
  • 网络thermal environment
  1. 建筑室内温热环境的预计冷热感指标PMV的探讨

    Research on predicted mean vote of indoor thermal environment

  2. 探讨建筑室内温热环境指标的预计冷热感指标PMV,以及冷热舒适感预计不满率PPD的具体计算内涵。

    The object of this study is to calculate predicted mean vote ( PMV ) and predicted percentage of dissatisfied ( PPD ) under thermal environment index .

  3. 等温热环境中紊动气流对人体热感觉的影响

    Effect of turbulent intensity on human thermal sensation in isothermal environment

  4. 温热环境对肉仔鸡胸囊肿发生的影响

    Effect of thermal environment on incidence of breast blister in broilers

  5. 温热环境与奶牛的生理调节特性通过仿真和实验,也验证了G。

    Thermal Environment And Physiological Reaction And the characteristics of the G.

  6. 庭院模式化保温猪舍温热环境的评定

    Evaluation of thermal environment in standard yard heat preserving pigsty

  7. 薄荷提取物对温热环境中肥育猪生产性能和体热平衡的影响

    Effect of peppermint extract on performance and physiological response of finishing pigs

  8. 温热环境因素影响猪肉品质的研究进展

    Advance in Effect of Thermal Environment on Pig Meat Quality

  9. 四川规模化猪场猪舍建筑与其温热环境的关系

    Relationship between the design of pig house and thermal environment in the house

  10. 棚式牛舍的温热环境及其对乳牛产奶量的影响

    Warm Weather Environment of Cowshed and Its Influence on Milk Yields of Dairy Cows

  11. 北方地区暖棚牛舍的设计、温热环境控制及评价

    Design of Cattle 's Plastic Warm Shed in North , Thermal Environment Control and Evaluation

  12. 肉牛舍温热环境对肉牛生理指标的影响

    The Thermal Environment Influence on the Physiology Target on Beef Cattle in Beef Cattle Cowshed

  13. 封闭牛舍的温热环境控制

    Warm Environment Control of Closed Cowshed

  14. 人大肠癌细胞体外常温及温热环境中药物敏感性试验

    In vitro drug sensitivity test of human carcinoma cells of large intestine under normal atmospheric temperature and hyperthermic environment

  15. 在夏季高温条件下,剖析了生长猪在发酵床和水泥地面上的休息姿势的变化与温热环境的关系。

    This article analyzed the relationship between the resting position of pigs and thermal environment , compared them bio-bed and concrete ground under high temperature condition .

  16. 温热环境对生长猪生理生化指标的影响短时间亚高温对蓖麻叶中几个与抗逆性有关生理指标的影响

    Effect of Heat Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Pigs ; Effects of Sub-High Temperature in Short Time on Physiological Indexes Related to Resistance of Castor-Oil Plant

  17. 2001年夏热冬冷地区推出了节能规范,以积极推广健康、舒适、节能的住宅温热环境技术。

    Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Building in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone was put into practice in 2001 , which would lead the way of healthy , comfortable and energy efficiency residential environment technology .