
  • 网络frozen meat;Frozen Pork
  1. 冷冻肉是各类肉制品生产的主要原料。

    Frozen meat is the main raw material of manufacturing meat products .

  2. 那家超级市场有庞大的冷冻肉存货。

    That supermarket has a large stock of frozen meat .

  3. 英国食品标准局(FoodStandardsAgency)2月14日表示,生产商BernardMatthews已暂时同意,停止向零售商供应含原产于匈牙利的冷冻肉产品。

    The Food Standards Agency on the 14th Feb said that producer Bernard Matthews had agreed temporarily to stop supplying retailers with frozen products containing Hungarian meat .

  4. Hightea是有实质内容的一餐,由可口的甜品和诱人的各式点心组成。甜品如斯康饼、蛋糕、圆面包等;点心如乳酪土司、煎饼、冷冻肉、腌蛋土司等。

    Traditionally eaten early evening , High tea was a substantial meal that combined delicious sweet foods , such as scones , cakes , buns or tea breads , with tempting savouries , such as cheese on toast , toasted crumpets , cold meats and pickles or poached eggs on toast .

  5. 含有马肉的冷冻肉可能将被发放给穷人。

    FROZEN meals containing horsemeat may be given to the needy .

  6. 采购:鲜肉,冷冻肉(羊肉,牛肉)

    Buy : fresh meat , chilled meat ( lamb , beef )

  7. 冷冻肉经暴露在温暖的空气中,解冻得很快。

    Exposed to the warm air , the frozen meat thawed rapidly .

  8. 采购:冷冻肉,鸡肉,禽类产品,大豆,豌豆。

    Buy : frozen meat , chicken , poultry , bean , pulse .

  9. 采购:冷冻肉、蔬菜,鸡肉,主要是有机食品。

    Buy : meat , frozen vegetable , chicken meat , organic food .

  10. 这今天的《科学时刻》的问题是我们是否应该再次冷冻肉?

    The question for this Moment of Science is should you refreeze it ?

  11. 可以搭配红烧肉,野味烧烤,冷冻肉和乳酪。

    It is delicious served with red meat , game meat , cold meats or cheese .

  12. 采购:冷冻肉,牛肉,鸡肉等卖到香港和马来等地。

    Buy : Frozen meat , Poultry meat , Beef for Hongkong , Malysia and so on .

  13. 权威人士已经告我们再次冷冻肉,这种做法并不好。

    We 've been told by reliable authorities that it 's not good to refreeze uncooked meat .

  14. 如果第一次冷冻肉能保存肉,为什么第二次冷冻就不行呢?

    If freezing the meat in the first place helps preserve it , why doesn 't this work the second time around ?

  15. 冷藏肉制品和冷冻肉制品在储藏、运输和陈放期间要求冷链不间断,而货架寿命并不长。

    Chilled and frozen meat products require an uninterrupted cold chain during storage , transportation and display and have a short shelf life .

  16. 吃惯了冷冻肉和脱水蔬菜等战地快餐的士兵们说能吃到这种三明治相当于到五星级饭店打了回牙祭。

    Soldiers , who are used to MREs consisting of freeze-dried meat and vegetables , say this sandwich equals a meal in a five-star restaurant .

  17. 哈夫吃惯了冷冻肉和脱水蔬菜等战地快餐的士兵们说能吃到这种三明治相当于到五星级饭店打了回牙祭。

    HUFF Soldiers , who are used to MREs8 consisting of freeze-dried meat and vegetables , say this sandwich equals a meal in a five-star restaurant .

  18. 冷鲜肉克服了热鲜肉、冷冻肉在品质上存在的不足和缺陷,质地柔软有弹性,口感好,滋味鲜美。

    Overcome the cold-meat hot meat , frozen meat in the quality of the shortcomings and defects , soft , elastic texture , taste good , taste delicious .

  19. 冷鲜肉拥有卫生安全、味道鲜美、口感细嫩和营养丰富等众多优点,已经逐渐取代热鲜肉和冷冻肉,成为发达国家肉类消费的趋势。

    Chilled meat has many advantages , it is safe , healthy , tasty and rich nutrition . Hot fresh meat and frozen meat are being taken place by chilled meat . It is becoming a trend of meat consumption in developed countries at present .

  20. 将冷冻的肉卷放到抹了油的烤盘上。

    Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray .

  21. 你可以使用新鲜或冷冻的肉。

    You can use fresh or frozen meat .

  22. 冷冻贝肉食品的HACCP管理分析

    The administration of HACCP to frozen shellfish food

  23. 采购:冷冻羔羊肉,鸡肉罐头,牛肉罐头。

    Buy : Frozen lamb , Canned chicken , Canned beef .

  24. 如果你想加热冷冻的肉,打开加热器。

    And if you wanna piss of the meat in concrete , turn up the heat .

  25. 从超市买的冷冻熟肉。肉烧得很好(或很熟)。

    Frozen precooked meals from the supermarket . The meat is very well done .

  26. 采购:罐头食品,冷冻食品,肉制品,蘑菇。

    Buy : Canned Food , Frozen Foods , meat & Poultry , Mushrooms .

  27. 市场上有新鲜或冷冻的尾肉可供购买,价格随日令季节和供应情况而变动。

    Tail meat can be purchased fresh or frozen , with prices varying with the time of season and supply .

  28. 现在从冷冻库把肉拿出来,在晚餐前可以解冻。

    When you take the meat from the freezer now , it will be thawed out in time for supper .

  29. 选冷冻缓化肉为原料时,在品质改良剂作用下并控制良好斩拌条件的情况下,产品也能呈现良好的保水性。

    If choose frozen meat as material , products can also good at water holding capacity , under the action of the quality improver and a good chopping control conditions .

  30. 采购:蔬菜罐头,水果罐头,冷冻海产,冷冻肉,餐饮设备。

    Buy : Canned vegetable , Canned fruit , Frozen seafood , Frozen meat , Food machinery for meals .