
lěnɡ jué
  • sensation of cold;sense of cold
冷觉 [lěng jué]
  • [sensation of cold;sense of cold] 低温刺激皮肤产生的感觉

  1. 方法:应用QST仪检测118名正常人与136例DPN病人的冷觉(CS)、热觉(WS)和振动觉(VS)阈值及神经传导速度(NCV)。

    Methods : The nerve conduction velocity ( NCV ) and QST were examined in 136 diabetic patients and 118 normal controls , and their results were compared .

  2. 另外,宋词中冷觉温度词出现的频率要远远高于热觉温度词。

    Secondly , temperature words of cold sensation occur more frequently than those of heat sensation .

  3. 结果:两种不同刺激温度变化率时测得的温度值,在两个部位的冷觉、温觉阈值均无显著性差异;

    Results : There was no significant difference between the cool threshold and warm threshold at two sites .

  4. 首先,冷觉温度词多用来表示消极概念,比如坏的情绪、冷漠的态度、静止无声的状态、贫穷的经济条件,等等。

    Firstly , the former mostly indicates negative concepts , such as bad emotion , indifferent attitude , inactive state , etc. .

  5. 结果:在冷觉、热觉、热痛觉方面大鱼际肌的感觉比脚更加敏感,而冷痛觉则无明显差异;

    Results : TE was more sensitive to cold , warm and heat pain sensation than DF , but equally sensitive to cold pain .

  6. 婉约派比豪放派更频繁地使用冷觉温度词,其原因可归于其特殊的生活体验和人生经历。

    A larger number of words which describe low temperature are used in the former school , which may be due to the particular life experience of the writers .

  7. 而味觉是作为源域投射到温度域,从某种程度上说明相对于温觉人们对味觉的感知更具体。3.冷觉温度词和热觉温度词在宋词中的使用存在较大差异。

    TASTE acts as the source to map onto the TEMPERATURE , which to some extent reflects that TASTE is a more concrete sense than TEMPERATURE for people . ( 3 ) The use of temperature words of cold sensation and heat sensation is rather distinct in Song Lyrics .