin growing up , moved from Sonoma , Calif. , to Chengdu in 2009 with their two daughters . Their goal : to learn Chinese and experience China .

  2. 我们还举办了“体验中国”系列讲座。

    We also held an " Experience China " lecture series .

  3. 我能够体验中国的生活和文化,从基本的太极拳到京剧。

    I was able to experience Chinese living and culture , from basic Tai Chi to Beijing Opera .

  4. 来自惠灵顿市议会的TomKong表示,近年来,体验中国文化的新西兰人变得更多了。

    Tom Kong , from Wellington City Council , says in recent years , more Kiwis have been sampling Chinese culture .

  5. 认识中国的古老文化!体验中国的精彩杂技!

    Understand Chinese old culture ! Experience Chinese brilliant acrobatics !

  6. 他们的目标是学习中文、体验中国。

    Their goal : to learn Chinese and experience China .

  7. 你想体验中国书法的魅力吗?

    Do you want to experience the allure and fascination of Chinese calligraphy ?

  8. 而我到中国来是为了骑着摩托车,体验中国。

    Well , I came to China to explore China and ride my motorcycle .

  9. 请即体验中国银行信用卡为您带来的优质服务。

    Please experience the personally BOC credit card serve for the superior quality that bring to you .

  10. 对那些想要体验中国真正美丽地方的人来说,应该去黄山风景区。

    Huangshan Scenic Area is a must for those who want to experience the real beauty of China .

  11. 我恳请你们到中国来,亲身体验中国在这方面所做的工作。

    I urge you to go and see for yourselves how much China has done in this respect .

  12. 此次音乐会为音乐爱好者们提供了一次体验中国深厚的文化历史与现代化成就相结合的机会。

    The concerts give music lovers the chance to experience the combination of China 's rich cultural history and modern achievements .

  13. 他希望能有机会尽可能去体验中国和北京奥运的文化内涵与景观。

    He hoped to experience as much culture and the landscapes of both China and the Olympic communities as he could .

  14. 我永远也不会忘记这次的活动,也希望可以有更多的澳大利亚的同学到中国来体验中国风情!

    We 'll never forget this activity and we hope more Australian students will come to Nanjing and experience the unique culture here .

  15. 本中心同时开设短期夏令营及冬令营,是外国学生在体验中国文化的同时学习汉语。

    We also have short term study tour program so the foreigners can study Chinese language while they enjoy Chinese culture and interesting activities .

  16. 李老师说,非常欢迎外国朋友来自己家,学习中文,体验中国风俗和中国文化,了解中国历史。

    " welcome to my home , to learn Chinese , to learn custom of us , to learn Chinese culture , and Chinese histry ".

  17. 根据王主任介绍,这些外国选手在56个中国家庭中可以深度体验中国文化,和中国青少年结交朋友。

    According to Wang , 56 Chinese families will host the students , allowing them to experience traditional Chinese culture and make friends with Chinese youths .

  18. 么做风筝的。”风筝大师金月强认为,要让年幼的学生体验中国艺术,把风筝制作带进校园比举办展览好得多。

    Kite Master Jin Yueqiang believes bringing kite making to school is much better than holding an exhibition for the young students to experience the Chinese art .

  19. 外资企业们看重龙舟比赛对企业团队精神、凝聚力的磨炼和打造,也希望借此机会亲身体验中国文化的独特魅力!

    The foreign-funded enterprises , they focus on the importance of teamwork and cohesion , and want to take this opportunity to personally experience the unique charm of Chinese culture !

  20. 选手们在和中国家人的几天的短暂相处中,不仅切身感受到了中国家庭的热情与温暖,也体验中国的传统文化的精髓:美食,书法,京剧,音乐,针灸等等。

    The entrants have experienced the Chinese enthusiasm and traditional culture during their short stay in Chinese families , such as Chinese cuisine , calligraphy , traditional music , acupuncture , etc.

  21. 每隔一周的活动上,我们将带领大家一起学习和体验中国的书法和国画,以及绘制脸谱、中国扇子等传统艺术。

    On the activity of every other weekend , you will learn and experience Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting , as well as Peking Opera mask painting , Chinese fan painting , etc.

  22. 研究体验中国传统雕塑的精神文化,融合独立风格的、民族性的、东方性的雕塑,它的精神将使其超越庸俗和平淡。

    Experience traditional Chinese sculpture of the spiritual and cultural fusion independent style , nationality , and the East of the sculpture , its spirit would make it beyond the vulgar and dull .

  23. 这为人们庆祝和体验中国文化,并观看唐人街提供了一个机会&不只是在新年期间,而是全年。

    " It 's an opportunity to celebrate and experience Chinese culture , and to see what Chinatown offers – not just during Chinese New Year , but all year round ," he added .

  24. 随着学习汉语的热情不断升温,来中国学习汉语的美国学生越来越多,其中也包括借助汉语夏令营来体验中国文化、感受民风民情的美国青少年。

    With the increasing enthusiasm for the learning of Chinese language , more and more American students come to China to learn Chinese . Some American teenagers even take advantage of Chinese Language Summer Camp to experience Chinese culture and folk customs .

  25. 随着汉语热的持续升温,来中国学习汉语的人数骤增,既包括长期来华学习汉语的留学生,也包括借助假期来体验中国和中国文化的短期夏令营。

    With the " Chinese craze " warms up continuously , the number of people coming to China to study Chinese increased , including the long-term study in China and Chinese summer camps , which aim to experience China and Chinese culture .

  26. 这是位于悉尼北部柯里比利的洛雷托女子中学寻常的一天,但是能够首次体验中国风筝制作,这一天对30多名六年级的学生来说相当令人兴奋。

    It was an ordinary school day at the Loreto girls ' school in Kirribilli , North Sydney , but for about 30 Grade 6 students , it to be a quite exciting day to experience Chinese kite making for the very first time .

  27. 我也想体验一些中国文化,但我的主要目标是找出哪所大学对我来说是最好的。

    I also want to experience some Chinese culture , but my main goal is to find out which university is the best for me to attend .

  28. 从她那儿我第一次体验到中国人的友好和热情。

    This was my first experience of Chinese friendliness and hospitality .

  29. 冬令营让我得以认识中国,体验地道中国人的生活。

    The winter camp enable me to see China and experience the life of the locals .

  30. 其次,本文第二章主要探讨了人对时间的现代体验在中国现代文学中的表述问题。

    Secondly , in Chapter ⅱ, I discuss the expression that the experience of time in the modern Chinese literature .