
  • 网络Wembley Stadium
  1. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody .

  2. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。他们也成了Psy的灵感来源。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody . Queen happens to be one of Psy 's inspirations .

  3. 29岁的拉赛尔一定是有史以来温布利球场上的裁判员中最年轻的一个。

    At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees

  4. 泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。

    Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley

  5. 温布利球场是该国最具代表性的体育场。

    Wembley is the showpiece stadium in this country .

  6. 在温布利球场上,英格兰队表现出色,击败了法国队。

    England performed so well against France at Wembley

  7. 温布利球场座无虚席,76,000人前来观看这场比赛。

    A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at Wembley football stadium for the event .

  8. 苏格兰队在温布利球场以1比0击败了英格兰队。

    Scotland beat England one-nil at Wembley .

  9. 昨晚巴西足球队主帅卡洛斯·佩雷拉因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。

    Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley .

  10. 是维克汉姆体育场,千禧球场,温布尔登球场还是温布利球场?

    Is it Twickenham Stadium , Millennium Stadium , Wimbledon Stadium or Wembley Stadium ?

  11. 在伦敦温布利球场举行的足总杯决赛。

    The cup final at wembley .

  12. 温布利球场是下个月举行的2020年欧洲杯半决赛和决赛的比赛场地,届时该体育场将允许超过6万名球迷入场。

    More than 60000 fans will be allowed at the stadium for the semi-finals and finals of the Euro 2020 tournament next month .

  13. 蓝军将会为了阻止弗爵爷完成双冠王而在新温布利球场与曼联决一死战。

    The Blues will lock horns with United at the new Wembley hoping to stop Sir Alex ferguson 's men from completing the double .

  14. 足总今天证实威廉王子殿下&足总主席,将出席5月19日在温布利球场举行的足总杯决赛!

    The FA can today confirm that HRH Prince william-fa president will be chief guest at the FA Cup final on19 may at Wembley stadium .

  15. 从另一方面说,我也曾在温布利球场球迷欢呼不断的情况下赢得了比赛,这是积极的经历。

    But on the other hand , I 've played in front of a packed Wembley when the fans are roaring us on to victory and it 's a massive help .

  16. 英格兰足总已经把巴西确定为新温布利球场揭幕战的对手,而面向公众会员的售票程序也随之展开。

    The FA have confirmed that Brazil will be england 's first opponents at the new Wembley stadium , and a ticket ballot for members of the general public has now opened .

  17. 从英格兰去年在温布利球场完败智利到一周前西班牙惨烈出局世界杯,人们还没感受到连续的球技。

    It was certainly hard not to watch Chile outplay England at Wembley last year - and then so brilliantly dispatch Spain earlier this week - and not sense an inherent technical superiority .

  18. 这支英格兰队是自上次1966年夺取世界冠军之后、历届参赛队伍中阵容最强大的,1966年的那支队伍由我的好朋友鲍卜摩尔的带领,在温布利球场击败了德国队。

    This is the best team England have sent to a World Cup since they won it in1966 when a very good friend of mine Bobby Moore was captain of the England side that beat Germany at Wembley .

  19. 虽然到达温布利球场的一条路现在已经被堵上了,杰拉德坚持认为,在一月份足总杯开始时,球员们会全力以赴,给球迷送上一个期待已久的杯赛决赛日。

    Although one route to Wembley has now been blocked , Gerrard insists the players will be going all out to give the fans a Cup final day to look forward to when the FA Cup gets underway in January .

  20. 1998年在温布利大球场,取得足总杯决赛胜利之后温格向队长亚当斯表示祝贺。

    The Frenchman congratulates captain Tony Adams after winning the FA Cup at Wembley in1998 .

  21. 菲尔柯林斯活跃在英格兰温布利大球场,然后飞越“水塘”来到这里&美利坚。

    Phil Collins performed at Wembley Stadium in England and then flew across the pond to perform here in the US .

  22. 英足总已经确认红军队长杰拉德将因伤错过当地时间本周三在温布利大球场英格兰对阵白俄罗斯的比赛。

    The FA have confirmed Steven Gerrard will miss England 's World Cup qualifier against Belarus at Wembley on Wednesday due to injury .

  23. 首先是我们的队长,杰拉德所效力的英格兰队为了更好地备战下周与乌克兰之间的世预赛,将在本周六与斯洛伐克在温布利大球场举行一场热身赛。

    Steven Gerrard and England will warm-up for next week 's World Cup qualifier against Ukraine with a friendly encounter with Slovakia at Wembley on Saturday .

  24. 即将在周三在温布利大球场举行的英格兰对阵瑞士的友谊赛中,由于特里的因伤缺阵,利物浦主将史蒂芬·杰拉德将众望所归地接过队长袖标。

    Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard is expected to be handed the armband in Wednesday 's friendly clash with Switzerland at Wembley , with Terry absent because of injury .

  25. 温布利大球场周六迎来了2.1万名球迷观看比赛,尤里·蒂勒曼斯在下半场的精彩进球让赛场沸腾。主教练布伦丹·罗杰斯高度评价了他的球员。

    Wembley Stadium welcomed 21000 fans for the match on Saturday and the brilliant goal of Youri Tielemans in the second half the game Manager Brendan Rodgers spoke highly of his players .