
  • 网络Sport Policy
  1. 国际奥委会妇女体育政策执行的反思

    Reflection on the Implementation of the IOC Women ' Sport Policy

  2. 英国体育政策的变迁

    Transformation of Sport Policy in British

  3. 普通中学体育政策执行力影响因素探析

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors on Policy Execution in School Sports

  4. 改进与加强我国体育政策研究的思考

    Considerations on Improving and Strengthening Policy Research of Physical Education in China

  5. 少数民族体育政策对新疆少数民族传统体育发展的促进作用

    Influence of ethnic sport policies on development of Xinjiang ethnic traditional sport

  6. 北京奥运周期的中国体育政策分析

    Analysis on China Sports Policy in Beijing Olympiad

  7. 竞技体育政策的全球化与重建&从行政控制到网络化管理

    Globalization and reconstruction of competitive sports policies & From administrative control to networked management

  8. 体育政策的制定和实施是英国体育管理的重要保障。

    Development and implementation of sports policy is an important guarantee for British Sports Management .

  9. 论中国群众体育政策

    On China Policy of Sports for All

  10. 以公共体育政策视角调整弱势群体体育利益失衡

    Adjusting Imbalance of Disadvantageous Groups Sports Interest by the Visual Angle of Public Sports Policies

  11. 改革开放时期学校体育政策法规的文本解读

    A Text Explanation of School Physical Education Policy and Law in China 's Reform and Opening

  12. 日本体育政策的新动向&《体育振兴基本计划》解析

    New trend of Japanese sports policies & An analysis of the Basic Plan for Sports Rejuvenation

  13. 中国、日本、韩国奥运会后体育政策发展变化的比较研究

    China , Japan , South Korea Olympic Sports Policy After the Comparative Study of Changes in

  14. 学校体育政策执行力及其评价指标体系实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Executive Power of School 's Sports Policy and Its Evaluation Index System

  15. 学校体育政策贯彻执行的好坏,直接影响着学校体育工作的成效。

    The result of implementing the policy has a direct effect on the task of school physical education .

  16. 中国群众体育政策要点是开展全民健身运动,增强人民体质;

    The essential of China policy of sports for all is developing nationwide fitness programs and strengthen people 's physique ;

  17. 本章主要探讨学校体育政策的体系以及学校体育政策与其他相关政策的关系。

    This chapter mainly explores the system of school PE policy and the relationship between school PE policy and other interrelated policies .

  18. 认为:新中国群众体育政策分为理论奠基、受到破坏、恢复和迅速发展3个阶段;

    Policy of sports for all in new China is divided into three phases : theory foundation , destroyed , renewed and rapid developed .

  19. 全民健身十年广东省群众体育政策、法规建设情况分析

    Analysis on the Current Situation of the Policy and the Laws and Regulations and Construction about the People Fitness in the Past Ten Years in Guangdong Province

  20. 特区政府对体育政策的确是很重视。我们要确保每一位具潜质的运动员均获得适当资助,充分发展潜能。

    Indeed , the HKSAR Government attaches importance to our sports policy , which is to ensure that all promising athletes are given proper funding to fully develop their talents .

  21. 学校体育政策研究首要的核心问题就是要搞清楚学校体育政策的本质,这是深入研究学校体育政策的逻辑基础。

    The key problem of school PE policy research is to understand the essence of school PE policy , it is the logical basis of studying school PE policy deeply .

  22. 多年来,教育主管部门和学校采取各项措施积极推动这项政策的贯彻落实,但是由于诸多因素的影响,使得这一学校体育政策难以顺利执行,出现阻滞,影响了实施效果。

    Education director branches and schools have taken measures to promote the implementation of the policy actively for many years ; however , many factors block it and check its implementation effects .

  23. 因此,制定和实施科学合理、具体明确的学校体育政策是推进学校体育改革与发展、促进学生体质健康发展的关键。

    Therefore , drawing up and implementing scientific as well as definite school PE policy are the keys of impel the reform of school PE policy and improve the students ' constitution .

  24. 学校体育政策是国家和政府为了落实学校体育的相关工作,实现一定时期的学校体育目标和任务而制定的行动准则。

    Policy of school physical education is a code of conduct designed by the government to implement the task and accomplish the aim of school physical education over a period of time .

  25. 要从体育政策、组织管理、项目设置、舆论宣传等方面入手,推进大学生体育社团的发展。

    It is necessary that college student sports organizations should be prompted and developed in the following aspects , such as sports policy , organization management , events setting , opinion publicity , etc.

  26. 认为:中国体育政策在价值上呈现出注重群众体育群众体育与竞技体育两条腿走路(普及与提高相结合)竞技体育优先发展群众体育与竞技体育协调发展的取向。

    The result shows that China sports policy appear to consider from mass sports to the combination of popular and elite , then the priority of competitive sports and the harmony development stratagem .

  27. 学校体育政策是学校体育工作改革与发展的重要制度保障,在学校体育改革与发展中发挥着重要的导向和调控作用。

    School PE policy is an important institutional guarantee . At the same time , it plays a dramatic role in regulating and controlling school PE task and the development of school PE .

  28. 通过分析英国公共服务改革对体育政策的影响,认为英国体育事业在获得政府推动的同时仍然需要寻找体育自身发展的空间和路径。

    By analyzing the impact of public service reform on sport policy , advice was provided for sport that it should find its own way to development as well as supported by government .

  29. 提出群众体育政策的有效执行受政策本身、政策资源、执行主体、政策目标群体和政策环境的影响。

    The study put forward that the effective implementation of sport-for-all policy is influenced by the policy itself , the resources , the implementing parties , the targeted group , and the policy environment as well .

  30. 英国运动员在里约奥运会上的奖牌“大丰收”或许令英国国内民众欢欣鼓舞,但在欧洲的一些地方,英国这一成就却招来了对英国体育政策的嘲笑、质疑和刻薄的批评。

    Britain 's stunning medals success in the Rio Olympics may have been a cause for elation at home - but in parts of Europe it has met with sneers , incredulity and withering criticism of UK sports policy .