
rè tǔ
  • place that is deeply loved—homeland;native place
热土 [rè tǔ]
  • [hometown] 使人感到温馨的土地,多指故乡

  • 难忘生我养我的那片热土

  1. 麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinseyGlobalInstitute)的一项最新研究认为,新兴经济体将是未来十年的投资热土。

    A new study by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that emerging economies will be the place to invest over the next decade .

  2. 中国是发展中大国,经济充满活力、发展迅速,市场潜力巨大,拥有丰富的RD资源和良好的RD基础设施,目前已成为跨国公司RD投资的热土。

    China is a big developing country . It not only has booming economy and a big potential market , but also has rich R D resources and good R D foundation facilities . Now China has attracted a larger mount of TNCs investment .

  3. 很少有人预料到,此后12个月期间,上海、深圳和香港的交易所将通过IPO筹得总计近600亿美元的资金,是美国传统上的全球IPO热土融资额的两倍以上。

    Few expected that 12 months later the Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong exchanges would have secured almost $ 60bn through IPOs more than double the amount raised in the US , the world 's traditional IPO hotspot .

  4. 上海成为外国投资的热土。

    Shanghai has become one of the destinations for foreign investment .

  5. 秦州是一片充满希望与活力的开放开发热土。

    Qinzhou is a hopeful and dynamic development of open land .

  6. 踏上创业发展的热土

    Setting Foot on the Hot Land for Pioneering and Development

  7. 福州是中国漆艺成长的热土。

    Fuzhou is the wonder land for Chinese lacquer art .

  8. 我们爱着脚下的这片热土。

    We loved this piece of land at the foot .

  9. 大足渝西经济圈的投资热土

    Dazu Pursued County for Investing of the Economic Circle in Western Chongqing

  10. 民族平等新论新兴的投资热土

    New Ideas about Equality among Nationalities Emerging Land in Heat of Investment

  11. 在这种热潮下,国际著名矿山设备巨头如何看待中国这方热土呢?国内的矿山用户又是如何看待矿山设备市场呢?

    How are domestic users viewing the mining equipment market and services ?

  12. 在岳州这片承载千年文明神奇热土上。

    On the magical land of Yueyang with thousand years of civilization .

  13. 在美国这片热土上,我所到之处都能看到这么一群美国人的身影。

    I see them everywhere I travel in this incredible country of ours .

  14. 热土司砰的一声从烤面包机中跳起。

    The hot toast popped up in the toaster .

  15. 我们感激对这片热土的巨大祝福,我们的家园。

    we are grateful for the tremendous blessings of this land , our home .

  16. 给这片热土随着烟雾缭绕的漓江铺上了浓厚的文人气息。

    To this piece of land covered with smoky Lijiang a strong literary flavor .

  17. 堪萨斯州算不上生态主义的热土。

    Kansas is hardly a hotbed of eco-activism .

  18. 这是一片激情创业的热土。

    This is a land of passionate entrepreneurship .

  19. 中国和非洲都是人类文明的发祥地,都是充满希望的热土。

    Both China and Africa are cradles of human civilisation and lands of great promise .

  20. 不要离开生你养你的热土,我们自己的土地。

    Do not leave your health you have raised the land of our own land .

  21. 今天的芳烃基地,已是一方商贾云集经济腾飞的投资热土。

    Today , the aromatics base has become the investment magnet for the merchants here ;

  22. 与此同时,电子商务行业成为制造亿万富豪和明星企业的热土。

    Meanwhile , E-commerce industry has become a hot spot for manufacturing billionaire and Star Enterprise .

  23. 我想多做更多有意义的事情来建设这片美丽的热土。

    I wish I could do something more meaningful in future and contribute myself to this wonderland .

  24. 我们希望丹育这一个优秀品种在灌云这片热土上茁壮成长、子孙满堂。

    We wish that DanBred pigs have good life in Guanyun and have many children and grandchildren .

  25. 南雄民风淳朴、社会稳定、政治清明,是一方投资的热土。

    Nanxiong simple and sincere , social stability , political Ching Ming , is a party investment .

  26. 开放的热土&巴中

    Bazhong : open to friends

  27. 这方热土如今国泰民安,股市再创新高,

    Our country is doing very well . Our stock market has hit a new all-time high .

  28. 刘松林来自中国创业热土&温州,并非巧合。

    The fact that Mr Liu comes from Wenzhou , an entrepreneurial hub , is no coincidence .

  29. 早在远古时代,就有人类生活在这块热土。

    In as early as the ancient times , there were already human beings living in this land .

  30. 非洲热土期待投资&记第二届非洲石油、能源及矿产投资论坛

    Investment in Africa to be Aspired 2 ~ ( nd ) African Petroleum , Energy Mining Investment Forum