
rè shēn sài
  • Warm-up competition;warmup match
热身赛 [rè shēn sài]
  • [warm-up match] 正式比赛前的适应性比赛

热身赛[rè shēn sài]
  1. 苏格兰队在国内最后一场热身赛的对手是波兰队。

    Poland provide the opposition for the Scots ' last warm-up match at home .

  2. 这场比赛计划作为世界杯决赛阶段的热身赛。

    The competition is planned as a dry run for the World Cup finals .

  3. 在世界杯热身赛中,乌拉圭队打败了英格兰队。

    In a warm-up game for the World Cup , Uruguay have beaten England .

  4. AC米兰输掉了又一场热身赛,这次的对手是曼城(0-1)。

    AC Milan have lost another friendly game , this time against Manchester City ( 0-1 ) .

  5. 随着加盟巴萨,亨利的到来对于与Hearts的热身赛的售票状况的上升有明显的帮助。

    The arrival of Thierry Henry at FC Barcelona has already had an affect on ticket sales as the friendly against Hearts saw a rise in demand .

  6. 迈克尔-维克(MichaelVick)周四晚参加了赛季前热身赛,重返比赛场地。以变化无常著称的费城老鹰球迷们站起来喝彩表示欢迎。

    Michael Vick returned to the playing field Thursday night for a preseason game . And the famously fans welcomed him with a standing ovation .

  7. 热身赛:猜猜他表演的是什么劳动?

    Warm up : let 's guess what are they doing ?

  8. 6月6日星期一做客本菲卡的赛季前热身赛敲定。

    Mon June 6th A pre-season friendly at Benfica is confirmed .

  9. 这将是我们新赛季开始前最后一场热身赛。

    It is our last game before the season starts .

  10. 另外,热身赛也是赛前训练的重要手段。

    Besides these , warm-up matches are the important means before competitions .

  11. 这两场热身赛都将在切尔西电视台直播。

    Both games will be shown live on Chelsea TV .

  12. 职业高尔夫球手打球就是为了赚钱,在热身赛期间也不例外。

    Professional golfers play for money , even during their practice rounds .

  13. 纳达尔今天下午参加了热身赛。

    Rafael Nadal played a practice match this afternoon .

  14. 蓝军大部分队员将于7月6日归队报到,进行热身赛训练。

    The majority of the squad reports back for pre-season training on july6th .

  15. 两个队都将这次比赛看成是亚特兰大奥运会的热身赛。

    Both teams are using the games as a Build-up to the Atlanta Olympics .

  16. 本周末内维尔可能错过和牙买加的热身赛。

    Neville may miss England 's World Cup warm-up match against Jamaica this weekend .

  17. 小伙子们上周在经进行的大赛前的热身赛上以4比0取胜。

    The boys warmed up for their big game with a4-0win at Derby last week .

  18. 在世界杯前,以一个最好的方式完成热身赛。

    This was a nice way to finish off before the World Cup squad is named .

  19. 地方选举可以被看成是明年全国大选的热身赛。

    The local elections can be seen as a dummy run for the national election next year .

  20. 欢迎大家今天来到安菲尔德观看面对马竞的比赛,我们最后一场热身赛。

    WELCOME to Anfield for today 's game against Atletico Madrid , our final match of pre-season .

  21. 她们有足够数量的热身赛、练营和团队精神。

    They had the right amount of warm-up matches and training camps and got some team spirit going .

  22. 一如阿根廷在热身赛上的表现,他们玩得那样轻松,一如训练课一般。

    It was like a warm-up game for Argentina , who finished like it was a training session .

  23. 卢卡斯。雷瓦表示,他有信心将自己在夏季热身赛中的出色状态带到即将开始的英超新赛季征程中去。

    Lucas Leiva is determined to carry his excellent summer form into the new Barclays Premier League campaign .

  24. 埃弗拉说在热身赛的良好表现可以帮助他赢得球队的位置。

    Evra says a good showing in the forthcoming pre-season matches could earn him a place in the side .

  25. 由于上半场即被阿奎罗和弗兰分别攻入一球,贝尼特斯的队伍也遭到了季前热身赛的第三场失利。

    First-half goals from Kun Aguero and Diego Forlan condemned Benitez 's side to their third defeat of pre-season .

  26. 对我们来说,这是非常重要的一个赛季,而一场热身赛就尤为重要。

    It 's a very important season for us and it was important that they got a good game .

  27. 昨日中国女足在杭州举行的热身赛上,5:2大胜韩国女足。

    China 's women 's soccer team beat South Korea with a5:2 victory in a friendly game in Hangzhou yesterday .

  28. 奥雷里奥的名字已经出现在了今天晚些时候将于门兴格拉德巴赫的热身赛的大名单中。

    Aurelio is part of the Liverpool squad that has travelled to Germany for Sunday 's pre-season friendly with Borussia Moenchengladbach .

  29. 其它无论什么都无法做到(而上周日世界杯热身赛期间发生的踩踏事件,可不是一个好的开始)。

    Anything else ( and a stampede at a pre-tournament friendly on Sunday was not a good start ) will not .

  30. 但是欧文足够聪明,他知道应该只用百分之八十的能量踢热身赛,从而保护他的脚不受伤。

    But Owen is clever enough to have played at80 per cent up to the world cup to protect his foot injury .